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North wall: View from the interior. Further annotation in pencil survives at the back of the photograph. Copyright through Soteriou.
North wall: View from the interior (detail). Further annotation in pencil survives at the back of the photograph. Copyright through Soteriou.
South wall: View from the interior (detail). Further annotation in pencil survives at the back of the photograph. Copyright through Soteriou.
East bay - South nave arcade. Further annotation in pencil survives at the back of the photograph. Copyright through Soteriou.
Restoration works: East end, View from the interior (close view of the east apse). Further annotation in pencil survives at the back of the photograph. Copyright through Soteriou.
Restoration works: South transept (interior view from the west). Further annotation in pencil survives at the back of the photograph. Copyright through Soteriou.
Restoration works: South transept (interior view - south wall). Further annotation in pencil survives at the back of the photograph. Copyright through Soteriou.
Restoration works: Vault of the crypt under south part of the south transept. Further annotation in pencil survives at the back of the photograph. Copyright through Soteriou.
North aisle arcade - Remains of the earlier wall. Further annotation in pencil survives at the back of the photograph. Copyright through Soteriou.
North aisle arcade - The foundations looking west (the earlier wall). Further annotation in pencil survives at the back of the photograph. Copyright through Soteriou.
Restoration works: North transept. Further annotation in pencil survives at the back of the photograph. Copyright through Soteriou.
North transept - The apse next to the holy bema. Further annotation in pencil survives at the back of the photograph. Copyright through Soteriou.
Restoration works: North transept from the west?. Further annotation in pencil survives at the back of the photograph. Copyright through Soteriou.
Restoration works: North transept from the west. Further annotation in pencil survives at the back of the photograph. Copyright through Soteriou.
North transept - East wall, north part (view from the interior). Further annotation in pencil survives at the back of the photograph. Copyright through Soteriou.
North transept - East wall, south part, the window, (view from the interior). Further annotation in pencil survives at the back of the photograph. Copyright through Soteriou.
North transept - North wall, east end (view from the interior) Further annotation in pencil survives at the back of the photograph. Copyright through Soteriou.
South nave arcade from the south (interior view). This is a commercial photograph. Further annotation in pencil survives at the back of the photograph.
Interior view of the nave looking west. Further annotation in pencil survives at the back of the photograph.
Interior view of the nave looking east. Further annotation in pencil survives at the back of the photograph.
Pit at east end of north aisle arcade. Further annotation in pencil survives at the back of the photograph.
Pit at east end of north aisle arcade. Further annotation in pencil survives at the back of the photograph.
Mosaic pavement (inner south aisle). Further annotation in pencil survives at the back of the photograph.
Mosaic pavement (inner north aisle). Further annotation in pencil survives at the back of the photograph.
East trench (east-west wall). Further annotation in pencil survives at the back of the photograph.
East trench (east-west wall, detail). Further annotation in pencil survives at the back of the photograph.
East trench (east-west wall, detail). Further annotation in pencil survives at the back of the photograph.
East trench (north section-south wall outside crypt?). Further annotation in pencil survives at the back of the photograph.
Trench in south-east arcade. Further annotation in pencil survives at the back of the photograph.
Impost block loose in east trench. Further annotation in pencil survives at the back of the photograph.
East trench outside apse (threshold in north-south wall?). Further annotation in pencil survives at the back of the photograph.
East trench outside apse (threshold in north-south wall?). Further annotation in pencil survives at the back of the photograph.
South inner aisle, west wall - Mosaic, Hagios Demetrios with Donors. This is a preliminary drawing. It is numbered 'No 5' in the upper right-hand corner. Further annotation in pencil survives.The drawing was framed for the 1985 exhibition.
Mosaic-North inner aisle, spandrel B, nave: St. Demetrios with Prophet and Donor The drawing has been framed for the 1985 exhibition. This is a preliminary drawing. It is numbered 'No 1'. Further annotation in pencil survives.
North inner aisle - Inscription. The applied technique could be described as: 'painted squeeze'. The drawing has been framed for the 1985 exhibition. This is a preliminary drawing. It is numbered 'No 10' ref. To no 1. Further annotation in pencil survives.
North inner aisle - Mosaics. The drawing has been framed for the 1985 exhibition. This is a preliminary drawing. It is numbered 'No 2' at the top of the front side. Further annotation in pencil survives.
North inner aisle - Mosaics. This is a preliminary drawing. It is numbered 'No 3'. Further annotation in pencil survives.The drawing was framed for the 1985 exhibition.
North inner aisle - Inscription. The applied technique could be described as: 'painted squeeze'. The drawing has been framed for the 1985 exhibition. This is a preliminary drawing. It is numbered 'No 18' ref. to No 2. Further annotation in pencil survives.
North inner aisle - Inscription. The applied technique could be described as: 'painted squeeze'. The drawing has been framed for the 1985 exhibition. This is a preliminary drawing. It is numbered 'No 11' ref. To No 3. Further annotation in ink survives.
North inner aisle - Mosaics. The drawing has been framed for the 1985 exhibition. This is a preliminary drawing. It is numbered 'No 4'. Further annotation in pencil survives.
Mosaic, inscription: north inner aisle, spandrel G, nave The applied technique could be described as: 'painted squeeze'. The drawing has been framed for the 1985 exhibition. This is a preliminary drawing. It is numbered 'No 12' ref. To no 4. Further annotation in pencil survives.
North inner aisle - Donor, inscription. The applied technique could be described as: 'painted squeeze'. The drawing has been framed for the 1985 exhibition. This is a preliminary drawing. It is numbered 'No 13' ref. To no 4. Further annotation in pencil survives. See letter George to Schultz in BRF Corporate dated 09 July 1909
Ground plan. This is a preliminary drawing. Further annotation in pencil survives.
Longitudinal section (east half). This is a preliminary drawing. Further annotation in pencil survives. See also drawing no. 01/08/04/19/03 (BRF no. 01/01/07/223).
Transverse section (north half?). This is a preliminary drawing. Further annotation in pencil survives. See also drawing no. 01/08/04/19/05 (BRF no. 01/01/07/225).
Plans of domes. This is a preliminary drawing. Further annotation in pencil survives.
Plan of dome. This is a preliminary drawing. Further annotation in pencil survives.
South elevation. This is a preliminary drawing. Further annotation in pencil survives.
Part of ground plan. This is a preliminary drawing in pencil. This bluelined paper was probably once part of a notebook. See also drawing no. 01/08/04/19/12 (BRF no 01/01/07/232).
Ground plan. The drawing is entitled:'Church of S. Panteleemon Thessalonica', No 1. It is labelled: 'A Plan of the Church'.