2020 results

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B 7.2 (c)
IV. Messene
B 7.2 (c)
IV. Messene

Coloured Map. Carte de la Morée 1832: The entire sheet shows maps for Mantinée, Pilos and Messene.

E 37.6
Southern Greece
E 37.6
Southern Greece

Coloured Map. Oxford Geographical Institute: Map of Southern Greece

B 7.3 (b)
IIIa. SW Peloponnese
B 7.3 (b)
IIIa. SW Peloponnese

Coloured Map. Carte de la Morée 1832: SW Peloponnese

Section 25, No. 14
Section 25, No. 14

[Greek] Coloured Map. Εθνική Στατιστική Υπηρεσία της Ελλάδος

Section 7, No. 12
1:100,000 Greece Sheet K.5 Pirgos
Section 7, No. 12
1:100,000 Greece Sheet K.5 Pirgos

Coloured Map. Reproduced by No.1 Base Survey Drawing and Photo Process Office, August 1943, from 1/100,000 Greek map.Printed by 17 Map Reproduction Section, Royal Engineers, November 1944.

Section 9, No. 3
West Coast of Morea and Zante
Section 9, No. 3
West Coast of Morea and Zante

B&W Hydrographic Chart. Mediterranean - Ionian Sea. West Coast of Morea from Kastro Tornese to Venetico with the Island of Zante. Surveyed by Captain A. L. Mansell, Royal Navy and the Officers of H.M.S. Hydra 1864/5. London, Published at the Admiralty 1st August 1867, under the Superintendence of Captain G.H. Richards, R.N., F.R.S., Hydrographer.

A 6.185
185. Pyrgos
A 6.185
185. Pyrgos

B&W Map. Επιτελικός Χάρτης της Ελλάδος (1925-1934): 185. (Πυργος) Χαρτης Πελοποννησου

B 10.7
VI. Patras
B 10.7
VI. Patras

Coloured map: Kokkidis-Kiepert 1885 Map Bl VI.

A 12.2
Map of Greece, Geometrical and Altimetric
A 12.2
Map of Greece, Geometrical and Altimetric

Coloured. Map of Greece, Geographical and Altimetric. Issued on the basis of original survey by the chartographical firm "C. Grigouras". Edition: C. Grigouras and C. Papamandellos. Designed by Gh. Coustas. Part 3.

E 37.2
Dhimitsana K6
E 37.2
Dhimitsana K6

Coloured Map. Reproduced by No.1 Base Survey Drawing and Photo Process Office, August 1943, from 1/100,000 Greek map dated 1925. Printed by 17 Map Reproduction Section, Royal Engineers, August 1943.

Section 7, No. 13
1:100,000 Greece Sheet K.6 Dhimitsana
Section 7, No. 13
1:100,000 Greece Sheet K.6 Dhimitsana

Coloured Map. Reproduced by No.1 Base Survey Drawing and Photo Process Office, August 1943, from 1/100,000 Greek map dated 1925. Printed by 17 Map Reproduction Section, Royal Engineers, September 1944.

B 7.2 (a)
IV. Mantinée
B 7.2 (a)
IV. Mantinée

Coloured Map. Carte de la Morée 1832: The entire sheet shows maps for Mantinée, Pilos and Messene.

Section 25, No. 3
Section 25, No. 3

[Greek] Coloured Map. Εθνική Στατιστική Υπηρεσία της Ελλάδος

Section 7, No. 14
1:100,000 Greece Sheet K.7 Tripolis
Section 7, No. 14
1:100,000 Greece Sheet K.7 Tripolis

Coloured Map. Reproduced by No.1 Base Survey Drawing and Photo Process Office, August 1943, from 1/100,000 Greek map dated 1928, with revision from German 1/50,000 map ARGOS dated 1931. Printed by 17 Map Reproduction Section, Royal Engineers, September 1941.

