348 results
Female Terracotta Figurine from Tomb 524 No. 25a [MYC 4/10/1], Female Terracotta Figurine from Tomb 524 No. 25a, 1920-1923

Watercolour drawing of female terracotta figurine from tomb 524. MYC 4/10/1 - MYC /10/8 are all included in 1936 Exhibition collection: 1936 EXH - 104E-F, along with MYC 4/11.

Front View of Female Terracotta Figurine from Tomb 504 [MYC 4/10/2], Front View of Female Terracotta Figurine from Tomb 504, 1920-1923

Watercolour drawing showing the front view of a female terracotta figurine from tomb 504. Same figurine as MYC 4/10/4. MYC 4/10/1 - MYC 4/10/8 are all included in 1936 Exhibition collection: 1936 EXH - 104E-F, along with MYC 4/11.

Female Terracotta Figurine from Tomb 524 No. 27 [MYC 4/10/3], Female Terracotta Figurine from Tomb 524 No. 27, 1920-1923

Watercolour drawing of female terracotta figurine from tomb 524. MYC 4/10/1 - MYC 4/10/8 are all included in 1936 Exhibition collection: 1936 EXH - 104E-F, along with MYC 4/11.

Back view of Female Terracotta Figurine from Tomb 504 [MYC 4/10/4], Back view of Female Terracotta Figurine from Tomb 504, 1920-1923

Watercolour drawing of the back view of a female terracotta figurine from tomb 504. Same figurine as MYC 4/10/2. MYC 4/10/1 - MYC 4/10/8 are all included in 1936 Exhibition collection: 1936 EXH - 104E-F, along with MYC 4/11.

Femaile Terracotta Figurine from Tomb 504 [MYC 4/10/5], Femaile Terracotta Figurine from Tomb 504, 1920-1923

Watercolour drawing of female terracotta figurine from tomb 504. MYC 4/10/1 - MYC 4/10/8 are all included in 1936 Exhibition collection: 1936 EXH - 104E-F, along with MYC 4/11.

Terracotta Figurine of Ox from Tomb 513 No. 3 [MYC 4/10/6], Terracotta Figurine of Ox from Tomb 513 No. 3, 1920-1923

Watercolour drawing of terracotta figurine of an ox from tomb 513. MYC 4/10/1 - MYC 4/10/8 are all included in 1936 Exhibition collection: 1936 EXH - 104E-F, along with MYC 4/11.

Terracotta Figurine of Ox from Tomb 527 [MYC 4/10/7], Terracotta Figurine of Ox from Tomb 527, 1920-1923

Watercolour drawing of terracotta figurine of an ox from tomb 527. MYC 4/10/1 - MYC 4/10/8 are all included in 1936 Exhibition collection: 1936 EXH - 104E-F, along with MYC 4/11.

Terracotta Figurine of Ox from Tomb 513 No. 4 [MYC 4/10/8], Terracotta Figurine of Ox from Tomb 513 No. 4, 1920-1923

Watercolour drawing of terracotta figurine of an ox from tomb 513 L.H. III. MYC 4/10/1 - MYC 4/10/8 are all included in 1936 Exhibition collection: 1936 EXH - 104E-F, along with MYC 4/11.

Bronze Weapons from Palace and Kalkani Cemetery [MYC 4/11], Bronze Weapons from Palace and Kalkani Cemetery, 1920-1923

Watercolour drawings of bronze daggers,knives, tweezers and spearheads from the Citadel and Kalkani Cemetery. MYC 4/11/1 - MYC 4/11/3 are all included in 1936 Exhibition collection: 1936 EXH - 104G-H, along with MYC 4/10.

Bronze Spearhead from Citadel [MYC 4/11/1], Bronze Spearhead from Citadel, 1920-1923

Watercolour drawing of bronze spearhead from the Citadel on the Acropolis. MYC 4/11/1 - MYC 4/11/3 are all included in 1936 Exhibition collection: 1936 EXH - 104G, along with MYC 4/10.

