1337 results

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Sparta: Nymphaeum constructed along the W. wall of the retaining wall of the theatre, looking E. [BSA SPHS 01/7670.C2842], Sparta: Nymphaeum constructed along the W. wall of the retaining wall of the theatre, looking E., 1927

Part of the collection of images, 1924-1927, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta 1927, Theatre. Nymphaeum, looking E. (cf. C 2801)".

Sparta: Plan of the Nymphaeum constructed along the W. wall of the retaining wall of the theatre [BSA SPHS 01/7671.C2843], Sparta: Plan of the Nymphaeum constructed along the W. wall of the retaining wall of the theatre, 1927

Part of the collection of images, 1924-1927, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta 1927, Theatre. Nymphaeum, plan and elevation".

Sparta: Final plan of excavated area of the Acropolis 1924-27 [BSA SPHS 01/7672.C2844], Sparta: Final plan of excavated area of the Acropolis 1924-27, 1927

Part of the collection of images, 1924-1927, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta 1927, Acropolis. Final plan of area excavated 1924-27".

Sparta: Nymphaeum constructed along the W. wall of the retaining wall of the theatre, looking W. [BSA SPHS 02/1/5196.C2845], Sparta: Nymphaeum constructed along the W. wall of the retaining wall of the theatre, looking W., 1927

Part of the collection of images, 1924-1927, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta 1927, Theatre. Nymphaeum, looking west (cf. C 2802)".

Sparta: Nymphaeum constructed along the W. wall of the retaining wall of the theatre, looking W. [BSA SPHS 01/7673.C2845], Sparta: Nymphaeum constructed along the W. wall of the retaining wall of the theatre, looking W., 1927

Part of the collection of images, 1924-1927, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta 1927, Theatre. Nymphaeum, looking west (cf. C 2802)".

Sparta: marble seat with eagle in relief from the Nymphaeum on the W wall of the theatre [BSA SPHS 02/1/5197.C2846], Sparta: marble seat with eagle in relief from the Nymphaeum on the W wall of the theatre, 1927

Part of the collection of images, 1924-1927, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta 1927, Theatre. Nymphaeum, marble seat, with eagle in relief, in situ at".

Sparta: marble seat with eagle in relief from the Nymphaeum on the W wall of the theatre [BSA SPHS 01/7674.C2846], Sparta: marble seat with eagle in relief from the Nymphaeum on the W wall of the theatre, 1927

Part of the collection of images, 1924-1927, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta 1927, Theatre. Nymphaeum, marble seat, with eagle in relief, in situ at".

Sparta: marble seat with eagle in relief from the Nymphaeum on the W wall of the theatre [BSA SPHS 01/7675.C2847], Sparta: marble seat with eagle in relief from the Nymphaeum on the W wall of the theatre, 1927

Part of the collection of images, 1924-1927, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta 1927, Theatre. Nymphaeum, marble seat, with eagle in relief, in situ at, showing front end and side".

Sparta: Cemtral doorway from behind of the Scenae Frons of the theatre with the filling removed [BSA SPHS 01/7544.C2711], Sparta: Cemtral doorway from behind of the Scenae Frons of the theatre with the filling removed, 1926

Part of the collection of images, 1924-1927, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta, 1926. Theatre. Scenae Frons, central doorway from behind, with filling removed".

Sparta: Terracotta female head, unguent pot in form of a helmeted head and fragments of plastic vases from the Acropolis [BSA SPHS 01/7706.C2878], Sparta: Terracotta female head, unguent pot in form of a helmeted head and fragments of plastic vases from the Acropolis, 1927

Part of the collection of images, 1924-1927, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta 1927, Acropolis. terracotta. archaic head, helmeted head, foot and plastic vase fragment".

Sparta: Terracotta female head, unguent pot in form of a helmeted head and fragments of plastic vases from the Acropolis [BSA SPHS 02/1/5226.C2878], Sparta: Terracotta female head, unguent pot in form of a helmeted head and fragments of plastic vases from the Acropolis, 1927

Part of the collection of images, 1924-1927, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta 1927, Acropolis. terracotta. archaic head, helmeted head, foot and plastic vase fragment".

Sparta: Terracotta female heads from the Acropolis [BSA SPHS 01/7705.C2877], Sparta: Terracotta female heads from the Acropolis, 1927

Part of the collection of images, 1924-1927, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta 1927, Acropolis. terracotta. six female heads".

