168 results

Please note that there might currently be restricted access to some unpublished items

Hagios Demetrios [BRF/01/01/07/288], Hagios Demetrios, 1907?

Two sections (upper row) and plan (lower row) of the 'Tomb Chamber' at the north-west of the church. The drawing has been framed for the 1985 exhibition. Further annotation in pencil survives.

Hagios Demetrios [BRF/01/01/07/289], Hagios Demetrios, 1907?

Ground plan. The drawing has been framed for the 1985 exhibition. This is a preliminary drawing. It is entitled in ink: 'S. Demetrius Thessalonica'. It is initialed (W.S.G.) in pencil in the lower right-hand corner. Further annotation in pencil survives.

Hagios Demetrios [BRF/01/01/07/290], Hagios Demetrios, 1907?

Various gallery plans. The drawing has been framed for the 1985 exhibition. This is a preliminary drawing. It is initialed (W.S.G.) in pencil in the lower right-hand corner. Further annotation in pencil survives.

Hagios Demetrios [BRF/01/01/07/291], Hagios Demetrios, 1907?

Transverse section looking east (upper row, left), Transverse section looking west (upper row, right), Longitudinal section (lower row). The drawing has been framed for the 1985 exhibition. This is a preliminary drawing. It is initialed (W.S.G.) in pencil in the lower right-hand corner. Further annotation in pencil survives.

Hagios Demetrios [BRF/01/01/07/292], Hagios Demetrios, 1907?

Section of part of the central bay. The drawing has been framed for the 1985 exhibition. This is a preliminary drawing. It is initialed (W.S.G.) in pencil in the upper right-hand corner. Further annotation in pencil and ink survives.

Hagios Demetrios [BRF/01/01/07/293], Hagios Demetrios, 1907?

Section of the nave looking west. The drawing has been framed for the 1985 exhibition. This is a preliminary drawing. It is initialed (W.S.G.) in pencil in the lower right-hand corner. Further annotation in pencil and ink survives.

Hagios Demetrios [BRF/01/01/07/294], Hagios Demetrios, 1907?

Longitudinal section (upper row), East elevation (lower row, left), Sections of windows with window measurements. The drawing has been framed for the 1985 exhibition. This is a preliminary drawing. It is initialed (W.S.G.) in pencil in the lower right-hand corner. Further annotation in pencil and ink survives.

Hagios Demetrios [BRF/01/01/07/295], Hagios Demetrios, 1907?

Plan of north transept, Various gallery plans, Sections and an Elevation of south aisle wall. The drawing has been framed for the 1985 exhibition. This is a preliminary drawing. Further annotation in pencil and ink survives.

Hagios Demetrios [BRF/01/01/07/296], Hagios Demetrios, 1907?

Architectural sculpture (Capitals). The drawing has been framed for the 1985 exhibition. This is a preliminary drawing. Each sketch is labelled in pencil. Further annotation in pencil and ink survives.

Hagios Demetrios [BRF/01/01/07/297], Hagios Demetrios, 1907?

Architectural sculpture - Capitals in the north transept. The drawing has been framed for the 1985 exhibition. This is a preliminary drawing. It is entitled in pencil:'St. Demetrius-Capital in the North Transept'. Further annotation in pencil and ink survives.

Hagios Demetrios [BRF/01/01/07/298], Hagios Demetrios, 1907?

Marble revetments. The drawing has been framed for the 1985 exhibition. This is a preliminary drawing. It is initialed in pencil (W.S.G.) in the lower right-hand corner. Further annotation in pencil and ink survives.

Hagios Demetrios [BRF/01/01/07/299], Hagios Demetrios, 1909

Marble opus sectile. The drawing has been framed for the 1985 exhibition. Further annotation in pencil survives.

Hagios Demetrios [BRF/01/01/07/300], Hagios Demetrios, 1907?

Marble opus sectile panels. The drawing has been framed for the 1985 exhibition. This is a preliminary drawing. It is initialed in pencil (W.S.G.) in the lower right-hand corner. Further annotation in pencil survives.

Hagios Demetrios [BRF/01/01/07/301], Hagios Demetrios, 1907?

Marble revetments of colonnade of west gallery. The drawing has been framed for the 1985 exhibition. This is a preliminary drawing. It is initialed in pencil (W.S.G.) in the lower right-hand corner. Further annotation in pencil survives.

Hagios Demetrios [BRF/01/01/07/302], Hagios Demetrios, 1907?

Marble revetment of nave colonnade (south side). The drawing has been framed for the 1985 exhibition. This is a preliminary drawing. It is initialed in pencil (W.S.G.) in the lower right-hand corner. Further annotation in pencil survives.

Hagios Demetrios [BRF/01/01/07/303], Hagios Demetrios, 1907?

