About the George Finlay Papers
The George Finlay Papers contain materials created by and related to the British Historian and Philhellene George Finlay, his father John Finlay, Greek-American Philhellene George Jarvis, and British Philhellene Captain Frank Abney Hastings, dating from 1791 to 1949. Most of the collection consists of George Finlay’s meticulous records of his travels, personal and official correspondence, his personal expenditures, copious memoranda on strategy and on military and political organisation, journal entries, maps, facetiae, scrapbooks, personal notes on people—Greeks and others—and on revolutionary events, newspaper cuttings mainly on Greece and international affairs, as well as Finlay’s original manuscripts of the History of the Greek Revolution (1861) as well as corrected proofs of Finlay’s other published works.
Also included are the papers of Finlay’s father, John, two journals of Greek American philhellene, George Jarvis, and those of Finlay’s fellow British philhellene, Captain Frank Abney Hastings. The Hastings papers, which Finlay purchased in 1830, include personal and official correspondence, ship’s logs, notes that he took on board or ashore, as well as memoranda on strategy and on the naval organisation of the revolutionary forces. Collectively, these records reveal a great deal about the character, motivations, ideas, as well as the military and political judgements of these British individuals, as well as of many others, both British and Greek, with whom they interacted during the Greek War of Independence as well as many of Finlay's other interests, such as Classical and Byzantine history, natural history and politics.
George Finlay to Noel. Athens, 24 May 1866. Asks him if possible to purchase in London two gold coins (Caracalla and Constantine the Great), and Byzantine silver coins.
George Finlay to Mowbray Morris. 31 May 1866. Arrangements for payments due to George Finlay. Leonidas Bulgares imprisoned by Turks; Greek brigandage; governmental anarchy in Greece.
John Leicester Warren to George Finlay. 32A Brook St., London, W., 18 June [1866]. Dispatch of offprints to George Finlay's article on coinage of the Achaean League. Freeman and Chair at Oxford. 'Poor Lord Stratford's fatuity in turning poet in his extreme old age.'
Johann Georg von Hahn to George Finlay. Syra, 15 July 1866. Appreciation of Max Muller's book on philology which reads 'wie ein Roman' (in German).
Extract from Miss Blackler to Miss Cathcart. Florence, 17 July 1866. Request to obtain George Finlay's autograph for Mrs. Alexander of Boston now living in Florence who is wildly envious of what B has. 'His photograph nearly drives her mad although I have assured her it does not look like him.'
John Leicester Warren to George Finlay. Knutsford, Cheshire, 8 September 1866. Apologizes for delay in writing caused by de Salis's absence in 'the desert of the Scilly Islands'. Reluctance of de Salis to commit himself to paper. Freeman fails to get the Oxford Chair. Unsatisfactory political state of England due to Tories being 'so pig-headed about reform'.
George Finlay to Freeman. Athens, 27 September 1866. Asks F to get Count de Gobineau's letter stating his views on cuneiform writing published in Macmillan's Magazine. This was originally sent to Fraser's Magazine but did not appear, possibly through the influence of Col. Rawlinson whose views differ from those of G.
Johann Georg von Hahn to George Finlay. Syra, 21 October 1866. Letter to introduce Herr C. Blondel member of the Ecole Française in Athens who is returning from Bosporus. H struggles against his growing interest in philosophy (in German).
John Leicester Warren to George Finlay. 32A Brook St., London, W., 14 April 1867. Discusses George Finlay's numismatic paper with de Salis who is sending George Finlay a series of notes when the Blacas and Ramsay collections are arranged. Freeman in Normandy; vol. i of his Norman Conquest well received. In the Pall Mall Gazette Stratford praises George Finlay's letters from Athens.
John E. Hilary Skinner to George Finlay. Mylopotamo, Crete, 19 August 1868. Lands during blockade; description of Sphakia; strength of insurrection; some hospital relief given.
Wilhelm Vischer to George Finlay. Basle, 6 October 1868. Hopes to meet George Finlay next year in Switzerland. With old paper enclosure.