Sparta: Terracotta female heads from the Acropolis [BSA SPHS 02/1/5225.C2877], Sparta: Terracotta female heads from the Acropolis, 1927

Part of the collection of images, 1924-1927, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta 1927, Acropolis. terracotta. six female heads".

Sparta: Fragments of plastic vases with large painted eyes and a foot from the Acropolis [BSA SPHS 01/7697.C2869], Sparta: Fragments of plastic vases with large painted eyes and a foot from the Acropolis, 1927

Part of the collection of images, 1924-1927, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta 1927, Acropolis. fragment of plastic vase with large painted eyes (r.) and t.c. foot (l.)".

Sparta: Fragments of plastic vases with large painted eyes and a foot from the Acropolis [BSA SPHS 02/1/5217.C2869], Sparta: Fragments of plastic vases with large painted eyes and a foot from the Acropolis, 1927

Part of the collection of images, 1924-1927, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta 1927, Acropolis. fragment of plastic vase with large painted eyes (r.) and t.c. foot (l.)".

Sparta: Unguent pot in form of a helmeted head from the Acropolis [BSA SPHS 01/7696.C2868], Sparta: Unguent pot in form of a helmeted head from the Acropolis, 1927

Part of the collection of images, 1924-1927, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta 1927, Acropolis. unguent pot in form of helmeted head, l".

Sparta: Unguent pot in form of a helmeted head from the Acropolis [BSA SPHS 02/1/5216.C2868], Sparta: Unguent pot in form of a helmeted head from the Acropolis, 1927

Part of the collection of images, 1924-1927, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta 1927, Acropolis. unguent pot in form of helmeted head, l.".

Sparta: Archaic terracotta female heads, one with palm leaf crown from the Acropolis [BSA SPHS 01/7695.C2867], Sparta: Archaic terracotta female heads, one with palm leaf crown from the Acropolis, 1927

Part of the collection of images, 1924-1927, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta 1927, Acropolis. Terracotta. late archaic female head (profile l. and another with palm leaves crown)".

Sparta: Archaic terracotta female heads in profile, one with palm leaf crown from the Acropolis [BSA SPHS 02/1/5215.C2867], Sparta: Archaic terracotta female heads in profile, one with palm leaf crown from the Acropolis, 1927

Part of the collection of images, 1924-1927, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta 1927, Acropolis. Terracotta. late archaic female head (profile l. and another with palm leaves crown)".

Sparta: Archaic terracotta female head with short curls and head-band from the Acropolis [BSA SPHS 01/7694.C2866], Sparta: Archaic terracotta female head with short curls and head-band from the Acropolis, 1927

Part of the collection of images, 1924-1927, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta 1927, Acropolis. Terracotta. late archaic female head with short curls & head band".

Sparta: Archaic terracotta female head with short curls and head-band from the Acropolis [BSA SPHS 02/1/5214.C2866], Sparta: Archaic terracotta female head with short curls and head-band from the Acropolis, 1927

Part of the collection of images, 1924-1927, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta 1927, Acropolis. Terracotta. late archaic female head with short curls & head band".

Sparta: Archaic terracotta female heads, one with palm leaf crown from the Acropolis [BSA SPHS 01/7693.C2865], Sparta: Archaic terracotta female heads, one with palm leaf crown from the Acropolis, 1927

Part of the collection of images, 1924-1927, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta 1927, Acropolis. Terracotta. Archaic female heads (on l. with peart-wig, o r. with palm leaves crown)".

Sparta: Archaic terracotta female heads, one with palm leaf crown from the Acropolis [BSA SPHS 02/1/5213.C2865], Sparta: Archaic terracotta female heads, one with palm leaf crown from the Acropolis, 1927

Part of the collection of images, 1924-1927, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta 1927, Acropolis. Terracotta. Archaic female heads (on l. with peart-wig, o r. with palm leaves crown)".

Sparta: Archaic terracotta female head with ribbed hair and white slip from the Acropolis [BSA SPHS 01/7692.C2864], Sparta: Archaic terracotta female head with ribbed hair and white slip from the Acropolis, 1927

Part of the collection of images, 1924-1927, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta 1927, Acropolis. Terracotta. Archaic female head - with ribbed hair & white slip".

Sparta: Archaic terracotta female head with ribbed hair and white slip from the Acropolis [BSA SPHS 02/1/5212.C2864], Sparta: Archaic terracotta female head with ribbed hair and white slip from the Acropolis, 1927

Part of the collection of images, 1924-1927, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta 1927, Acropolis. Terracotta. Archaic female head - with ribbed hair & white slip".

