63 results

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Mycenae: Entrance to Grave Circle [A] [BSA SPHS 03/0649.2209], Mycenae: Entrance to Grave Circle [A], Latest 1919

The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Mycenae: entrance to grave circle".

Mycenae: Entrance to shaft grave circle [A] [BSA SPHS 01/2306.6174], Mycenae: Entrance to shaft grave circle [A], 1906

Part of a group of images donated by the Argonaut Camera Club, taken on excursions and cruises in Greece and Asia Minor. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Mycenae: shaft grave circle, entrance to".

Mycenae: Tomb [BSA SPHS 01/2311.6193], Mycenae: Tomb, 1906

Part of a group of images donated by the Argonaut Camera Club, taken on excursions and cruises in Greece and Asia Minor. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Mycenae: tomb".

Mycenae: Shaft graves [BSA SPHS 01/1764.4414], Mycenae: Shaft graves, Latest 1904

The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Mycenae: shaft graves".

Mycenae: Shaft Graves [BSA SPHS 03/0613.2067], Mycenae: Shaft Graves, Latest 1897

The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Myceane:shaft graves".

Mycenae: Shaft Graves [BSA SPHS 01/0640.2165], Mycenae: Shaft Graves, Latest 1913

The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Mycenae:shaft graves".

Mycenae: View from Lion gate from towards Argos looking over the grave circle [BSA SPHS 01/5914.C1708], Mycenae: View from Lion gate from towards Argos looking over the grave circle, Latest 1921

The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Mr. Atchley's numbering: 94. Argolis, Mycenae Lion gate view from towards Argos".

Grid Map of the Grave Circle [MYC 2/2/22], Grid Map of the Grave Circle, 1921-1923

It is a preliminary grid map of the grave circle and does not include annotations. Additionally, there are no labels on any of the buildings.

Sections Through Grave Circle, Granary, and Ramp House [MYC 2/1/17], Sections Through Grave Circle, Granary, and Ramp House, 1921-1923

It is a final drawing of the sections through the Grave Circle, Granary, and the Ramp House. The constituent parts are labeled, there is a legend indicating the materials and periods of construction, there is a scale for reference, and annotations.

Photograph of Grave Circle from the North [MYC 4/08], Photograph of Grave Circle from the North, 1920-1923

B/W photograph on mount board showing the actual state of the Grave Circle and Royal Shaft Graves photographed from the north. On the ridge beyond can be seen the entrance to the "Treasury of Atreus". The plain and citadel of Argos lie in the distance. This item was used for the 1936 Exhibition and so is also cross-referenced as follows: 1936 Exhibition Collection: 1936 EXH - 103

Section Through Ring of Slabs in Grave Circle [MYC 2/1/01], Section Through Ring of Slabs in Grave Circle, 1921-1923

It is a final drawing of the section showing construction of ring slabs on the east side of the Grave Circle. The constituent parts of the section are labeled and the drawing contains minor annotations.

Plan of Grave Circle and Surrounding Buildings [MYC 2/2/31], Plan of Grave Circle and Surrounding Buildings, 1920-1923

Preliminary plan of Grave Circle A and the surrounding buildings. Part of a printed version of the plan has been pasted on top of board and then added to in ink. The buildings are labeled with numbers and letters and the drawing includes some annotations.

Fragments of Stele VIII from Grave Circle [MYC 3/4/04], Fragments of Stele VIII from Grave Circle, 1920-1923

Final ink drawing of fragments from grave stele VIII in the Grave Circle. MYC 3/4/04/1 - MYC 3/4/04/3 are all glued together and represent fragments of the same stele.

Fragment of Stele VIII from Grave Circle Part A [MYC 3/4/04/1], Fragment of Stele VIII from Grave Circle Part A, 1920-1923

B/W ink drawing of a fragment from grave stele VIII displaying a chariot wheel and the heads of two warriors. MYC 3/4/04/1 - MYC 3/4/04/3 are all glued together and represent fragments of the same stele.

Fragment of Stele VIII from Grave Circle Part B [MYC 3/4/04/2], Fragment of Stele VIII from Grave Circle Part B, 1920-1923

B/W ink drawing of a fragment from grave stele VIII displaying the leg and hoof of a horse, as well as a border design. MYC 3/4/04/1 - MYC 3/4/04/3 are all glued together and represent fragments of the same stele.

Fragment of Stele VIII from Grave Circle Part C [MYC 3/4/04/3], Fragment of Stele VIII from Grave Circle Part C, 1920-1923

B/W ink drawing of a fragment from grave stele VIII displaying the left-hand corner with a spiral design. MYC 3/4/04/1 - MYC 3/4/04/3 are all glued together and represent fragments of the same stele.

Fragments of Stele IX from Grave Circle [MYC 3/4/05], Fragments of Stele IX from Grave Circle, 1920-1923

B/W ink drawings of fragments from grave stele IX in the Grave Circle. MYC 3/4/05/1 & MYC 3/4/05/2 are glued together and represent fragments of the same stele.

Fragments of Stele IX from Grave Circle Part A [MYC 3/4/05/1], Fragments of Stele IX from Grave Circle Part A, 1920-1923

B/W ink drawing of a fragment from grave stele IX displaying the legs of a man falling to the left, a man’s torso and head as he is leaning to the right, as well as potentially the arm, spear, or sword of an adversary. MYC 3/4/05/1 & MYC 3/4/05/2 are glued together and represent fragments of the same stele.

