938 results

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Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/9/6], Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], Undated, [c. 12-16 May 1929]

[Sent from Athens]. Mainly discussing the reasons that he did not want to take up a [Cambridge] University lectureship, details of illustrations and work to be done on [‘Aegyptiaca’] before publication, and a recent trip in Crete (including an itinerary of their travels). John tells Herbert that he was going to apply for a permit to excavate a site on the south coast of Crete (30 miles west of Phaestos [Faistós]) [at Keremés] the following year. John thought the site seemed to be a Mycenaean pirate base and states that [Humfry] Payne was keen that John should apply for the permit. The recent trip in Crete that is described was to go to Eleutherna with [Humfry] Payne, who John states was very nice and they got on well together. The trip [with Hilda and Payne] also included camping outside Margaritaes [Margarítai], Rhetliymo [Réthymnon], Arkadi monastery [Moní Arkadhíou], “Sybrita”, “Asomatos monastery”, Speli [Spili], Preveli monastery, Dibaki [?], Keramai [Keramés] and Knossos. Also telling Herbert: that they would travel to Rhodes on Friday, stay there around a week, and then should be back in the United Kingdom in the first week of June; that he did not want an academic life; that [Arthur] Evans had been worried about them visiting [Kommos] during their trip around Crete but they had been too tired to go anyway; that he was sorry about Peter’s 3rd [third class degree?]; and that he had written to Jock [Lawson?] explaining that he didn’t want to take up the University lectureship.

Hand-traced plan of Gournia [Gourniá] [PEN 7/2/4/2], Hand-traced plan of Gournia [Gourniá], Undated [c. 1928-1932]

Traced by [John Pendlebury] from ‘Gournia, Vasiliki, and other prehistoric sites on the Isthmus of Hierapetra, Crete’ by Harriet Boyd Hawes.

Hand-traced plan of Tylissos [PEN 7/2/4/6], Hand-traced plan of Tylissos, Undated [c. 1928-1932]

Traced by [John Pendlebury] from “Εφ. Αρχ. 1912. p.198”.

Hand-traced plan of Vasiliki [Vasilikí] [PEN 7/2/4/3], Hand-traced plan of Vasiliki [Vasilikí], Undated [c. 1928-1932]

Traced by [John Pendlebury] from ‘Gournia, Vasiliki, and other prehistoric sites on the Isthmus of Hierapetra, Crete’ by Harriet Boyd Hawes.

Letter to Hilda [White] from "Jehan" [John Pendlebury], sent during his journey [to Chalkidiki to join an Heurtley's excavation] [PEN 1/2/1/1/1], Letter to Hilda [White] from "Jehan" [John Pendlebury], sent during his journey [to Chalkidiki to join an Heurtley's excavation], Undated [Mar 1928]

Addressed as from "Lianokhladi and onward" [Lianokládhion]. Includes descriptions of the journey and of John’s companions (Radford, [Sylvia Benton], Mrs Hett) and their behaviour, giving his address in Salonika [Thessaloniki] and details of Heurtley's excavation (at Molyvropyrgos, Macedonia).

Hand-traced plans of the ground and upper floors of the Royal Villa, Knossos [PEN 7/2/4/7], Hand-traced plans of the ground and upper floors of the Royal Villa, Knossos, Undated [c. 1928-1932]

Traced by [John Pendlebury] from “B.S.A. 1909. p. 152. plate I”. This reference has been written incorrectly by Pendlebury it is in the Annual of the BSA 1903 not 1909.