Sparta: Archaic terracotta female head from the Acropolis [BSA SPHS 01/7691.C2863], Sparta: Archaic terracotta female head from the Acropolis, 1927

Part of the collection of images, 1924-1927, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta 1927, Acropolis. Terracotta. Archaic female head - damaged above the nose".

Sparta: Archaic terracotta female head from the Acropolis [BSA SPHS 02/1/5211.C2863], Sparta: Archaic terracotta female head from the Acropolis, 1927

Part of the collection of images, 1924-1927, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta 1927, Acropolis. Terracotta. Archaic female head - damaged above the nose".

Sparta: Protocorinthian fragments with a spiral snake in relief from the Acropolis [BSA SPHS 01/7690.C2862], Sparta: Protocorinthian fragments with a spiral snake in relief from the Acropolis, 1926-1927

Part of the collection of images, 1924-1927, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta 1926-27, Acropolis. Pottery. 2 Protocorinthian fragments with spiral snake in relief".

Sparta: Protocorinthian fragments with a spiral snake in relief from the Acropolis [BSA SPHS 02/1/5210.C2862], Sparta: Protocorinthian fragments with a spiral snake in relief from the Acropolis, 1926-1927

Part of the collection of images, 1924-1927, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta 1926-27, Acropolis. Pottery. 2 Protocorinthian fragments with spiral snake in relief".

Sparta: Fragments of kylix, protome from a handle, and a Protocorinthian aryballos from the Acropolis [BSA SPHS 01/7689.C2861], Sparta: Fragments of kylix, protome from a handle, and a Protocorinthian aryballos from the Acropolis, 1927

Part of the collection of images, 1924-1927, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta 1927, Acropolis. Pottery. 3 fragments (l. kylix fragment, c. protome from handle, r. Protocorinthian aryballos pot)".

Sparta: Fragments of kylix, protome from a handle, and a Protocorinthian aryballos from the Acropolis [BSA SPHS 02/1/5209.C2861], Sparta: Fragments of kylix, protome from a handle, and a Protocorinthian aryballos from the Acropolis, 1927

Part of the collection of images, 1924-1927, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta 1927, Acropolis. Pottery. 3 fragments (l. kylix fragment, c. protome from handle, r. Protocorinthian aryballos pot)".

Sparta: Laconian figured fragments including two with Gorgoneion from the Acropolis [BSA SPHS 01/7688.C2860], Sparta: Laconian figured fragments including two with Gorgoneion from the Acropolis, 1927

Part of the collection of images, 1924-1927, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta 1927, Acropolis. Pottery. Laconian: eleven figured fragments, incl. 2 with Gorgoneion".

Sparta: Laconian figured fragments including two with Gorgoneion from the Acropolis [BSA SPHS 02/1/5208.C2860], Sparta: Laconian figured fragments including two with Gorgoneion from the Acropolis, 1927

Part of the collection of images, 1924-1927, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta 1927, Acropolis. Pottery. Laconian: eleven figured fragments, incl. 2 with Gorgoneion".

Sparta: Laconian cup and skyphos fragments from the Acropolis [BSA SPHS 01/7687.C2859], Sparta: Laconian cup and skyphos fragments from the Acropolis, 1927

Part of the collection of images, 1924-1927, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta 1927, Acropolis. Pottery. Laconian: fragments of cup and Lac. III skyphos".

Sparta: Laconian cup and skyphos fragments from the Acropolis [BSA SPHS 02/1/5207.C2859], Sparta: Laconian cup and skyphos fragments from the Acropolis, 1927

Part of the collection of images, 1924-1927, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta 1927, Acropolis. Pottery. Laconian: fragments of cup and Lac. III skyphos".

Sparta: Laconian cup with handle from the Acropolis [BSA SPHS 01/7686.C2858], Sparta: Laconian cup with handle from the Acropolis, 1927

Part of the collection of images, 1924-1927, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta 1927, Acropolis. Pottery. Laconian: cup with ring-handle, Lac. III? ray pattern".

Sparta: Laconian cup with handle from the Acropolis [BSA SPHS 02/1/5206.C2858], Sparta: Laconian cup with handle from the Acropolis, 1927

Part of the collection of images, 1924-1927, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta 1927, Acropolis. Pottery. Laconian: cup with ring-handle, Lac. III? ray pattern".

Sparta: Laconian small bowl kanthroos from the Acropolis [BSA SPHS 01/7685.C2857], Sparta: Laconian small bowl kanthroos from the Acropolis, 1927

Part of the collection of images, 1924-1927, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta 1927, Acropolis. Pottery. Laconian: small bowl (black with purple band) and Lac. V kantharos".

