19 results

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Letter to Hilda [Pendlebury] from Bob [Dixon] [PEN 1/2/3/1/16], Letter to Hilda [Pendlebury] from Bob [Dixon], Sunday, May 31, 1942

Thanking Hilda for a letter, discussing the obituary of John that he was writing for the Times newspaper and that Hilda wanted to help Greece. Dixon asked what kind of help Hilda was thinking of, and suggested that Ismene [?] who was on the Committee of the Anglo-Hellenic League could advise her. Also promising to see Hilda in Cambridge if he could get time off in the summer.

Letter to Hilda [Pendlebury] from Bob [Dixon] [PEN 1/2/3/1/17], Letter to Hilda [Pendlebury] from Bob [Dixon], Wednesday, June 10, 1942

Sending the obituary of John that Bob Dixon had written for the Times newspaper and informing Hilda that he had sent it straight to the Times “in view of S.C.’s note” but that changes could still be made. Also includes news that Dixon’s son had a scholarship to Eton.

Photograph [by Bob Dixon] of “Party at Phyle” [Filí] [PEN 2/2/1/68], Photograph [by Bob Dixon] of “Party at Phyle” [Filí], [30 Nov 1927]

Group photograph of Miss Turnbull, Hilda White, John Pendlebury, Sylvia Benton and Winifred Lamb, sitting down on rocks.