885 results

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Hagios Demetrios [BRF/02/01/07/232], Hagios Demetrios, after 1917

North wall: View from the interior. Further annotation in pencil survives at the back of the photograph. Copyright through Soteriou.

Hagios Demetrios [BRF/02/01/07/233], Hagios Demetrios, after 1917

North wall: View from the interior (detail). Further annotation in pencil survives at the back of the photograph. Copyright through Soteriou.

Hagios Demetrios [BRF/02/01/07/234], Hagios Demetrios, after 1917

South wall: View from the interior (detail). Further annotation in pencil survives at the back of the photograph. Copyright through Soteriou.

Hagios Demetrios [BRF/02/01/07/235], Hagios Demetrios, after 1917

East bay - South nave arcade. Further annotation in pencil survives at the back of the photograph. Copyright through Soteriou.

Hagios Demetrios [BRF/02/01/07/236], Hagios Demetrios, after 1917

Restoration works: East end, View from the interior (close view of the east apse). Further annotation in pencil survives at the back of the photograph. Copyright through Soteriou.

Hagios Demetrios [BRF/02/01/07/237], Hagios Demetrios, after 1917

Restoration works: South transept (interior view from the west). Further annotation in pencil survives at the back of the photograph. Copyright through Soteriou.

Hagios Demetrios [BRF/02/01/07/238], Hagios Demetrios, after 1917

Restoration works: South transept (interior view - south wall). Further annotation in pencil survives at the back of the photograph. Copyright through Soteriou.

Hagios Demetrios [BRF/02/01/07/239], Hagios Demetrios, after 1917

Restoration works: Vault of the crypt under south part of the south transept. Further annotation in pencil survives at the back of the photograph. Copyright through Soteriou.

Hagios Demetrios [BRF/02/01/07/240], Hagios Demetrios, after 1917

North aisle arcade - Remains of the earlier wall. Further annotation in pencil survives at the back of the photograph. Copyright through Soteriou.

Hagios Demetrios [BRF/02/01/07/241], Hagios Demetrios, after 1917

North aisle arcade - The foundations looking west (the earlier wall). Further annotation in pencil survives at the back of the photograph. Copyright through Soteriou.

Hagios Demetrios [BRF/02/01/07/242], Hagios Demetrios, after 1917

Restoration works: North transept. Further annotation in pencil survives at the back of the photograph. Copyright through Soteriou.

Hagios Demetrios [BRF/02/01/07/243], Hagios Demetrios, after 1917

North transept - The apse next to the holy bema. Further annotation in pencil survives at the back of the photograph. Copyright through Soteriou.

Hagios Demetrios [BRF/02/01/07/244], Hagios Demetrios, after 1917

Restoration works: North transept from the west?. Further annotation in pencil survives at the back of the photograph. Copyright through Soteriou.

Hagios Demetrios [BRF/02/01/07/245], Hagios Demetrios, after 1917

Restoration works: North transept from the west. Further annotation in pencil survives at the back of the photograph. Copyright through Soteriou.

Hagios Demetrios [BRF/02/01/07/246], Hagios Demetrios, after 1917

North transept - East wall, north part (view from the interior). Further annotation in pencil survives at the back of the photograph. Copyright through Soteriou.

Hagios Demetrios [BRF/02/01/07/247], Hagios Demetrios, after 1917

North transept - East wall, south part, the window, (view from the interior). Further annotation in pencil survives at the back of the photograph. Copyright through Soteriou.

Hagios Demetrios [BRF/02/01/07/248], Hagios Demetrios, after 1917

North transept - North wall, east end (view from the interior) Further annotation in pencil survives at the back of the photograph. Copyright through Soteriou.

Hagios Demetrios [BRF/02/01/07/252], Hagios Demetrios, 1929

South nave arcade from the south (interior view). This is a commercial photograph. Further annotation in pencil survives at the back of the photograph.

Hagios Demetrios [BRF/02/01/07/249], Hagios Demetrios, 1932

Interior view of the nave looking west. Further annotation in pencil survives at the back of the photograph.

Hagios Demetrios [BRF/02/01/07/250], Hagios Demetrios, 1922

Interior view of the nave looking east. Further annotation in pencil survives at the back of the photograph.

Hagios Demetrios [BRF/02/01/07/253], Hagios Demetrios, 1934

Pit at east end of north aisle arcade. Further annotation in pencil survives at the back of the photograph.

Hagios Demetrios [BRF/02/01/07/254], Hagios Demetrios, 1934

Pit at east end of north aisle arcade. Further annotation in pencil survives at the back of the photograph.

Hagios Demetrios [BRF/02/01/07/256], Hagios Demetrios, 1934

Mosaic pavement (inner south aisle). Further annotation in pencil survives at the back of the photograph.

Hagios Demetrios [BRF/02/01/07/257], Hagios Demetrios, 1934

Mosaic pavement (inner north aisle). Further annotation in pencil survives at the back of the photograph.

Hagios Demetrios [BRF/02/01/07/258], Hagios Demetrios, 1934

East trench (east-west wall). Further annotation in pencil survives at the back of the photograph.

Hagios Demetrios [BRF/02/01/07/259], Hagios Demetrios, 1934

East trench (east-west wall, detail). Further annotation in pencil survives at the back of the photograph.

Hagios Demetrios [BRF/02/01/07/260], Hagios Demetrios, 1934

East trench (east-west wall, detail). Further annotation in pencil survives at the back of the photograph.

Hagios Demetrios [BRF/02/01/07/261], Hagios Demetrios, 1934

East trench (north section-south wall outside crypt?). Further annotation in pencil survives at the back of the photograph.