Section 7, No. 21
1:100,000 Greece Sheet L.8 Leonidhion
Section 7, No. 21
1:100,000 Greece Sheet L.8 Leonidhion

Coloured Map. Reproduced by No.1 Base Survey Drawing and Photo Process Office, August 1943, from 1/100,000 Greek map dated 1941. Printed by 514 Corps Field Survey Company, Royal Engineers, August 1943.

A 6.187
187. Tripoli
A 6.187
187. Tripoli

B&W Map. Επιτελικός Χάρτης της Ελλάδος (1925-1934): 187. Τριπολις

A 6.186
186. Dimitsana
A 6.186
186. Dimitsana

B&W Map. Επιτελικός Χάρτης της Ελλάδος (1925-1934): 186. Δημητσανα

G 1
Plan of Megalopolis
G 1
Plan of Megalopolis

Coloured Plan of the Ancient Site of Megalopolis

Section 23, No. 3 (a)
Geologische Karte des Peloponnes. Blatt 1.
Section 23, No. 3 (a)
Geologische Karte des Peloponnes. Blatt 1.

Coloured Map. Dr A. Philippson, Geologische Karte des Peloponnes. Blatt 1. North West Peloponnese.

Section 25, No. 2
Section 25, No. 2

[Greek] Coloured Map. Εθνική Στατιστική Υπηρεσία της Ελλάδος

Section 9, No. 19
Head of Gulf of Nauplia
Section 9, No. 19
Head of Gulf of Nauplia

B&W Hydrographic Chart. Greece - Morea. Head of the Gulf of Nauplia. Surveyed by Commander H.J. Gedge, Royal Navy, assisted by A.E.H. Marescaux, E.A. Constable, H.P. Douglas, & J.R. Lay, Royal Navy. H.M. Survey Ship 'Stork' 1899. London, Published at the Admiralty 18th June 1900, under the Superintendence of Rear Admiral Sir W.J.L. Wharton, K.C.B., F.R.S., Hydrographer.

Section 9, No. 24
Port Kheli
Section 9, No. 24
Port Kheli

B&W Hydrographic Chart. Greece - Morea. Port Kheli. Surveyed by Commander Graves, H.M.S. Beacon 1838. London, Published according to Act of Parliament at the Hydrographic Office of the Admiralty, November 1st 1843. Corrected 1892.

Section 10, No. 3
Gulf of Nauplia (Argolikos)
Section 10, No. 3
Gulf of Nauplia (Argolikos)

B&W Hydrographic Chart. Greece - Morea. Gulf of Nauplia (Argolikos). Surveyed by Captain Copeland, H.M. Ship Beacon, 1832. Published according to Act of Parliament at the Hydrographic Office of the Admiralty, August 1st 1843. Large corrections August, 1872, September 1900.

Section 11, No. 15 (b)
Plans of Anchorages in the Gulf of Athens: Port Epidavro (Ancient Epidaurus)
Section 11, No. 15 (b)
Plans of Anchorages in the Gulf of Athens: Port Epidavro (Ancient Epidaurus)

B&W Hydrographic Chart. Plans of Anchorages in the Gulf of Athens. Town and Ports in Aegina. By Commander T. Graves, H.M.S. Beacon, 1839. Port Epidavro (Ancient Epidaurus). By Captain Thomas Graves, H.M.S. Mastiff, 1844. London. Re-produced by the Admiralty 24th November 1897, under the Superintendence of Rear Admiral, Sir W.J.L. Wharton, K.C.B, F.R.S., Hydrographer.

Section 25, No. 27
Section 25, No. 27

[Greek] Coloured Map. Εθνική Στατιστική Υπηρεσία της Ελλάδος

Section 7, No. 5
1:100,000 Greece Sheet I.7 Xilokastron
Section 7, No. 5
1:100,000 Greece Sheet I.7 Xilokastron

Coloured Map. Reproduced by No.1 Base Survey Drawing and Photo Process Office, August 1943, from 1/100,000 Greek map dated 1934. Printed by 17 Map Reproduction Section, Royal Engineers, November 1944.