Marble revetment of upper gallery colonnade. The drawing has been framed for the 1985 exhibition. This is a preliminary drawing. It is initialed in pencil (W.S.G.) in the lower right-hand corner. Further annotation in pencil survives.

Hagios Demetrios [BRF/01/01/07/304], Hagios Demetrios, 1907?

Marble linings to arch soffits. The drawing has been framed for the 1985 exhibition. This is a preliminary drawing. It is initialed in pencil (W.S.G.) in the lower right-hand corner. Further annotation in pencil survives.

Hagios Demetrios [BRF/02/01/07/218], Hagios Demetrios, 1907?

North pier mosaic - The Virgin and Hagios Theodoros. The photograph is signed in pencil at the back: 'W.S.George'. Further annotation in pencil survives.

Hagios Demetrios [BRF/01/01/07/305], Hagios Demetrios, 1909

South inner aisle, west wall - Mosaic, Hagios Demetrios with Donors. This is a preliminary drawing. It is numbered 'No 5' in the upper right-hand corner. Further annotation in pencil survives.The drawing was framed for the 1985 exhibition.

Hagios Demetrios [BRF/01/01/07/306], Hagios Demetrios, 1907?

Mosaic-North inner aisle, spandrel B, nave: St. Demetrios with Prophet and Donor The drawing has been framed for the 1985 exhibition. This is a preliminary drawing. It is numbered 'No 1'. Further annotation in pencil survives.

Hagios Demetrios [BRF/01/01/07/307], Hagios Demetrios, 1907?

North inner aisle - Inscription. The applied technique could be described as: 'painted squeeze'. The drawing has been framed for the 1985 exhibition. This is a preliminary drawing. It is numbered 'No 10' ref. To no 1. Further annotation in pencil survives.

Hagios Demetrios [BRF/01/01/07/308], Hagios Demetrios, 1909

North inner aisle - Mosaics. The drawing has been framed for the 1985 exhibition. This is a preliminary drawing. It is numbered 'No 2' at the top of the front side. Further annotation in pencil survives.

Hagios Demetrios [BRF/01/01/07/309], Hagios Demetrios, 1909

North inner aisle - Mosaics. This is a preliminary drawing. It is numbered 'No 3'. Further annotation in pencil survives.The drawing was framed for the 1985 exhibition.

Hagios Demetrios [BRF/01/01/07/310], Hagios Demetrios, 1907?

North inner aisle - Inscription. The applied technique could be described as: 'painted squeeze'. The drawing has been framed for the 1985 exhibition. This is a preliminary drawing. It is numbered 'No 18' ref. to No 2. Further annotation in pencil survives.

Hagios Demetrios [BRF/01/01/07/311], Hagios Demetrios, 1907?

North inner aisle - Inscription. The applied technique could be described as: 'painted squeeze'. The drawing has been framed for the 1985 exhibition. This is a preliminary drawing. It is numbered 'No 11' ref. To No 3. Further annotation in ink survives.

Hagios Demetrios [BRF/01/01/07/312], Hagios Demetrios, 1909

North inner aisle - Mosaics. The drawing has been framed for the 1985 exhibition. This is a preliminary drawing. It is numbered 'No 4'. Further annotation in pencil survives.

Hagios Demetrios [BRF/01/01/07/313], Hagios Demetrios, 1909

Mosaic, inscription: north inner aisle, spandrel G, nave The applied technique could be described as: 'painted squeeze'. The drawing has been framed for the 1985 exhibition. This is a preliminary drawing. It is numbered 'No 12' ref. To no 4. Further annotation in pencil survives.

Hagios Demetrios [BRF/01/01/07/314], Hagios Demetrios, July 1909

North inner aisle - Donor, inscription. The applied technique could be described as: 'painted squeeze'. The drawing has been framed for the 1985 exhibition. This is a preliminary drawing. It is numbered 'No 13' ref. To no 4. Further annotation in pencil survives. See letter George to Schultz in BRF Corporate dated 09 July 1909

Hagios Georgios (Rotunda) [BRF/01/01/07/192], Hagios Georgios (Rotunda), 1907?

Longitudinal section (top) - Ground plan (bottom). This is a preliminary drawing. It is initialed in pencil (W.S.G.) in the bottom right-hand corner. Further annotation in ink survives.

Hagios Georgios (Rotunda) [BRF/01/01/07/193], Hagios Georgios (Rotunda), 1907?

Ground plan. This is a preliminary drawing. It is initialed in pencil (W.S.G.) in the bottom right-hand corner. Further annotation in pencil survives.

Hagios Georgios (Rotunda) [BRF/01/01/07/194], Hagios Georgios (Rotunda), 1907?

Roof plan. This is a preliminary drawing. Further annotation in pencil survives.

Hagios Georgios (Rotunda) [BRF/01/01/07/196], Hagios Georgios (Rotunda), 1907?

Roof plan. The drawing is entitled: 'Church of Saint George Thessalonica' No 2.