Bronze Dagger, Knives and Tweezer from Tombs 518 & 529 [MYC 4/11/2], Bronze Dagger, Knives and Tweezer from Tombs 518 & 529, 1920-1923

Watercolour drawing of bronze dagger and knives, with wooden and ivory handles and bronze tweezers, from Tombs 518 and 529. MYC 4/11/1 - MYC 4/11/3 are all included in 1936 Exhibition collection: 1936 EXH - 104H, along with MYC 4/10.

Bronze Knife from Western Portal of the Palace [MYC 4/11/3], Bronze Knife from Western Portal of the Palace, 1920-1923

Watercolour drawing of bronze knife from the room to the north of the western portal of the Palace. MYC 4/11/1 - MYC 4/11/3 are all included in 1936 Exhibition collection: 1936 EXH - 104H, along with MYC 4/10.

Winifred Lamb's 1921-22 Notebook [MYC 1/1], Winifred Lamb's 1921-22 Notebook, 1921

Notebook recording the progress of the excavation and information about finds in both the 1921 and 1922 seasons. Lamb records areas she is excavating from May-June 1921 including the fresco area, the NW slope, various rooms in the Palace (Megaron), Terrace of the Pithoi, the Court and some of the Tholos Tombs. She writes in detail about the frescoes in the Palace. She also has written excerpts from publications relevant to her work in Mycenae. Her recordings in May-June of 1922 focus more on the tombs of the Kalkani cemetery.

“Close Style” Bowl of the Granary Class from Corridors [MYC 3/1/08], “Close Style” Bowl of the Granary Class from Corridors, 1920

Watercolour drawing of a L.H. III bowl ornamented with black-brown glaze paint in the “close style,” but belonging to the granary class. It was Lfound in the East and West Corridors between 42▪40 and 40 in the Granary. It is labeled part “a” since MYC 3/1/8 – MYC 3/1/9 were formerly parts of the same plate. It is labelLed “7” on the front in pencil.

Orientalizing Pottery from Lion Gate [MYC 3/1/10], Orientalizing Pottery from Lion Gate, 1920-1923

B/W ink drawing of a L.H. III sherd of Orientalizing pottery. The drawing is black and white, although the original piece was brown clay with black drawings, detailed in purple. It was found in Stratum XI by the west wing of the Lion Gate. It is labelled “a” in ink on the front and “87” on the back in pencil.

Orientalizing Pottery from Lion Gate [MYC 3/1/11], Orientalizing Pottery from Lion Gate, 1920-1923

B/W ink drawing of a L.H. III sherd of Orientalizing pottery. The drawing is black and white, although the original piece was brown clay with black drawings, detailed in purple. It was found in Stratum XI by the west wing of the Lion Gate. It is labelled “b” in ink on the front with further annotations in pencil, “6” and “2/3 size”

Orientalizing Pottery from Lion Gate [MYC 3/1/12], Orientalizing Pottery from Lion Gate, 1920-1923

B/W ink drawing of a LH III sherd of Orientalizing pottery. The drawing is black and white, although the original piece was pale buff clay. It was found in Stratum XI by the west wing of the Lion Gate. It is labelled “c” in ink and heavily annotated in pencil on the front.

Kylikes Fragment with Octopus Tentacles from Granary [MYC 3/1/13], Kylikes Fragment with Octopus Tentacles from Granary, 1920

B/W ink drawing of a L.H. III Kylikes sherd displaying what appear to be octopus tentacles. It was found in shaft grave in the East Basement of the Granary. It is labeled part “a” since MYC 3/1/13 – MYC 3/1/16 were formerly parts of the same plate. It is annotated in pencil on the front and labeled “101” and “632” on the back

Ceramics from Granary [MYC 3/1/14], Ceramics from Granary, 1920

Two B/W ink drawings (MYC 3/1/14/1 & MYC 3/1/14/2) glued together showing fragments of pottery.

