8 results

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Letter to Hilda [Pendlebury] from Herbert Pendlebury [PEN 1/2/3/1/10], Letter to Hilda [Pendlebury] from Herbert Pendlebury, Tuesday, March 31, 1942

Comprises a letter about various matters arising from John’s death: agreeing that the [Egyptian Exploration Society] could mention John’s death in their annual report; returning correspondence from the [War Office] establishing John’s rank as Captain; agreeing to narrative portions of a memoir about John in the Journal [of Egyptian Archaeology] being in smaller type; agreeing that the story of John’s death from [Commander Frank] Pool was correct and mentioning that when the War Office publish it Hilda should ask Bob Dixon to write to the Times newspaper; and hoping that Hilda was able to get out of civil service billeting. Also includes a draft for a memoir about John for the American branch of the [Egyptian Exploration Society], asking Hilda to approve it and add a precis.

Letter to Hilda [Pendlebury] from Herbert Pendlebury [PEN 1/2/3/1/19], Letter to Hilda [Pendlebury] from Herbert Pendlebury, Thursday, July 16, 1942

Forwarding a confidential letter from Lieutenant [Mike] Cumberlege, John’s last message to his men [in Crete] and a photograph of [Commander Francis] and Satan [the dog] (the last 2 items were to be returned). Discussing the content of Cumberlege’s letter and the weaknesses of the story about John’s death (such as that Cumberlege didn’t know Greek very well), and the fact that German broadcasts contradicted it. Herbert also states that he told Cumberlege that he or Hilda would visit if he had further evidence, and that Mabel [Dickinson] had told him that Hilda had offered the same to Captain Pearson. Also thanks Hilda for letting him know about [Ralph] Lavers and her suggestion for a memoir [about John] in the A A [Architectural Association] Journal.

Letter to Hilda [Pendlebury] from Herbert Pendlebury [PEN 1/2/3/3/1], Letter to Hilda [Pendlebury] from Herbert Pendlebury, Saturday, May 19, 1945

Containing family news, hopes that Hilda will get information from Mercy [Money-Coutts] or [Tom Dunbabin] about what happened to John [Pendlebury] during the German occupation of Crete now that the island had been liberated, and discussion of a biography about John presented to St. George’s School in Wigan. Herbert writes that he had thanked Mr Martin for a biography of John that he and Gerard [Pendlebury, John’s cousin] wrote and a book they made for St George’s School; that he had a letter in reply about a church service [memorial service for John] on St George’s day during which the book was on display, and that the book was to be placed in the School Hall. Herbert also writes that they had a nice letter from David [Pendlebury] and hoped to see him at Abberley [school] next month; that they had not seen Joan [Pendlebury]; that he had been re-elected as Chairman of the Library Committee; and that Robin [Herbert’s step-son] was to go before a medical board in a military hospital in Hereford.

Letter to Hilda [Pendlebury] from Herbert Pendlebury [PEN 1/2/3/3/2], Letter to Hilda [Pendlebury] from Herbert Pendlebury, [c.May-Jun 1945]

Updating Hilda on correspondence and family news: that he had written on David [Pendlebury] to arrange to visit him; that he wrote to the Master of Pembroke [College, Cambridge] sending a character sketch of [John] by [Bob] Dixon and thanking him for sending Hilda a letter from Gardner-Brown, with paragraphs about John quoted from the Master’s reply; that Robin [Herbert’s step-son] had 3 months leave from military service after going before the medical board; and that Mabel [Dickinson] was not very well.

Letter to John Pendlebury from his father, with an envelope [PEN 1/1/1/1], Letter to John Pendlebury from his father, with an envelope, Sunday, April 07, 1918

Congratulating John on a good school report [from Beaudesert Park School, Henley-in-Arden]; asking John to tell his mother that “the old men” (Doctors Sing, Powels and Kachbas) had enjoyed that evening with Herbert Pendlebury; mentioning that he would be having supper with Doctor Sing in order to meet Doctor and Mrs McCaskie; and commenting on his complexion. The letter was sent from 44 Brook Street, Grosvenor Square [London] to John who was staying with his mother at Herbert and Violet [Mitchell’s] house (Holly Bank, Bradford, Yorkshire). Herbert Pendlebury refers to the Mitchell’s as “Aunt Violet and Uncle H”.