7264 results
Palaikastro area: miscellaneous vases and a 5th century torch holder from the Temple of Dictaean Zeus [BSA SPHS 01/3126.8713], Palaikastro area: miscellaneous vases and a 5th century torch holder from the Temple of Dictaean Zeus, 1902-1906

Part of a group of images from the British School at Athens excavations at Palaikastro, Crete in the 1902-1905. The original description in the SPHS negative register reads: "Palaikastro: late Minoan vases".

Palaikastro: Ritual terracotta objects from the shrine of the hearth goddess [BSA SPHS 01/3127.8714], Palaikastro: Ritual terracotta objects from the shrine of the hearth goddess, 1904

Part of a group of images from the British School at Athens excavations at Palaikastro, Crete in the 1902-1905. The original description in the SPHS negative register reads: "Palaikastro: ritual objects, shrine of snake goddess (BSA X p.217)".

Palaikastro area: miscellaneous vases and a 5th century torch holder from the Temple of Dictaean Zeus [BSA SPHS 01/3131.8718], Palaikastro area: miscellaneous vases and a 5th century torch holder from the Temple of Dictaean Zeus, 1902-1906

Part of a group of images from the British School at Athens excavations at Palaikastro, Crete in the 1902-1905. The original description in the SPHS negative register reads: "Palaikastro: LM vase".

Palaikastro: Bronze shield from the Temple of Dictaean Zeus [BSA SPHS 01/3170.8766], Palaikastro: Bronze shield from the Temple of Dictaean Zeus, 1905

Part of a group of images from the British School at Athens excavations at Palaikastro, Crete in the 1902-1905. The original description in the SPHS negative register reads: "Palaikastro: bronze shield, temple of Dictaean Zeus (cf. BSA XI pl. XVI)".

Palaikastro: Bronze shield from the Temple of Dictaean Zeus [BSA SPHS 01/3178.8775], Palaikastro: Bronze shield from the Temple of Dictaean Zeus, 1905

Part of a group of images from the British School at Athens excavations at Palaikastro, Crete in the 1902-1905. The original description in the SPHS negative register reads: "Palaikastro: bronze shield, Dictaean temple (BSA XI pl. XVI)".

Palaikastro: Bronze tools and weapons [BSA SPHS 01/3180.8777], Palaikastro: Bronze tools and weapons, 1902-1906

Part of a group of images from the British School at Athens excavations at Palaikastro, Crete in the 1902-1905. The original description in the SPHS negative register reads: "Palaikastro: bronze weapons".

Palaikastro: Bronze daggers [BSA SPHS 01/4233.8780], Palaikastro: Bronze daggers, 1902-1906

Part of a group of images from the British School at Athens excavations at Palaikastro, Crete in the 1902-1905. The original description in the SPHS negative register reads: "Palaikastro: bronze dagger".

Palaikastro: Pottery rhyta [BSA SPHS 01/4235.8782], Palaikastro: Pottery rhyta, 1903

Part of a group of images from the British School at Athens excavations at Palaikastro, Crete in the 1902-1905. The original description in the SPHS negative register reads: "Palaikastro. LMII fillers (cf. BSA ix, p. 310)".

Palaikastro: Pottery rhyta [BSA SPHS 01/4236.8783], Palaikastro: Pottery rhyta, 1903

Part of a group of images from the British School at Athens excavations at Palaikastro, Crete in the 1902-1905. The original description in the SPHS negative register reads: "Palaikastro. LMII fillers (cf. BSA ix, p. 310)".

Palaikastro: Larnax [BSA SPHS 01/4248.8806], Palaikastro: Larnax, 1904

Part of a group of images from the British School at Athens excavations at Palaikastro, Crete in the 1902-1905. The original description in the SPHS negative register reads: "Palaikastro: larnax".

Palaikastro: Terracotta figure [BSA SPHS 03/3677.8810], Palaikastro: Terracotta figure, 1904

Part of a group of images from the British School at Athens excavations at Palaikastro, Crete in the 1902-1905. The original description in the SPHS negative register reads: "Palaikastro: terracotta figure".

