Part of a group of images from the British School at Athens excavations at Palaikastro, Crete in the 1902-1905. The original description in the SPHS negative register reads: "Plain of Palaikastro from the sea (BSA No.= P.K. 40)".
Part of a group of images from the British School at Athens excavations at Palaikastro, Crete in the 1902-1905. The original description in the SPHS negative register reads: "Palaikastro: main street, Block Δ on (BSA No.= P.K. 50)".
Part of a group of images from the British School at Athens excavations at Palaikastro, Crete in the 1902-1905. The original description in the SPHS negative register reads: "Palaikastro: main street, Block Δ on (BSA No.= P.K. 50)".
Part of a group of images from the British School at Athens excavations at Palaikastro, Crete in the 1902-1905. The original description in the SPHS negative register reads: "Palaikastro: entrance of later palace & earlier megaron into [unpl.] in Δ (BSA No.= P.K. 51)".
Part of a group of images from the British School at Athens excavations at Palaikastro, Crete in the 1902-1905. The original description in the SPHS negative register reads: "Palaikastro: entrance of later palace & earlier megaron into [unpl.] in Δ (BSA No.= P.K. 51)".
Part of a group of images from the British School at Athens excavations at Palaikastro, Crete in the 1902-1905. The original description in the SPHS negative register reads: "Palaikastro: Block Ξ (inferior to 7092) (BSA No.= P.K. 57)".
Part of a group of images from the British School at Athens excavations at Palaikastro, Crete in the 1902-1905. The original description in the SPHS negative register reads: "Palaikastro: Block Ξ (inferior to 7092) (BSA No.= P.K. 57)".
Part of a group of images from the British School at Athens excavations at Palaikastro, Crete in the 1902-1905. The original description in the SPHS negative register reads: "Palaikastro: Larnax containing three skulls (BSA No.= P.K. 59)".
Part of a group of images from the British School at Athens excavations at Palaikastro, Crete in the 1902-1905. The original description in the SPHS negative register reads: "Palaikastro: Larnax containing three skulls (BSA No.= P.K. 59)".
Part of a group of images from the British School at Athens excavations at Palaikastro, Crete in the 1902-1905. The original description in the SPHS negative register reads: "Palaikastro: 1904. Upper part of marble slab inscribed with the Hymn to Zeus".
Part of a group of images from the British School at Athens excavations at Palaikastro, Crete in the 1902-1905. The original description in the SPHS negative register reads: "Palaikastro: 1904. Upper part of marble slab inscribed with the Hymn to Zeus".
Part of a group of images from the British School at Athens excavations at Palaikastro, Crete in the 1902-1905. The original description in the SPHS negative register reads: "Palaikastro: 1904. Fragments of libation table with Minoan inscripton".
Part of a group of images from the British School at Athens excavations at Palaikastro, Crete in the 1902-1905. The original description in the SPHS negative register reads: "Palaikastro: 1904. Fragments of libation table with Minoan inscripton".
Part of a group of images from the British School at Athens excavations at Palaikastro, Crete in the 1902-1905. The original description in the SPHS negative register reads: "Palaikastro: vases, Late Minoan II from Β., Η., 13".
Part of a group of images from the British School at Athens excavations at Palaikastro, Crete in the 1902-1905. The original description in the SPHS negative register reads: "Palaikastro: vases, Late Minoan II from Β., Η., 13".
Part of a group of images from the British School at Athens excavations at Palaikastro, Crete in the 1902-1905. The original description in the SPHS negative register reads: "Palaikastro: vases, miscellaneous".
Part of a group of images from the British School at Athens excavations at Palaikastro, Crete in the 1902-1905. The original description in the SPHS negative register reads: "Palaikastro: vases, miscellaneous".
Part of a group of images from the British School at Athens excavations at Palaikastro, Crete in the 1902-1905. The original description in the SPHS negative register reads: "PK. pottery from Palaikastro: early incised bowl & stone vases".
Part of a group of images from the British School at Athens excavations at Palaikastro, Crete in the 1902-1905. The original description in the SPHS negative register reads: "PK. pottery from Palaikastro: early incised bowl & stone vases".
Part of a group of images from the British School at Athens excavations at Palaikastro, Crete in the 1902-1905. The original description in the SPHS negative register reads: "Palaikastro: bronze objects".
Part of a group of images from the British School at Athens excavations at Palaikastro, Crete in the 1902-1905. The original description in the SPHS negative register reads: "Palaikastro. LMII vases".
Part of a group of images from the British School at Athens excavations at Palaikastro, Crete in the 1902-1905. The original description in the SPHS negative register reads: "Palaikastro. LMII vases".
Part of a group of images from the British School at Athens excavations at Palaikastro, Crete in the 1902-1905. The original description in the SPHS negative register reads: "Palaikastro: larnax".
