About the BSA SPHS Image Collection

The SPHS photographic collection was amassed by The Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies between 1891 and 1967 through the donation of images. It contained negatives, both glass and film in a variety of sizes, photographic prints and glass lantern slides. It contains both original and copy negatives. Index cards with small contact prints served as finding aids for the collection. It was designed as an image reference collection where images could be duplicated as either prints or slides and sold or lent to members.
The BSA SPHS Collection is part of the original SPHS photographic collection, selected by donors who were associated with the BSA or images of topographic interest, particularly in areas the BSA was known to have worked. The remainder of the extant SPHS collection went to the Hellenic Literary and Historical Archives (MIET-ELIA) in Athens. Documentation for this collection consists of 5 Negative registers (held in the SPHS offices in London), the published catalogues or accession lists of lantern slides in The Journal of Hellenic Studies, the Minute Book December 1949-January 1983 for the Photographic and Filmstrip Committee of the SPHS (held in the SPHS Library in London) and information contained on extant index cards.
The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Nauplia: town and fortress".
The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Stiris: monastery of St. Luke: Helikon behind".
The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Stiris: monastery of St. Luke: courtyard".
The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Stiris: monastery of St. Luke: church".
The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Stiris: monastery of St. Luke: N. wall".
The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Stiris: monastery of St. Luke: interior".
The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Athens: Peristyle of Parthenon".
The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Knossos: site from the south".
The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Knossos: site from the south, nearer view"
The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Knossos: long gallery with pithoi in situ".
The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Knossos: reconstruction of end of Throne Room".
The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Arcadian coin group by Damaphon".
The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Athens: Asklepieion, view of the boundary stone".
Part of a group of images donated by the Argonaut Camera Club, taken on excursions and cruises in Greece and Asia Minor. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Cnossos: drainage system".
The original description in the SPHS register reads: "View: Dipylon, Acropolis in background".
The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Delos: view from shrine of Apollo towards Rheneia".
The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Delos: view of the lions".
The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Delos: phallic monument".
The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Athens: Erechteion: N. porch. (as restored)".
The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Athens: Erechtheion: N. porch, base of column".
The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Athens: Erechtheion: ceiling of N. porch".
The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Rhodes: collection of stone cannon balls".
Part of a series of images from the British School at Athens excavations at Kynosarges (1896, 1896/97). Original description in the SPHS register reads: "Kynosarges site: rubble wall of 6th cent. (BSA II p.24)".
Part of a series of images from the British School at Athens excavations at Kynosarges (1896, 1896/97). Original description in the SPHS register reads: "Kynosarges site: progress of excavation: detail".
Part of a series of images from the British School at Athens excavations at Kynosarges (1896, 1896/97). Original description in the SPHS register reads: "Kynosarges site: fragment of a stele built into wall".
Part of a series of images from the British School at Athens excavations at Kynosarges (1896, 1896-7). Original description in the SPHS register reads: "Kynosarges site: upper part of the stele built into wall".
Part of a series of images from the British School at Athens excavations at Kynosarges (1896, 1896/97). Original description in the SPHS register reads: "Kynosarges site: Ionic cap from theatre. (BSA III p. 96)"
Part of a series of images from the British School at Athens excavations at Kynosarges (1896, 1896/97). Original description in the SPHS register reads: "Kynosarges site: Roman stoa? Block grooved to form gutter. (BSA II 25)".
The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Athens: Acropolis: N side".
The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Attica: Byzantine church at Daou, general view".
The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Attica: Byzantine church at Daou, nearer view".
The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Attica: Byzantine church at Daou, eikonostasis".
The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Attica: Byzantine church at Daou, detail of".
The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Athens: Olympieion: view from N.W.".
The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Athens: Olympieion: basis of fallen column".
The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sword blade from Mykenae: lions".
The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Cnossos: Crete. Throne room in course of excavations".
The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Athens: general view. Callirhoe".
The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Peloponnese: Tiryns, N. wall and Postern".
The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Athens: monument of Thrasyllos (present state)".
The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Asia Minor: Hittite monuments. Rock sculptures at Fraktin".
The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Ancient Greek wine press".
The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Parnes: View of the mouth of the cave (nearer)".
Part of a group of images from explorations and excavations on the island of Melos conducted by the British School at Athens from 1896 to 1899. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Inscription: Melos mosaic".
The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Athens: Choragic monument of Lysicrates".
The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Athens: Path to north of the Acropolis".
The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Athens: Erechtheion, fallen columns at W. end".
The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Athens: Ceramicus".
The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Epidaurus: theatre, general view of auditorium".