Ernest Renan to George Finlay. Paris, 29 April 1869. Regrets delay in publishing Brue's work submitted by George Finlay. Editor of the Journal of the Société Asiatique hesitates. Is sending George Finlay his work on St. Paul; his appreciation of assistance given by George Finlay's library in Athens (in French).
C. M. Cuhine (?) to George Finlay. Corfu, 10 June 1869. Thanks for George Finlay's pamphlet on prehistoric archaeology. Frank Noel's case. Greek policy towards Ionian Islands. Hopes that George Finlay will visit him on his way through Corfu.
Albert Dumont to George Finlay. rue Jacob 50, Paris, 15 June 1869. Re possibility of publishing B. Brue's journal on the campaign of 1715 in Morea. George Finlay's article on Stone Age in the Revue archéologique (in French).
Charles Thomas Newton to George Finlay. British Museum, 6 July 1869. Asks whether Ephemeris Archailologike came out from 1859 to 1862 and was continued from 1863; would like a complete set, also any other publications of the Archaeological Society. Reference to a seventeenth-century MS. containing description of Chios and the Giustiniani in possession of the Bishop of St. Davids.
Albert Dumont to George Finlay. rue Jacob 50, Paris, 6 August 1869. Further discussion of problems connected with printing Brue (see no. 156).
Albert Dumont to George Finlay. rue Jacob 50, Paris, 20 September [1868]. Has written a short preface to Brue and asks George Finlay to correct it. George Finlay's article on Stone Age will appear in the October Revue archéologique.
Albert Dumont to George Finlay. rue Jacob 50, Paris, 29 September [1869]. Details of Brue volume.
Admiral Spratt to George Finlay. Athenaeum, 23 October 1869. Praises George Finlay's correspondence in The Times. Refers to his own book on Crete; asks George Finlay to review it in The Times. Includes old paper enclosure.
Albert Dumont to George Finlay. rue Jacob 50, Paris, 29 October [1869]. Asks for information on provenance of Brue MS.
Albert Dumont to George Finlay. rue Jacob 39, Paris, 30 December 1869. Publication of Brue; number of copies.
Albert Dumont to George Finlay. rue Jacob 58, Paris, 27 January [1870]. Copies of Brue dispatched to George Finlay. Greetings to Mrs. F.
Ernest Thorin to George Finlay. 7 rue de Medicis, Paris, 31 January 1870. Re dispatch of copies of Brue (in French). Includes old paper enclosure.
George Finlay to Albert Dumont. 2 February 1870. Telegram re dispatch of copies [of Brue].
Ernest Thorin to George Finlay. 7 rue de Medicis, Paris, 8 March 1870. re dispatch of copies of Brue (in French).
Albert Dumont to George Finlay. rue Jacob 58, Paris, 21 March 1870. Dispatch of copies of Brue to George Finlay. Appreciation of George Finlay's work on the funerary inscriptions collected by Koumanoudes (in French).
Edward H. Noel to George Finlay. Hampstead, 15 June 1870. re Mr. Erskine's attitude and the unfair charges brought against Frank Noel in connection with George Arvanitakis incident and brigands' murder of their prisoners. Attempt to establish truth.
Theodor de Heldreich to George Finlay. Candia, 31 July 1870. Comments on the state of Crete (in French). With old paper enclosure.
Edward H. Noel to George Finlay. Hampstead, 1 August 1870. Defence of Frank Noel against Mr. Erskine's charges re the Arvanitakis affair. Regrets George Finlay's ill-health.
Charles Keating Tuckermann to George Finlay. Athens, 8 December 1870. Agricultural problems of Greece; need for roads; a surfeit of selfish foreign counsellors; the Great Idea.
Ferdinand Keller to George Finlay. Antiquarische Gesellschaft, Zürich, 26 March 1871. Troubles provoked by Franco-German antagonisms in Zürich. Regrets George Finlay's ill-health, a warm welcome awaits him should he visit Zürich to avoid summer heat in Athens. George Finlay's collection and work on the Stone Age. Benndorf's work on vases and stelae (in German). With old paper enclosure.