Palaikastro: Terracotta figure (front view) [BSA SPHS 01/4252.8810], Palaikastro: Terracotta figure (front view), 1904

Part of a group of images from the British School at Athens excavations at Palaikastro, Crete in the 1902-1905. The original description in the SPHS negative register reads: "Palaikastro: terracotta figure".

Palaikastro: Terracotta figurine (back view) [BSA SPHS 01/4253.8811], Palaikastro: Terracotta figurine (back view), 1904

Part of a group of images from the British School at Athens excavations at Palaikastro, Crete in the 1902-1905. The original description in the SPHS negative register reads: "Palaikastro: terra cotta figurine".

Palaikastro: Larnax [BSA SPHS 01/4257.8815], Palaikastro: Larnax, 1904

Part of a group of images from the British School at Athens excavations at Palaikastro, Crete in the 1902-1905. The original description in the SPHS negative register reads: "Palaikastro: larnax".

Palaikastro: LMI oinochoe [BSA SPHS 01/4264.8822], Palaikastro: LMI oinochoe, 1903

Part of a group of images from the British School at Athens excavations at Palaikastro, Crete in the 1902-1905. The original description in the SPHS negative register reads: "Palaikastro: LMI jug".

Palaikastro: Steatite lamp stand [BSA SPHS 01/4271.8829], Palaikastro: Steatite lamp stand, 1903

Part of a group of images from the British School at Athens excavations at Palaikastro, Crete in the 1902-1905. The original description in the SPHS negative register reads: "Palaikastro: stone fruit stand". No negative is listed in the SPHS register.

Palaikastro: Stone lamp on terracotta stand [BSA SPHS 01/4273.8831], Palaikastro: Stone lamp on terracotta stand, 1903

Part of a group of images from the British School at Athens excavations at Palaikastro, Crete in the 1902-1905. The original description in the SPHS negative register reads: "Palaikastro: stone lamp on terra cotta stand".

Palaikastro: Larnax burials [BSA SPHS 01/4498.9283], Palaikastro: Larnax burials, 1904

Part of a group of images from the British School at Athens excavations at Palaikastro, Crete in the 1902-1905. The original description in the SPHS negative register reads: "Palaikastro: larnax burials".

Palaikastro: Larnax burials [BSA SPHS 01/4501.9286], Palaikastro: Larnax burials, 1904

Part of a group of images from the British School at Athens excavations at Palaikastro, Crete in the 1902-1905. The original description in the SPHS negative register reads: "Palaikastro: larnax burials".

Palaikastro: Terracotta drainage pipes in Block Π [BSA SPHS 01/4507.9292], Palaikastro: Terracotta drainage pipes in Block Π, 1904

Part of a group of images from the British School at Athens excavations at Palaikastro, Crete in the 1902-1905. The original description in the SPHS negative register reads: "Palaikastro: terracotta drainage pipes in block Π".

Palakastro: Plan of excavation 1903 [BSA SPHS 01/0228.1451], Palakastro: Plan of excavation 1903, 1903

Part of a group of images from the British School at Athens excavations at Palaikastro, Crete in the 1902-1905. The original description in the SPHS negative register reads: "Palaikastro plan".

Palakastro: Plan of excavation 1903 [BSA SPHS 03/0229.1451], Palakastro: Plan of excavation 1903, 1903

Part of a group of images from the British School at Athens excavations at Palaikastro, Crete in the 1902-1905. The original description in the SPHS negative register reads: "Palaikastro plan".

Palaikastro: Excavations showing Main Street from the Northwest [BSA SPHS 01/4865.1454], Palaikastro: Excavations showing Main Street from the Northwest, 1902-1904

Part of a group of images from the British School at Athens excavations at Palaikastro, Crete in the 1902-1905. The original description in the SPHS negative register reads: "Palaikastro: excavations, main street from N. W.".

Palaikastro: Excavations showing Crossroads in Main Street [BSA SPHS 01/4866.1456], Palaikastro: Excavations showing Crossroads in Main Street, 1902-1904

Part of a group of images from the British School at Athens excavations at Palaikastro, Crete in the 1902-1905. The original description in the SPHS negative register reads: "Palaikastro: excavations, main street, crossroad.".