Horn of Bull’s Head Rhyton from Granary [MYC 3/1/14/1], Horn of Bull’s Head Rhyton from Granary, 1920

B/W ink drawing of a L.H. III horn from a Bull’s Head Rhyton. It was found in West Corridor of the Granary. It is labelled part “b” since MYC 3/1/13 – MYC 3/1/16 were formerly parts of the same plate. It is annotated in pencil and labelled “8” on the front and “97” and “629” on the back. It is glued to part “c” from the same plate, which is included as MYC 3/1/14/2

Spindle Whorl from Granary [MYC 3/1/14/2], Spindle Whorl from Granary, 1920

B/W ink drawing of a spindle whorl shaped like a wheel with hubs on either side. It was found in East Basement of the Granary. It is labelled part “c” since MYC 3/1/13 – MYC 3/1/16 were formerly parts of the same plate. It is labelled “631” on the front and back, and “107a” on the back. It is glued to part “b” from the same plate, which is included as MYC 3/1/14/1

Bull’s Head Ornament from Triple Loop Handled Vase [MYC 3/1/15], Bull’s Head Ornament from Triple Loop Handled Vase, 1920

B/W ink drawing of a bull’s head ornament from a triple loop handled vase of the granary class. It was found in East or West corridors of the basement in the Granary. It is labelled part “d” since MYC 3/1/13 – MYC 3/1/16 were formerly parts of the same plate. It is labelled “639” on the front and back, and “104” on the back.

Three Handled Jar from Granary [MYC 3/1/16], Three Handled Jar from Granary, 1920

B/W ink drawing of a three handled jar of the L.H. III granary class. It was found in East or West corridors of the basement in the Granary. It is labelled part “e” since MYC 3/1/13 – MYC 3/1/16 were formerly parts of the same plate; and “630” on the front and back as well as “104a” on the back.

M.H. Pottery Sherds from Palace Shrine [MYC 3/1/18], M.H. Pottery Sherds from Palace Shrine, 1920-1923

Watercolour drawing of Middle Helladic pottery sherds. They were found in the shrine of the palace. It is labeled part “138” as well as “854-856” on the back.

Fragment E of Palace Style Amphorae from Tomb of Aegisthus [MYC 3/1/19], Fragment E of Palace Style Amphorae from Tomb of Aegisthus, 1922-1923

Watercolour drawing of a L.H. II pottery sherd from a Palace Style Amphorae. It was found in the dromos of the Tomb of Aegisthus. It is labeled “747” on the back.

Collection of L.H. III Vases [MYC 3/1/26], Collection of L.H. III Vases, 1920-1923

Watercolour drawings of L.H. III pottery from Granary, Kalkani Cemetery, and Third Kilometre Cemeteries. MYC 3/1/26/1 - MYC 3/1/26/3 are all included in 1936 Exhibition collection: 1936 EXH - 111

L.H. III Vases [MYC 3/1/26/1], L.H. III Vases, 1920-1923

Watercolour drawing of Late Helladic III vases from Granary, Kalkani Cemetery, or Third Kilometer Cemetery. MYC 3/1/26/1 - MYC 3/1/26/3 are all included in 1936 Exhibition collection: 1936 EXH - 111

L.H. III Vase [MYC 3/1/26/2], L.H. III Vase, 1920-1923

Watercolour drawing of Late Helladic III vase from Granary, Kalkani Cemetery, or Third Kilometer Cemetery. It is labeled “5” on the front. MYC 3/1/26/1 - MYC 3/1/26/3 are all included in 1936 Exhibition collection: 1936 EXH - 111

L.H. III Vase from Tomb 521 [MYC 3/1/26/3], L.H. III Vase from Tomb 521, 1920-1923