Sparta: Laconian small bowl kanthroos from the Acropolis [BSA SPHS 02/1/5205.C2857], Sparta: Laconian small bowl kanthroos from the Acropolis, 1927

Part of the collection of images, 1924-1927, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta 1927, Acropolis. Pottery. Laconian: small bowl (black with purple band) and Lac. V kantharos".

Sparta: Laconian undecorated small jar from the Acropolis [BSA SPHS 01/7684.C2856], Sparta: Laconian undecorated small jar from the Acropolis, 1927

Part of the collection of images, 1924-1927, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta 1927, Acropolis. Pottery. Laconian: undecorated small jar".

Sparta: Laconian undecorated small jar from the Acropolis [BSA SPHS 02/1/5204.C2856], Sparta: Laconian undecorated small jar from the Acropolis, 1927

Part of the collection of images, 1924-1927, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta 1927, Acropolis. Pottery. Laconian: undecorated small jar".

Sparta: Archaic terracotta female head with ribbed hair from the Acropolis [BSA SPHS 01/7667.C2839], Sparta: Archaic terracotta female head with ribbed hair from the Acropolis, 1927

Part of the collection of images, 1924-1927, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta 1927, Acropolis. T.C. Archaic female head with ribbed hair".

Sparta: Archaic terracotta female head with ribbed hair from the Acropolis [BSA SPHS 02/1/5192.C2839], Sparta: Archaic terracotta female head with ribbed hair from the Acropolis, 1927

Part of the collection of images, 1924-1927, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta 1927, Acropolis. T.C. Archaic female head with ribbed hair".

Sparta: Laconian Hellenistic inscribed and relief ware fragments from the Acropolis [BSA SPHS 01/7658.C2830], Sparta: Laconian Hellenistic inscribed and relief ware fragments from the Acropolis, 1924-1927

Part of the collection of images, 1924-1927, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta 1924-27, Acropolis. Pottery, Laconian Hellenistic relief ware inc. inscribed fragments".

Sparta: Laconian Hellenistic inscribed and relief ware fragments from the Acropolis [BSA SPHS 02/1/5186.C2830], Sparta: Laconian Hellenistic inscribed and relief ware fragments from the Acropolis, 1924-1927

Part of the collection of images, 1924-1927, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta 1924-27, Acropolis. Pottery, Laconian Hellenistic relief ware inc. inscribed fragments".

Sparta: Laconian Hellenistic plates and other fragments with dedications from the Acropolis [BSA SPHS 01/7657.C2829], Sparta: Laconian Hellenistic plates and other fragments with dedications from the Acropolis, 1924-1927

Part of the collection of images, 1924-1927, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta 1924-27, Acropolis. Pottery, Laconian Hellenistic plates etc., inscribed fragments (dedicated by Eurysthineia)".

Sparta: Laconian Hellenistic plates and other fragments with dedications from the Acropolis [BSA SPHS 02/1/5185.C2829], Sparta: Laconian Hellenistic plates and other fragments with dedications from the Acropolis, 1924-1927

Part of the collection of images, 1924-1927, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta 1924-27, Acropolis. Pottery, Laconian Hellenistic plates etc., inscribed fragments (dedicated by Eurysthineia)".

Sparta: Laconian relief ware fragmens from a large Hydra from the Acropolis [BSA SPHS 01/7656.C2828], Sparta: Laconian relief ware fragmens from a large Hydra from the Acropolis, 1924-1927

Part of the collection of images, 1924-1927, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta 1924-27, Acropolis. Pottery, Laconian relief ware - 4 fragments from large hydra".

Sparta: Laconian relief ware fragmens from a large Hydra from the Acropolis [BSA SPHS 02/1/5184.C2828], Sparta: Laconian relief ware fragmens from a large Hydra from the Acropolis, 1924-1927

Part of the collection of images, 1924-1927, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta 1924-27, Acropolis. Pottery, Laconian relief ware - 4 fragments from large hydra".

Sparta: Laconian (?) Black-glazed fragments with added white from the Acropolis [BSA SPHS 01/7655.C2827], Sparta: Laconian (?) Black-glazed fragments with added white from the Acropolis, 1924-1927

Part of the collection of images, 1924-1927, of the British School at Athens excavations at Sparta, Laconia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Sparta 1924-27, Acropolis. Pottery, Laconian (?) 2 fragments of black-glazed ware with figures in added white".