Hagios Demetrios [BRF/02/01/07/255], Hagios Demetrios, 1934

Trench in south-east arcade. Further annotation in pencil survives at the back of the photograph.

Hagios Demetrios [BRF/02/01/07/262], Hagios Demetrios, 1934

Impost block loose in east trench. Further annotation in pencil survives at the back of the photograph.

Hagios Demetrios [BRF/02/01/07/263], Hagios Demetrios, 1934

East trench outside apse (threshold in north-south wall?). Further annotation in pencil survives at the back of the photograph.

Hagios Demetrios [BRF/02/01/07/264], Hagios Demetrios, 1934

East trench outside apse (threshold in north-south wall?). Further annotation in pencil survives at the back of the photograph.

Hagios Demetrios [BRF/01/01/07/305], Hagios Demetrios, 1909

South inner aisle, west wall - Mosaic, Hagios Demetrios with Donors. This is a preliminary drawing. It is numbered 'No 5' in the upper right-hand corner. Further annotation in pencil survives.The drawing was framed for the 1985 exhibition.

Hagios Demetrios [BRF/01/01/07/306], Hagios Demetrios, 1907?

Mosaic-North inner aisle, spandrel B, nave: St. Demetrios with Prophet and Donor The drawing has been framed for the 1985 exhibition. This is a preliminary drawing. It is numbered 'No 1'. Further annotation in pencil survives.

Hagios Demetrios [BRF/01/01/07/307], Hagios Demetrios, 1907?

North inner aisle - Inscription. The applied technique could be described as: 'painted squeeze'. The drawing has been framed for the 1985 exhibition. This is a preliminary drawing. It is numbered 'No 10' ref. To no 1. Further annotation in pencil survives.

Hagios Demetrios [BRF/01/01/07/308], Hagios Demetrios, 1909

North inner aisle - Mosaics. The drawing has been framed for the 1985 exhibition. This is a preliminary drawing. It is numbered 'No 2' at the top of the front side. Further annotation in pencil survives.

Hagios Demetrios [BRF/01/01/07/309], Hagios Demetrios, 1909

North inner aisle - Mosaics. This is a preliminary drawing. It is numbered 'No 3'. Further annotation in pencil survives.The drawing was framed for the 1985 exhibition.

Hagios Demetrios [BRF/01/01/07/310], Hagios Demetrios, 1907?

North inner aisle - Inscription. The applied technique could be described as: 'painted squeeze'. The drawing has been framed for the 1985 exhibition. This is a preliminary drawing. It is numbered 'No 18' ref. to No 2. Further annotation in pencil survives.

Hagios Demetrios [BRF/01/01/07/311], Hagios Demetrios, 1907?

North inner aisle - Inscription. The applied technique could be described as: 'painted squeeze'. The drawing has been framed for the 1985 exhibition. This is a preliminary drawing. It is numbered 'No 11' ref. To No 3. Further annotation in ink survives.

Hagios Demetrios [BRF/01/01/07/312], Hagios Demetrios, 1909

North inner aisle - Mosaics. The drawing has been framed for the 1985 exhibition. This is a preliminary drawing. It is numbered 'No 4'. Further annotation in pencil survives.

Hagios Demetrios [BRF/01/01/07/313], Hagios Demetrios, 1909

Mosaic, inscription: north inner aisle, spandrel G, nave The applied technique could be described as: 'painted squeeze'. The drawing has been framed for the 1985 exhibition. This is a preliminary drawing. It is numbered 'No 12' ref. To no 4. Further annotation in pencil survives.

Hagios Demetrios [BRF/01/01/07/314], Hagios Demetrios, July 1909

North inner aisle - Donor, inscription. The applied technique could be described as: 'painted squeeze'. The drawing has been framed for the 1985 exhibition. This is a preliminary drawing. It is numbered 'No 13' ref. To no 4. Further annotation in pencil survives. See letter George to Schultz in BRF Corporate dated 09 July 1909

Hagios Panteleemon [BRF/01/01/07/221], Hagios Panteleemon, 1888-1890

Ground plan. This is a preliminary drawing. Further annotation in pencil survives.

Hagios Panteleemon [BRF/01/01/07/222], Hagios Panteleemon, 1888-1890

Longitudinal section (east half). This is a preliminary drawing. Further annotation in pencil survives. See also drawing no. 01/08/04/19/03 (BRF no. 01/01/07/223).

Hagios Panteleemon [BRF/01/01/07/224], Hagios Panteleemon, 1888-1890

Transverse section (north half?). This is a preliminary drawing. Further annotation in pencil survives. See also drawing no. 01/08/04/19/05 (BRF no. 01/01/07/225).

Hagios Panteleemon [BRF/01/01/07/226], Hagios Panteleemon, 1888-1890

Plans of domes. This is a preliminary drawing. Further annotation in pencil survives.

Hagios Panteleemon [BRF/01/01/07/227], Hagios Panteleemon, 1888-1890

Plan of dome. This is a preliminary drawing. Further annotation in pencil survives.

Hagios Panteleemon [BRF/01/01/07/228], Hagios Panteleemon, 1888-1890

South elevation. This is a preliminary drawing. Further annotation in pencil survives.

Hagios Panteleemon [BRF/01/01/07/230], Hagios Panteleemon, 23. Oct. 1890

Part of ground plan. This is a preliminary drawing in pencil. This bluelined paper was probably once part of a notebook. See also drawing no. 01/08/04/19/12 (BRF no 01/01/07/232).

Hagios Panteleemon [BRF/01/01/07/237], Hagios Panteleemon, 1888-1890

Ground plan. The drawing is entitled:'Church of S. Panteleemon Thessalonica', No 1. It is labelled: 'A Plan of the Church'.