Hagios Georgios (Rotunda) [BRF/01/01/07/201], Hagios Georgios (Rotunda), 1907?

Mosaic (detail). This is a preliminary drawing. It is initialed (W.S.G.) in pencil in the lower right-hand corner. Further annotation in pencil survives.

Hagios Georgios (Rotunda) [BRF/01/01/07/202], Hagios Georgios (Rotunda), 1907?

Mosaic (detail). This is a preliminary drawing. It is initialed (W.S.G.) in pencil in the lower right-hand corner. Further annotation in pencil survives.

Hagios Georgios (Rotunda) [BRF/01/01/07/203], Hagios Georgios (Rotunda), 1907?

Mosaic (detail- two Martyrs). This is a preliminary drawing. It is initialed (W.S.G.) in pencil in the lower right-hand corner. Further annotation in pencil survives.

Hagios Georgios (Rotunda) [BRF/01/01/07/204], Hagios Georgios (Rotunda), 1907?

Mosaic (detail- two Martyrs). This is a preliminary drawing. It is initialed (W.S.G.) in pencil in the lower right-hand corner. Further annotation in pencil survives.

Hagios Georgios (Rotunda) [BRF/01/01/07/205], Hagios Georgios (Rotunda), May-07

Plan, Section and Elevation of basin. This is a preliminary drawing. Further annotation in pencil survives.

Hagios Georgios (Rotunda) [BRF/01/01/07/206], Hagios Georgios (Rotunda), May-07

Plan, Section and Elevation of basin. The drawing is entitled:'Church of Saint George Thessalonica' No5. It is labelled:'Elevation-Section-Plan'. Further annotation in ink survives.

Vlachernae Palace [BRF/01/02/01/002], Vlachernae Palace, 1909/1910?

Plan. This is a preliminary drawing. It is entitled in pencil:'Bal Mum Khane Blachernae Constantinople'.

Vlachernae Palace [BRF/01/02/01/003], Vlachernae Palace, 1909/1910?

Sections - Elevations (Internal). This is a preliminary drawing. It is entitled in pencil: 'Bal Mum Khane Blachernae Constantinople'.

Hagios Ioannis ton Stoudiou [BRF/01/02/01/012], Hagios Ioannis ton Stoudiou, 1909/1910?

Plan. This is a preliminary drawing. It is annotated in ink.The drawing is a copy.

Hagios Ioannis ton Stoudiou [BRF/01/02/01/013], Hagios Ioannis ton Stoudiou, 1909/1910?

Plan. This is a preliminary drawing. It is annotated in ink.The drawing is a copy.

Hagios Ioannis ton Stoudiou [BRF/01/02/01/014], Hagios Ioannis ton Stoudiou, 1909/1910?

West elevation - Details. This is a preliminary drawing. It is annotated in ink.The drawing is a copy.

Hagios Ioannis ton Stoudiou [BRF/01/02/01/015], Hagios Ioannis ton Stoudiou, 1909/1910?

Windows and Mouldings. This is a preliminary drawing. It is annotated in ink.The drawing is a copy.

Hagios Ioannis ton Stoudiou [BRF/01/02/01/018], Hagios Ioannis ton Stoudiou, 1909/1910?

Longitudinal section (upper part) - Elevation (lower part). This is a preliminary drawing. It is annotated in pencil.

Hagios Ioannis ton Stoudiou [BRF/01/02/01/019], Hagios Ioannis ton Stoudiou, 1909/1910?

Cross section. This is a preliminary drawing. It is annotated in pencil.

Hagios Ioannis ton Stoudiou [BRF/01/02/01/021], Hagios Ioannis ton Stoudiou, 1909/1910?

Longitudinal section. The drawing is entitled in ink: 'S. John of the Stoudion'. It is signed (W.S.George) in ink in the lower right-hand corner. It is annotated in ink.

Hagios Ioannis ton Stoudiou [BRF/01/02/01/022], Hagios Ioannis ton Stoudiou, 1906/1907? and 1909/1910?

Upper part by R. Traquair: Narthex elevation - Lower part by W. S. George: Longitudinal section (western part of nave), Half cross-section looking west. The drawing is entitled in ink: 'S. John of the Stoudion'. It is signed (R. Traquair and W.S. George) in ink. It is labelled in ink: 'Elevation of the Narthex' and ' Lognitudinal Section of Western Portion of Nave (restored) Half Cross Section Looking West (restored)'. It is annotated in ink.

Hagios Ioannis ton Stoudiou [BRF/01/02/01/023], Hagios Ioannis ton Stoudiou, 1909/1910

Cross sections looking east (upper part) and west (lower part). The drawing is entitled in ink: 'S. John of the Stoudion'. It is signed (W.S. George) in ink in the lower right-hand corner. It is entitled in ink: 'Cross Section looking East' 'Cross Section looking West'. It is annotated in ink.