Part of a group of images from the British School at Athens excavations at Palaikastro, Crete in the 1902-1905. The original description in the SPHS negative register reads: "Palaikastro: larnax".
Part of a group of images from the British School at Athens excavations at Palaikastro, Crete in the 1902-1905. The original description in the SPHS negative register reads: "Palaikastro: [larnax] cart".
Part of a group of images from the British School at Athens excavations at Palaikastro, Crete in the 1902-1905. The original description in the SPHS negative register reads: "Palaikastro: [larnax] cart".
Part of a group of images from the British School at Athens excavations at Palaikastro, Crete in the 1902-1905. The original description in the SPHS negative register reads: "Palaikastro: excavations, main street from N. W.".
Part of a group of images from the British School at Athens excavations at Palaikastro, Crete in the 1902-1905. The original description in the SPHS negative register reads: "Palaikastro: Kamares".
R.M. Dawkins at Carnival in the town of Viza in Thrace in the spring of 1906. Many of the images from his time there record a particular festival in which a masquerade is performed during the course of several days. The original description in the SPHS negative register reads: "Scene from the Mummery play at Viza".
Part of a collection of images from Wace and Dawkins' travels to the Dodecanese and the Cyclades between 1906 and 1907, primarily to collect textiles. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sikinos: temple, E. end".
Part of a collection of images from Wace and Dawkins' travels to the Dodecanese and the Cyclades between 1906 and 1907, primarily to collect textiles. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sikinos: temple, S. end".
Part of a collection of images from Wace and Dawkins' travels to the Dodecanese and the Cyclades between 1906 and 1907, primarily to collect textiles. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sikinos: temple, W. end".
Part of a collection of images from Wace and Dawkins' travels to the Dodecanese and the Cyclades between 1906 and 1907, primarily to collect textiles. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Astypalaea: Quirini arms on house in town".
Part of a collection of images from Wace and Dawkins' travels to the Dodecanese and the Cyclades between 1906 and 1907, primarily to collect textiles. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Leros: Kastro".
Part of the collection of images, 1906-1910, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta: sherds & heads in relief from vases".
Part of the collection of images, 1906-1910, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta: lead figurines, Menelaion, BSA XV p.131".
Part of a collection of images from Wace and Dawkins' travels to the Dodecanese and the Cyclades between 1906 and 1907, primarily to collect textiles. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Telos: Acropolis, gate".
The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Masquerader from Scyros (J.H.S. p.202. fig. 9)"
Part of a collection of images of Woodward's travels with Ormerod to SW Asia Minor in 1910 (BSA 16: 76-136; 295). The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Comana: (Pisidiae) (C.I.L.Suppl. 6885 III. in situ)".
Part of a collection of images of Woodward's travels with Ormerod to SW Asia Minor in 1910 (BSA 16: 76-136; 295). The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Comana: (Pisidiae) altar in plain to E. of site".
Part of a collection of images of Woodward's travels with Ormerod to SW Asia Minor in 1910 (BSA 16: 76-136; 295). The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Termessus: major Pisidiae. wall across pass, 2 hrs below Termessus".
Part of a collection of images of Woodward's travels with Ormerod to SW Asia Minor in 1910 (BSA 16: 76-136; 295). The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Termessus: major Pisidiae. lower half of statue of Aphrodite & Eros".
Part of a collection of images of Woodward's travels with Ormerod to SW Asia Minor in 1910 (BSA 16: 76-136; 295). The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Termessus: major Pisidiae. wall across approach on N. side".
Part of a collection of images of Woodward's travels with Ormerod to SW Asia Minor in 1910 (BSA 16: 76-136; 295). The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Termessus: major Pisidiae. Heroon in Agora from W.".
Part of a collection of images of Woodward's travels with Ormerod to SW Asia Minor in 1910 (BSA 16: 76-136; 295). The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Termessus Major: Pisidiae. Odeum from N.W.".
Part of a collection of images of Woodward's travels with Ormerod to SW Asia Minor in 1910 (BSA 16: 76-136; 295). The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Termessus: major Pisidiae. Proscenium wall in theatre from N.W.".
Part of a collection of images of Woodward's travels with Ormerod to SW Asia Minor in 1910 (BSA 16: 76-136; 295). The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Termessus: major Pisidiae. ancient spring on road leading to site".
Part of a collection of images of Woodward's travels with Ormerod to SW Asia Minor in 1910 (BSA 16: 76-136; 295). The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Termessus: major Pisidiae. theatre from S.".
Part of a collection of images from Dawkins' travel to Pontus to investigate dialects in 1914. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Monastery of S George Peristerreona, near Trebizond".
Part of a collection of images from Dawkins' travel to Pontus to investigate dialects in 1914. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Monastery of S John at Imera, near Trebizond".