Watercolour drawing of Late Helladic III vase from Kalkani Cemetery, Tomb 521. The bottom part of the drawing shows an enlarged version of the iconography on the vase which shows abstract human and animal figures. It is labeled “1” on the front. MYC 3/1/26/1 - MYC 3/1/26/3 are all included in 1936 Exhibition collection: 1936 EXH - 111H

Collection of L.H. I Vases [MYC 3/1/27], Collection of L.H. I Vases, 1920-1923

Watercolour drawings of L.H. I Vases from Tombs 517 & 518 in the Kalkani Cemetery. MYC 3/1/27/1 - MYC 3/1/27/3 are all included on a single plate

L.H. I Vase from Tomb 518 No. 19 [MYC 3/1/27/1], L.H. I Vase from Tomb 518 No. 19, 1920-1923

Watercolour drawing of Late Helladic I vase from Kalkani Cemetery, Tomb 518, with characteristic designs of Late Helladic I (1600-1500 B.C.) MYC 3/1/27/1 - MYC 3/1/27/3 are all included on a single plate

L.H. I Vase from Tomb 517 [MYC 3/1/27/2], L.H. I Vase from Tomb 517, 1920-1923

Watercolour drawing of Late Helladic I vase from Kalkani Cemetery, Tomb 517, with characteristic designs of Late Helladic I (1600-1500 B.C.) MYC 3/1/27/1 - MYC 3/1/27/3 are all included on a single plate

L.H. I Vase from Tomb 517 No. 13 [MYC 3/1/27/3], L.H. I Vase from Tomb 517 No. 13, 1920-1923

Watercolour drawing of Late Helladic I vase from Kalkani Cemetery, Tomb 517, with characteristic designs of Late Helladic I (1600-1500 B.C.) MYC 3/1/27/1 - MYC 3/1/27/3 are all included on a single plate

Collection of Vases from Tomb 515 - Kalkani Cemetery [MYC 3/1/28], Collection of Vases from Tomb 515 - Kalkani Cemetery, 1920-1923

Watercolour drawings of vases from Tombs 515 in the Kalkani Cemetery. MYC 3/1/28/1 - MYC 3/1/28/4 are all included on a single plate

Vase from Tomb 515 [MYC 3/1/28/1], Vase from Tomb 515, 1920-1923

Watercolour drawing of vase from the Kalkani Cemetery, Tomb 515, including a display of the design on the bottom. MYC 3/1/28/1 - MYC 3/1/28/4 are all included on a single plate

Vase from Tomb 515 [MYC 3/1/28/2], Vase from Tomb 515, 1920-1923

Watercolour drawing of vase from the Kalkani Cemetery, Tomb 515, including a display of the bottom design. MYC 3/1/28/1 - MYC 3/1/28/4 are all included on a single plate.

Vase from Tomb 515 [MYC 3/1/28/3], Vase from Tomb 515, 1920-1923

Watercolour drawing of vase from the Kalkani Cemetery, Tomb 515. Display of the bottom is included as MYC 3/1/28/4. MYC 3/1/28/1 - MYC 3/1/28/4 are all included on a single plate

Vase from Tomb 515 [MYC 3/1/28/4], Vase from Tomb 515, 1920-1923

Watercolour drawing of vase from the Kalkani Cemetery, Tomb 515. This only displays the bottom design. The vase itself is included as MYC 3/1/28/3. MYC 3/1/28/1 - MYC 3/1/28/4 are all included on a single plate

Vases from Kalkani Cemetery, tombs 530 & 532 [MYC 3/1/29], Vases from Kalkani Cemetery, tombs 530 & 532, 1920-1923

Watercolour drawing of two vases from the Kalkani Cemetery, tombs 530 & 532. These vases are MYC 3/1/29/1 & MYC 3/1/29/2, respectively

Vase from Tomb 530 [MYC 3/1/29/1], Vase from Tomb 530, 1920-1923

Watercolour drawing of albastron vase from the Kalkani Cemetery, Tomb 530. This image displays both side and bottom views of the vase. The vase has a wheel pattern on the bottom with rosettes in between the handles and a palm design wrapping around. MYC 3/1/29/1 & MYC 3/1/29/2 are on a single plate

