29 results

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Section 3, No. 15
Aegean Islands 1:50,000 Skiros
Section 3, No. 15
Aegean Islands 1:50,000 Skiros

Coloured Map. Reproduced by 512 Field Survey Company, Royal Engineers, October 1943 from Admiralty Chart No. 2048 dated 1848.

Section 6, No. 18
1:100,000 Greece Sheet H.9 Skiathos
Section 6, No. 18
1:100,000 Greece Sheet H.9 Skiathos

Coloured Map. Compiled and reproduced by 524 Palestinian Field Survey Company, Royal Engineers, December 1943.

Section 6, No. 19
1:100,000 Greece Sheet H.10 Skopelos
Section 6, No. 19
1:100,000 Greece Sheet H.10 Skopelos

Coloured Map. Compiled and reproduced by 524 Palestinian Field Survey Company, Royal Engineers, November 1943, from Admiralty Chart 2072 and 1:300,000 German map dated 1901. Reprinted by 17 Map Reproduction Section, Royal Engineers, September 1944.

Section 8, No. 13
1:250,000 Greece Sheet G.9 Skiros-Psara
Section 8, No. 13
1:250,000 Greece Sheet G.9 Skiros-Psara

Coloured Map. Compiled and reproduced by 512 Field Survey Company, Royal Engineers, June 1943. Reprinted by 512 Field Survey Company, Royal Engineers, December 1943.

Section 9, No. 7
Doro Channel to the Gulf of Saloniki
Section 9, No. 7
Doro Channel to the Gulf of Saloniki

B&W Hydrographic Chart. Mediterranean - Greece - East Coast. Doro Channel to the Gulf of Saloniki. Surveyed by Captains Graves, Brock, and Spratt, Royal Navy. Assisted by the Officers of H.M. Ships Beacon, Volage, & Bonetta, 1838-48. London, Published at the Admiralty 30th September 1896, under the Superintendence of Rear Admiral W.J.L. Wharton, C.B., F.R.S., Hydrographer.

Section 9, No. 17 (b)
Skiathos Harbour
Section 9, No. 17 (b)
Skiathos Harbour

B&W Hydrographic Chart. Greece - East Coast. Port of Volo (Greek Volos). Surveyed by Commander L.S. Dawson, assisted by Lieutenants G.C. Frederick and P.N. Richards, H.M.S. Sylvia 1887. London, Published at the Admiralty 1st October 1888, under the Superintendence of Captain W.J.L. Wharton, Royal Navy, F.R.S. Hydrographer.

D 7.3
Title (Greek) Skyros and Southern Euboea
D 7.3
Title (Greek) Skyros and Southern Euboea

B&W Map. Aldenhoven, Carte du Royaume dela Gréce (1838): Skyros and Southern Euboea with title (Greek)

B 14.7
VIII. Skiathos
B 14.7
VIII. Skiathos

Coloured Map of Northern Greece (1884): Σκιαθος

B 13.2
B 13.2

Coloured Map. Γενικον Επιτελειον 1878 Hellenic Army Map B.2 Thessaly

H 1.1
J 35 N.W. Mitilini
H 1.1
J 35 N.W. Mitilini

Coloured Map. Greece Zone Handbook No. 3: Aegean Isles. Map 1. General Map of Aegean Isles (Mitilini K 35 SW). Compiled and reproduced by the 512 Fd. Survey Coy., R.E., Sept. 1943; Revised and reprinted by the 512 Fd. Survey Coy., R.E., April 1944.

H 3.2
J 34 N.E. Larisa
H 3.2
J 34 N.E. Larisa

Coloured Map. Greece Zone Handbook No. 6: Central Greece. Map 2. General Map of Northern Sporades (Larisa North J 34 NE). Compiled and reproduced by the 512 Fd. Survey Coy., R.E. Jan. 1944.

Section 24, No. 8
Euboea & Skyros
Section 24, No. 8
Euboea & Skyros

Coloured Map. Χάρτης Εύβοιας και Σκύρου. Συνταχθείς υπό του υπολοχαγού του Μηχανικού Χειλάρη Σταύρου. Εγκρηθείς διά της υπ΄ αριθμ. 62670 18/4/29 Διαταγής Γεν. Επιτελείου Στρατού.