Palaikastro: Excavations showing Crossroads in Main Street [BSA SPHS 03/0232.1456], Palaikastro: Excavations showing Crossroads in Main Street, 1902-1904

Part of a group of images from the British School at Athens excavations at Palaikastro, Crete in the 1902-1905. The original description in the SPHS negative register reads: "Palaikastro: excavations, main street, crossroad".

Palaikastro: Excavations showing Side Street [BSA SPHS 01/4867.1457], Palaikastro: Excavations showing Side Street, 1902-1904

Part of a group of images from the British School at Athens excavations at Palaikastro, Crete in the 1902-1905. The original description in the SPHS negative register reads: "Palaikastro: excavations, side street.".

Palaikastro: Excavations showing Side Street [BSA SPHS 03/0233.1457], Palaikastro: Excavations showing Side Street, 1902-1904

Part of a group of images from the British School at Athens excavations at Palaikastro, Crete in the 1902-1905. The original description in the SPHS negative register reads: "Palaikastro: excavations, side street".

Palaikastro: Steatite Lamp Stand [BSA SPHS 03/0237.1460], Palaikastro: Steatite Lamp Stand, 1903

Part of a group of images from the British School at Athens excavations at Palaikastro, Crete in the 1902-1905. The original description in the SPHS negative register reads: "Palaikastro: steatite lamp stand".

Palaikastro: Steatite Lamp Stand [BSA SPHS 01/0236.1460], Palaikastro: Steatite Lamp Stand, 1903

Part of a group of images from the British School at Athens excavations at Palaikastro, Crete in the 1902-1905. The original description in the SPHS negative register reads: "Palaikastro: steatite lamp stand".

Palaikastro: Pottery Rhyta [BSA SPHS 01/0238.1462], Palaikastro: Pottery Rhyta, 1903

Part of a group of images from the British School at Athens excavations at Palaikastro, Crete in the 1902-1905. The original description in the SPHS negative register reads: "Palaikastro: pottery fillers".

Palaikastro: Pottery Rhyta [BSA SPHS 03/0239.1462], Palaikastro: Pottery Rhyta, 1903

Part of a group of images from the British School at Athens excavations at Palaikastro, Crete in the 1902-1905. The original description in the SPHS negative register reads: "Palaikastro: pottery fillers".

Palaikastro: Pottery Rhyta [BSA SPHS 01/0240.1463], Palaikastro: Pottery Rhyta, 1903

Part of a group of images from the British School at Athens excavations at Palaikastro, Crete in the 1902-1905. The original description in the SPHS negative register reads: "Palaikastro: pottery fillers".

Palaikastro: Pottery Rhyta [BSA SPHS 03/0241.1463], Palaikastro: Pottery Rhyta, 1903

Part of a group of images from the British School at Athens excavations at Palaikastro, Crete in the 1902-1905. The original description in the SPHS negative register reads: "Palaikastro: pottery fillers".

Palaikastro: Pottery Rhyton [BSA SPHS 01/0242.1464], Palaikastro: Pottery Rhyton, 1903

Part of a group of images from the British School at Athens excavations at Palaikastro, Crete in the 1902-1905. The original description in the SPHS negative register reads: "Palaikastro: pottery fillers".

Palaikastro: Pottery Rhyton [BSA SPHS 03/0243.1464], Palaikastro: Pottery Rhyton, 1903

Part of a group of images from the British School at Athens excavations at Palaikastro, Crete in the 1902-1905. The original description in the SPHS negative register reads: "Palaikastro: pottery fillers".

Palaikastro: Kamares Ware [BSA SPHS 01/0244.1465], Palaikastro: Kamares Ware, 1903

Part of a group of images from the British School at Athens excavations at Palaikastro, Crete in the 1902-1905. The original description in the SPHS negative register reads: "Palaikastro: Kamares".

Palaikastro: Jug with Floral Design [BSA SPHS 01/0246.1466], Palaikastro: Jug with Floral Design, 1903

Part of a group of images from the British School at Athens excavations at Palaikastro, Crete in the 1902-1905. The original description in the SPHS negative register reads: "Palaikastro: jug with floral design".