Section 7, No. 15
1:100,000 Greece Sheet K.8 Korinthos
Section 7, No. 15
1:100,000 Greece Sheet K.8 Korinthos

Coloured Map. Reproduced by 19th Field Survey Company, Royal Engineers, August 1943, from a Greek map dated 1941 and partly revised from Air Photographs. Reprinted by 512 Field Survey Company, Royal Engineers, August 1944.

Section 9, No. 20
Corinth Bay and Isthmus
Section 9, No. 20
Corinth Bay and Isthmus

B&W Hydrographic Chart. Greece. Corinth Bay and Isthmus. Surveyed by Commander L.S. Dawson. Assisted by Lieutenants H.H. Douglas, S.T. Dean-PItt, P.N. Richards,P.C. Musgrave, and E.H. Day. H.M. Survey Ship "Sylvia" 1888. London, Published at the Admiralty 24th January 1890, under the Superintendence of Captain W.J.L. Wharton, Royal Navy, F.R.S. Hydrographer.

B 8.5
B 8.5

B&W map. Hellenic Military Staff Map of Κορινθος Κολπος and Corinth Canal

B 7.5
I. Northern Peloponnese
B 7.5
I. Northern Peloponnese

Coloured Map. Carte de la Morée 1832: North Peloponnese. Contains title of map series.

A 11.188
188. Nauplion
A 11.188
188. Nauplion

B&W Map. Επιτελικός Χάρτης της Ελλάδος (1925-1934): 188. Κορινθος - Ναυπλιον

A 6.188
188. Corinth-Nauphlia
A 6.188
188. Corinth-Nauphlia

B&W Map. Επιτελικός Χάρτης της Ελλάδος (1925-1934): 188. Κορινθος - Ναυπλιον

Section 23, No. 3 (b)
Geologische Karte des Peloponnes. Blatt 2.
Section 23, No. 3 (b)
Geologische Karte des Peloponnes. Blatt 2.

Coloured Map. Dr A. Philippson, Geologische Karte des Peloponnes. Blatt 2. North East Peloponnese.

E 37.3
Sparta L7
E 37.3
Sparta L7

Coloured Map. Reproduced by 19th Field Survey Company, Royal Engineers, August 1943, from 1/100,000 Greek map dated 1941. Printed by 17 Map Reproduction Section, Royal Engineers, Dec. 1943.

Section 7, No. 20
1:100,000 Greece Sheet L.7 Sparti
Section 7, No. 20
1:100,000 Greece Sheet L.7 Sparti

Coloured Map. Reproduced by 19th Field Survey Company, Royal Engineers, August 1943, from 1/100,000 Greek map dated 1941. Printed by 17 Map Reproduction Section, Royal Engineers, September 1944.

Section 25, No. 29
Section 25, No. 29

[Greek] Coloured Map. Εθνική Στατιστική Υπηρεσία της Ελλάδος

Section 7, No. 25
1:100,000 Greece Sheet M.7 Yithion
Section 7, No. 25
1:100,000 Greece Sheet M.7 Yithion

Coloured Map. Reproduced by No. 1 Base Survey Drawing and Photo Process Office, August 1943, from 1/100,000 Greek map dated 1940. Printed by 17 Map Reproduction Section, Royal Engineers, December 1943.

Section 7, No. 26
1:100,000 Greece Sheet M.8 Molaoi
Section 7, No. 26
1:100,000 Greece Sheet M.8 Molaoi

Coloured Map. Reproduced by No.1 Base Survey Drawing and Photo Process Office, August 1943, from 1/100,000 Greek map dated 1941. Printed by 514 Corps Field Survey Company, Royal Engineers, August 1943.