Hole-Mouthed Vase from Tomb 532 [MYC 3/1/29/2], Hole-Mouthed Vase from Tomb 532, 1920-1923

Watercolour drawing opf a hole-mouthed vase from the Kalkani Cemetery, Tomb 532. This image only displays the side view of the vase. MYC 3/1/29/1 & MYC 3/1/29/2 are on a single plate

Three-Handled Amphora from Tomb 518 [MYC 3/1/30], Three-Handled Amphora from Tomb 518, 1920-1923

Watercolour drawing of three-handled amphora from the Kalkani Cemetery, Tomb 518. This image only displays the side view of the vase.

Jug from the Kalkani Cemetery, Tomb 517 [MYC 3/1/31/2], Jug from the Kalkani Cemetery, Tomb 517, 1920-1923

Watercolour drawing of a jug from the Kalkani Cemetery, Tomb 517. MYC 3/1/31/1 - MYC 3/1/31/3 are parts of MYC 3/1/31 and are pasted together on the same board which was previously framed.

Vases from Kalkani Cemetery [MYC 3/1/32], Vases from Kalkani Cemetery, 1920-1923

Six watercolour drawings of vases from tombs 516-518, 529, 533 at the Kalkani Cemetery. MYC 3/1/32/1 - MYC 3/1/32/6 are parts of MYC 3/1/32 and are pasted together on the same mount board which was previously framed

Shallow Saucer from Tomb 518 [MYC 3/1/32/1], Shallow Saucer from Tomb 518, 1920-1923

Watercolour drawing showing the side view of a shallow saucer, no. 41 from Tomb 518 of the Kalkani Cemetery. MYC 3/1/32/1 - MYC 3/1/32/6 are parts of MYC 3/1/32 and are pasted together on the same mount board which was previously framed.

Shallow Saucer from Tomb 517 [MYC 3/1/32/2], Shallow Saucer from Tomb 517, 1920-1923

Watercolour drawing showing the side and bottom of a shallow saucer from Tomb 517 of the Kalkani Cemetery. MYC 3/1/32/1 - MYC 3/1/32/6 are parts of MYC 3/1/32 and are pasted together on the same mount board which was previously framed.

Shallow Saucer from Tomb 516 [MYC 3/1/32/3], Shallow Saucer from Tomb 516, 1920-1923

Watercolour drawing showing the side and bottom of a shallow saucer from Tomb 516 of the Kalkani Cemetery. MYC 3/1/32/1 - MYC 3/1/32/6 are parts of MYC 3/1/32 and are pasted together on the same mount board which was previously framed.

Shallow Saucer from Tomb 518 [MYC 3/1/32/4], Shallow Saucer from Tomb 518, 1920-1923

Watercolour drawing showing the side of a shallow saucer, no. 39 from Tomb 518 of the Kalkani Cemetery. MYC 3/1/32/1 - MYC 3/1/32/6 are parts of MYC 3/1/32 and are pasted together on the same mount board which was previously framed.

Shallow Saucer from Tomb 533 [MYC 3/1/32/6], Shallow Saucer from Tomb 533, 1920-1923

Watercolour drawing showing the side of a shallow saucer from Tomb 533 of the Kalkani Cemetery. MYC 3/1/32/1 - MYC 3/1/32/6 are parts of MYC 3/1/32 and are pasted together on the same mount board which was previously framed.

Shallow Saucer from Tomb 529 [MYC 3/1/32/5], Shallow Saucer from Tomb 529, 1920-1923

Watercolour drawing showing the side of a shallow saucer from Tomb 529 of the Kalkani Cemetery. MYC 3/1/32/1 - MYC 3/1/32/6 are parts of MYC 3/1/32 and are pasted together on the same mount board which was previously framed.