Palaikastro: Jug with Floral Design [BSA SPHS 03/0247.1466], Palaikastro: Jug with Floral Design, 1903

Part of a group of images from the British School at Athens excavations at Palaikastro, Crete in the 1902-1905. The original description in the SPHS negative register reads: "Palaikastro: jug with floral design".

Palaikastro: Gourd Vase [BSA SPHS 03/0249.1467], Palaikastro: Gourd Vase, 1903

Part of a group of images from the British School at Athens excavations at Palaikastro, Crete in the 1902-1905. The original description in the SPHS negative register reads: "Palaikastro: gourd vase".

Palaikastro: LMII flask (front view) [BSA SPHS 01/4263.8821], Palaikastro: LMII flask (front view), 1903

Part of a group of images from the British School at Athens excavations at Palaikastro, Crete in the 1902-1905. The original description in the SPHS negative register reads: "Palaikastro: LMII jug".

Palaikastro: LMII flask (side view) [BSA SPHS 01/4265.8823], Palaikastro: LMII flask (side view), 1903

Part of a group of images from the British School at Athens excavations at Palaikastro, Crete in the 1902-1905. The original description in the SPHS negative register reads: "Palaikastro: LMII jug".

Palaikastro: Gourd Vase [BSA SPHS 01/0248.1467], Palaikastro: Gourd Vase, 1903

Part of a group of images from the British School at Athens excavations at Palaikastro, Crete in the 1902-1905. The original description in the SPHS negative register reads: "Palaikastro: gourd vase".

Palaikastro: Larnakes burials [BSA SPHS 01/4896.6015], Palaikastro: Larnakes burials, 1903

Part of a group of images from the British School at Athens excavations at Palaikastro, Crete in the 1902-1905. The original description in the SPHS negative register reads: "Palaikastro: larnakes burials".

Palaikastro: Larnax burial [BSA SPHS 03/3648.6015], Palaikastro: Larnax burial, 1903

Part of a group of images from the British School at Athens excavations at Palaikastro, Crete in the 1902-1905. The original description in the SPHS negative register reads: "Palaikastro: larnakes burials".

Palaikastro: Larnakes burials [BSA SPHS 01/4897.6016], Palaikastro: Larnakes burials, 1903

Part of a group of images from the British School at Athens excavations at Palaikastro, Crete in the 1902-1905. The original description in the SPHS negative register reads: "Palaikastro: Larnakes burials".

Palaikastro: Larnax burials on cliff site [BSA SPHS 03/3649.6016], Palaikastro: Larnax burials on cliff site, 1903

Part of a group of images from the British School at Athens excavations at Palaikastro, Crete in the 1902-1905. The original description in the SPHS negative register reads: "Palaikastro: Larnakes burials".

Palaikastro: Larnakes burials [BSA SPHS 01/4901.6020], Palaikastro: Larnakes burials, 1904

Part of a group of images from the British School at Athens excavations at Palaikastro, Crete in the 1902-1905. The original description in the SPHS negative register reads: "Palaikastro: Larnakes burials".

Palaikastro: Larnax burial [BSA SPHS 03/3650.6020], Palaikastro: Larnax burial, 1904

Part of a group of images from the British School at Athens excavations at Palaikastro, Crete in the 1902-1905. The original description in the SPHS negative register reads: "Palaikastro: Larnakes burials".

Palaikastro: General View across Plain to Acropolis of Kastri [BSA SPHS 03/2397.6423], Palaikastro: General View across Plain to Acropolis of Kastri, 1902

Part of a group of images from the British School at Athens excavations at Palaikastro, Crete in the 1902-1905. The original description in the SPHS negative register reads: "Palaikastro: general view across plain to Acropolis".

Palaikastro: General View across Plain to Acropolis of Kastri [BSA SPHS 01/2396.6423], Palaikastro: General View across Plain to Acropolis of Kastri, 1902

Part of a group of images from the British School at Athens excavations at Palaikastro, Crete in the 1902-1905. The original description in the SPHS negative register reads: "Palaikastro: general view across plain to Acropolis".