Part of the collection of images, 1906-1910, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta: Great altar, upper surface".
Part of the collection of images, 1906-1910, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta: late Rom. Wall of Acropolis. B.S.A.".
Part of the collection of images, 1906-1910, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta: excavations: late Roman fortification wall. S. front of 6702".
Part of the collection of images, 1906-1910, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Pithos burial from heroon".
Part of the collection of images, 1906-1910, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta: pithos found near Artemision containing early internment".
Part of the collection of images, 1906-1910, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta: sickel inscription No. 2178".
Part of the collection of images, 1906-1910, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta: sickel inscription No 2482".
Part of the collection of images, 1906-1910, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta: Artemision from high ground on S. general view".
Part of the collection of images, 1906-1910, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta: (continues 6901) Taygetus behind".
Part of the collection of images, 1906-1910, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta: Bases of piers of outer colonnade of Rom. annexes to Artemision".
Part of the collection of images, 1906-1910, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta: bases of piers of outer colonnade of amphitheatre".
Part of the collection of images, 1906-1910, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta: theater blocks for stage buildings".
Part of the collection of images, 1906-1910, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta: theatre blocks from stage buildings".
Part of the collection of images, 1906-1910, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta: excavators 1906".
Part of the collection of images, 1906-1910, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta: excavators 1906".
Part of the collection of images, 1906-1910, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta: Stelai from Artemision, dedication of sickles (prizes) for boy victors".
Part of the collection of images, 1906-1910, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta: sherds of Megarian bowls".
Part of the collection of images, 1906-1910, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta: Hellenistic sherds".
Part of the collection of images, 1906-1910, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta: hero reliefs. T.C. from heroon".
Part of the collection of images, 1906-1910, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta: masks, crude, early, bearded head".
Part of the collection of images, 1906-1910, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta: masks, profile and front view of head with markedly protruding nose".
Part of the collection of images, 1906-1910, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta: masks, profile and front view of head of old man".
Part of the collection of images, 1906-1910, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta: masks, (a) mask for practical use (b) head of a leper".
Part of the collection of images, 1906-1910, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta: masks, 2 views of the finest fragment".
Part of the collection of images, 1906-1910, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta: masks, 2 views of rather conventionalised head, showing 'tattooing'".
Part of the collection of images, 1906-1910, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta: Roman statue, male".
Part of the collection of images, 1906-1910, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta: upper part of Heracles herm from Arapissa".
Part of the collection of images, 1906-1910, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta: figurines, various types".
Part of the collection of images, 1906-1910, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta: Orthia, general view".
Part of the collection of images, 1906-1910, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta: Orthia, Roman bases".
Part of the collection of images, 1906-1910, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta: Orthia, Roman amphitheatre".
Part of the collection of images, 1906-1910, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta: Orthia, front of temple, excavation of arena"
Part of the collection of images, 1906-1910, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta: Orthia, excavation arena".
Part of the collection of images, 1906-1910, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta: town wall".
Part of the collection of images, 1906-1910, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta: Laconian cylix, ext. and int.".
Part of the collection of images, 1906-1910, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta: workmen, 1906".
Part of the collection of images, 1906-1910, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta: bowl".
Part of the collection of images, 1906-1910, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Uncertain".
Part of the collection of images, 1906-1910, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta: lead figurines, Menelaion, BSA XV p. 128".
Part of the collection of images, 1906-1910, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta: excavations".
Part of the collection of images, 1906-1910, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta: Orthia temenos wall in millstream".
Part of the collection of images, 1906-1910, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta: lead figurines, Menelaion, BSA XV pl.7".
Part of the collection of images, 1906-1910, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta: probably Heroon".
Part of the collection of images, 1906-1910, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "T.C. frieze, spiralform. B.S.A.".
Part of the collection of images, 1906-1910, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta: Great altar, upper surface".
The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta: the Artemision Temple, S.E. corner".
Part of the collection of images, 1906-1910, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta: Hellenistic vases and lamps".
Part of the collection of images, 1906-1910, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta: Hellenistic vases and lamps".
Part of the collection of images, 1906-1910, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta: Panathenaic amphora sherds".
Part of the collection of images, 1906-1910, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta: Panathenaic amphora sherds".