Albert Dumont to George Finlay. rue Jacob 50, Paris, 20 May [1871]. Apologies for failure to take leave of George Finlay in Athens on account of his illness. His 7 months' travel in Thrace and Constantinople. Inquires where copies of George Finlay's article on coins of Achaean League can be obtained (in French).
Charles Keating Tuckermann to George Finlay. Athens, 12 June 1871. Reference to notes written by George Finlay.
Miss Winifred M. Wyse to George Finlay. Ballinlough Castle, C. T. Delvin, Co. Westmeath, 31 August 1871. Local news. The Prince in Ireland. Alarm at Prusso-Austrian alliance. Greece and the 'Grande ldée'.
Lady (Georgina) Sebright to George Finlay. British Consulate, Corfu, 8 April 1872. Sends her book to George Finlay. Comments on the superiority of Serbian economy and order to that of Greek. With old paper enclosure.
Lady (Georgina) Sebright to George Finlay. Corfu, March, 1873. Appreciation of George Finlay's wisdom derived from long experience in the East. George Finlay's letters much valued. Glad that he is 'fairly well . . . talking and thinking with as clear a head as ever'. Life in the Sebright household. Mining at Sunion. Orthodox Church of Bulgaria, geographical limits of Bulgarian population, and Greek policy toward Bulgaria. Praise of present Nomarch of Corfu, Dimitri Kazako, and Director of Police, Zangarola. Inadequacy of Sir Charles's salary. With old paper enclosure.
The Revd. George William Cox to George Finlay. The Knoll, Farnborough, Hants, 3 February 1874. Possibility of Greek translation of C's Tales of Ancient Greece. His History of Greece about to be published. Will gladly send copies to George Finlay and Professor C. Paparregopoulos. WIth envelope.
Amy M. Pennethorne to George Finlay. 76 Charlesworth Street West, S.W., 24 June 1874. George Finlay's niece thanks him for her wedding present; personal news. With old paper enclosure.
Jacques Argyropoulo to Mrs. F. 10 February n.y. Regrets unable to visit George Finlay (in French).
Benthylos to George Finlay. n.d. Knows that George Finlay has refused ambassadors but desires to borrow 'the demes' for 2 days only (in French).
John Stuart Blackie to George Finlay. 43 Castle St., Edinburgh, 23 February n.y. To introduce William George Clark of Trinity College, Cambridge, who is visiting Athens.
Professor John Stuart Blackie to George Finlay. 43 Castle St., Edinburgh, 5 March n.y. To introduce Mr. Cunningham who comes to visit 'your holy places'.
Miss Blackler to George Finlay. n.d. Thanks George Finlay for sending Saturday Review with article on modern poetry. She values his 'delightful note' with his autograph more than anything she has seen in Athens.
C. Blouet to George Finlay. Athens, 27 November n.y. Thanks for loan of pamphlet (in French). With old paper enclosure.
Canon C. M. Church to George Finlay. n.d. Asks to borrow Wordsworth's Athens and Attica.
Canon C. M. Church to George Finlay. n.d. Thanks for George Finlay's pamphlet and Wordsworth. Regrets that George Finlay was out when he called; is visiting Aegina tomorrow. With old paper enclosure.
R. C. Church to George Finlay. n.d. Thanks George Finlay for loan of articles.
William George Clark to George Finlay. Trinity College, Cambridge, 28 February n.y. Discusses distribution of George Finlay's book in England. Possibility of publishing Sgoutas' inscriptions; qualifications of Koumanoudes. Personal news.
William George Clark to George Finlay. Athens, 3 July n.y. [1856] Accepts invitation to visit George Finlay. Hopes his lumbago abates.
William George Clark to George Finlay. Therapia, 3 August n.y. [1856] Expresses gratitude for many kindnesses. Account of his journey to Constantinople.