Section 41, No. 135
Section 41, No. 135

Coloured Map. Skiathos. Edition -HAGS-1971. Printed by HAGS-2-1972.

Section 41, No. 136
Section 41, No. 136

Coloured Map. Skopelos. Edition -HAGS-1971. Printed by HAGS-11-1972.

Section 41, No. 137
Section 41, No. 137

Coloured Map. Alonnisos. Edition -HAGS-1971. Printed by HAGS-4-1972.

Section 41, No. 138
Nisoi Skantzoura
Section 41, No. 138
Nisoi Skantzoura

Coloured Map. Nisoi Skantzoura. Edition -HAGS-1971. Printed by HAGS-1-1972.

Section 41, No. 154
Kira Panayia
Section 41, No. 154
Kira Panayia

Coloured Map. Kira Panayia. Edition -HAGS-1971. Printed by HAGS-3-1972.

C 3.1.5
V. Skyros, Euboea
C 3.1.5
V. Skyros, Euboea

Coloured Map. General-Karte des Königrieches Griechenland. Revised version based on the 1885 Kokkidis-Kiepert Map. Bl. V.

Section 12, No. 6
Skyros Island
Section 12, No. 6
Skyros Island

B&W Hydrographic Chart. Archipelago. Skyros Island. Surveyed by Captain Thomas Graves, H.M.S. Volage 1848. Published according to Act of Parliament at the Hydrographic Office of the Admiralty, May 9th 1851.

Section 12, No. 8
Skopelos Group
Section 12, No. 8
Skopelos Group

B&W Hydrographic Chart. Archipelago. Skopelos Group. Surveyed by Captain Graves and Brock, H.M.S. Volage and Bonetta 1847. Published according to Act of Parliament at the Hydrographic Office of the Admiralty, August 5th 1851. Large corrections October 1864.

Section 12, No. 20
Mediterranean Archipelago: Northern Sheet.
Section 12, No. 20
Mediterranean Archipelago: Northern Sheet.

B&W Hydrographic Chart. Mediterranean Archipelago: Northern Sheet. Surveyed by Captains R. Copeland and T. Graves, T. Spratt, and the Officers of H.M.S. Mastiff, Beacon, Volage, and Medina, 1832 to 1863. Inserts for Kavala Bay, Dede Agatcha Road, Port Sigri (Mitylene Island), Foujes (Gulf of Smyrna, Ports Mudros & Kondia (Lemnos Island), Sandarli Harbour (or Chandarli), Rema Bay (Gulf of Sandarli), Port Ali Aga (Gulf of Sandarli), Foggia Nova (Gulf of Sandarli), Port Kolokithia (Khios Island), Sighajik Harbour (Asia Minor), Vourla Harbour, Smyrna Harbour.

Section 12, No. 25
North Aegean Sea
Section 12, No. 25
North Aegean Sea

B&W Hydrographic Chart. Mediterranean. North Aegean Sea. Published in Athens March 1950, under the Superintendence of …, Hydrographer of the Navy. New Edition March 1950.

Section 12, No. 26
Central Aegean Sea
Section 12, No. 26
Central Aegean Sea

B&W Hydrographic Chart. Greece - Aegean Sea. Central Aegean Sea. Published in Athens, January 1956, under the Superintendence of Captain A.C. Stassinopoulos, R.H.N., Hydrographer of the Navy.

C 43
V. Skyros, Central Euboea
C 43
V. Skyros, Central Euboea

Coloured Map. Revised Austrian Military Generalkarte of Central Europe: Bl. V. Skyros, Central Euboea

F 3
3. North Euboea, Skiathos, Gulf of Volos
F 3
3. North Euboea, Skiathos, Gulf of Volos

B&W Map. Carte de la Gréce. Flle. 3. North Euboea, Skiathos, Gulf of Volos

F 4
4. North East Euboea, Skyros
F 4
4. North East Euboea, Skyros

B&W Map. Carte de la Gréce. Flle. 4. North East Euboea, Skyros

Section 18, No. 3
V. Euboea, Skyros
Section 18, No. 3
V. Euboea, Skyros

B&W Map. K.u.k. militär-geographisches-Institut. Photolithographic und Schnellpressendruck. Contains the key to the map series: Schrift und Zeichen-Erklärung zur General-Karte von Griechenland.