Section 9, No. 21 (a)
Plans of Anchorages in the Morea: Port Ieraka (Zarax)
Section 9, No. 21 (a)
Plans of Anchorages in the Morea: Port Ieraka (Zarax)

B&W Hydrographic Chart. Plans of Anchorages in the Morea: Port Ieraka, Monemvasia, Xyli Bay, Vatika Bay. London, Reproduced at the Admiralty 19th November 1897, under the Superintendence of Rear Admiral Sir W.J.L. Wharton, Royal Navy, K.C.B., F.R.S. Hydrographer.

Section 9, No. 21 (b)
Plans of Anchorages in the Morea: Monemvasia
Section 9, No. 21 (b)
Plans of Anchorages in the Morea: Monemvasia

B&W Hydrographic Chart. Plans of Anchorages in the Morea: Port Ieraka, Monemvasia, Xyli Bay, Vatika Bay. London, Reproduced at the Admiralty 19th November 1897, under the Superintendence of Rear Admiral Sir W.J.L. Wharton, Royal Navy, K.C.B., F.R.S. Hydrographer.

Section 9, No. 21 (c)
Plans of Anchorages in the Morea: Xyli Bay
Section 9, No. 21 (c)
Plans of Anchorages in the Morea: Xyli Bay

B&W Hydrographic Chart. Plans of Anchorages in the Morea: Port Ieraka, Monemvasia, Xyli Bay, Vatika Bay. London, Reproduced at the Admiralty 19th November 1897, under the Superintendence of Rear Admiral Sir W.J.L. Wharton, Royal Navy, K.C.B., F.R.S. Hydrographer.

Section 9, No. 21 (d)
Plans of Anchorages in the Morea: Vatika Bay and Cervi Island
Section 9, No. 21 (d)
Plans of Anchorages in the Morea: Vatika Bay and Cervi Island

B&W Hydrographic Chart. Plans of Anchorages in the Morea: Port Ieraka, Monemvasia, Xyli Bay, Vatika Bay. London, Reproduced at the Admiralty 19th November 1897, under the Superintendence of Rear Admiral Sir W.J.L. Wharton, Royal Navy, K.C.B., F.R.S. Hydrographer.

A 12.1
Map of Greece, Geometrical and Altimetric
A 12.1
Map of Greece, Geometrical and Altimetric

Coloured. Map of Greece, Geographical and Altimetric. Issued on the basis of original survey by the chartographical firm "C. Grigouras". Edition: C. Grigouras and C. Papamandellos. Designed by Gh. Coustas. Part 5.

D 7.5
List of Governing areas and Southern Peloponnese
D 7.5
List of Governing areas and Southern Peloponnese

B&W Map. Aldenhoven, Carte du Royaume dela Gréce (1838): List of Governing areas and Southern Peloponnese

Section 23, No. 3 (d)
Geologische Karte des Peloponnes. Blatt 4.
Section 23, No. 3 (d)
Geologische Karte des Peloponnes. Blatt 4.

Coloured Map. Dr A. Philippson, Geologische Karte des Peloponnes. Blatt 4. South East Peloponnese.

B 7.3 (a)
IIIb. SE Peloponnese
B 7.3 (a)
IIIb. SE Peloponnese

Coloured Map. Carte de la Morée 1832: SE Peloponnese

B 7.4
II. Middle Peloponnese
B 7.4
II. Middle Peloponnese

Coloured Map. Carte de la Morée 1832: Middle Peloponnese

H 3.1
J 34 S.E. Athinai (Athens)
H 3.1
J 34 S.E. Athinai (Athens)

Coloured Map. Greece Zone Handbook No. 6: Central Greece. Map 1. General Map of Central Greece (Athinai (Athens) North J 34 SE). Compiled and reproduced by the 512 Fd. Survey Coy., R.E. Jan. 1944.

Section 41, No. 3
Section 41, No. 3

Coloured Map. Yerolimin. Edition HAGS-1977. Printed by HAGS-4-1977.

Section 41, No. 4
Section 41, No. 4

Coloured Map. Potamos. Edition HAGS-1977. Printed by HAGS-6-1977.