Fragments of Stele IX from Grave Circle Part B [MYC 3/4/05/2], Fragments of Stele IX from Grave Circle Part B, 1920-1923

B/W ink drawing of a fragment from grave stele IX displaying two chariot wheels, the body of one chariot, as well as the hind leg of a horse and reins. MYC 3/4/05/1 & MYC 3/4/05/2 are glued together and represent fragments of the same stele.

Fragments of Stelae X & XI from Grave Circle [MYC 3/4/06], Fragments of Stelae X & XI from Grave Circle, 1920-1923

B/W ink drawings of fragments from grave stelae X and XI in the Grave Circle. MYC 3/4/06/1 - MYC 3/4/06/3 are glued together.

Fragments of Stele X from Grave Circle [MYC 3/4/06/1], Fragments of Stele X from Grave Circle, 1920-1923

B/W ink drawing of two fragments from grave stele X, part a displaying a man with pleated hair or some sort of cap. His knees are bent and he has a curved object in his left hand. Part b displays the legs of a man who is apparently running. MYC 3/4/06/1 - MYC 3/4/06/3 are glued together.

Fragment of Stele XI from Grave Circle Part A [MYC 3/4/06/2], Fragment of Stele XI from Grave Circle Part A, 1920-1923

B/W ink drawing of fragment “a” from grave stele XI displaying the forepart of a horse, reins, and a long lance pointed in the same direction as the horse. The stele is badly damaged and the images are almost indistinguishable. MYC 3/4/06/1 - MYC 3/4/06/3 are glued together.

Fragment of Stele XI from Grave Circle Part B [MYC 3/4/06/3], Fragment of Stele XI from Grave Circle Part B, 1920-1923

B/W ink drawing of fragment “b” from grave stele XI displaying the head and arm of a man who is holding a similarly curved object to that in MYC 3/4/6/1. MYC 3/4/06/1 - MYC 3/4/06/3 are glued together.

Fragments of Stele XII from Grave Circle [MYC 3/4/07], Fragments of Stele XII from Grave Circle, 1920-1923

B/W ink drawings of fragments from grave stele XIII in the Grave Circle. MYC 3/4/07/1 - MYC 3/4/07/5 are glued together and represent fragments of the same stele.

Fragment of Stele XII from Grave Circle Part A [MYC 3/4/07/1], Fragment of Stele XII from Grave Circle Part A, 1920-1923

B/W ink drawing of fragment “a” from grave stele XII displaying several spirals and loops. The fragment is the top left corner of the stele. It is labeled “74” on the back. MYC 3/4/07/1 - MYC 3/4/07/5 are glued together and represent fragments of the same stele.

Fragment of Stele XII from Grave Circle Part B [MYC 3/4/07/2], Fragment of Stele XII from Grave Circle Part B, 1920-1923

B/W ink drawing of fragment “b” from grave stele XII displaying a spiral and loop. The fragment is the top right corner of the stele. It is labeled “84” on the back. MYC 3/4/07/1 - MYC 3/4/07/5 are glued together and represent fragments of the same stele.

Fragment of Stele XII from Grave Circle Part C [MYC 3/4/07/3], Fragment of Stele XII from Grave Circle Part C, 1920-1923

B/W ink drawing of fragment “c” from grave stele XII displaying three linked spirals which form a border. It is labeled “77” on the back. MYC 3/4/07/1 - MYC 3/4/07/5 are glued together and represent fragments of the same stele.

Fragment of Stele XII from Grave Circle Part D [MYC 3/4/07/4], Fragment of Stele XII from Grave Circle Part D, 1920-1923

B/W ink drawing of fragment “d” from grave stele XII displaying the greater part of one spiral and a small part of another. MYC 3/4/07/1 - MYC 3/4/07/5 are glued together and represent fragments of the same stele.

Fragment of Stele XII from Grave Circle Part E [MYC 3/4/07/5], Fragment of Stele XII from Grave Circle Part E, 1920-1923

B/W ink drawing of fragment “e” from grave stele XII displaying part of a spiral and a broad vertical band on the outside. It is labeled “78” on the back. MYC 3/4/07/1 - MYC 3/4/07/5 are glued together and represent fragments of the same stele.

Restored Design of Frament A from Grave Stele XII [MYC 3/4/08], Restored Design of Frament A from Grave Stele XII, 1920-1923

B/W ink drawing of a restored version of fragment “a” from stele XII in the grave circle (MYC 3/4/07/1). It displays a complete design of the laterally connecting spirals and loops. It is labeled “6” on the front and “82” on the back.

Fragment “D” of Stele VIII from Grave Circle [MYC 3/4/09], Fragment “D” of Stele VIII from Grave Circle, 1920-1923

B/W ink drawing of fragment “d” from stele VIII. The fragment is badly damaged and not much is discernable other than four parallel horizontal lines. It is labeled “76” on the back.

Pottery Fragments from Grave Circle and Palace [MYC 3/1/33], Pottery Fragments from Grave Circle and Palace, 1921-1923

Four watercolour drawings of Early and Middle Helladic fragments found at the Grave Circle and Palace. The fragments shown in the two upper drawings are Early Helladic except (e) which is Middle Helladic. The patterned pieces were originally found by Stamatakes in 1877, rediscovered by the British School in the cellar of the Nauplia Museum, and identified by the Greek letters written on them in pencil. The bowl fragment with a flight of birds in the central drawing is dated to the Middle Helladic as are the three fragments shown in the drawing at the bottom albeit somewhat earlier. These drawings were originally included on an exhibition board for the BSA 1936 Exhibition at Burlington House, London. MYC 3/1/33/1 - MYC 3/1/33/4 are parts of MYC 3/33.

Early and Middle Helladic Pottery from Grave Circle Area, Fragments A-L [MYC 3/1/33/1], Early and Middle Helladic Pottery from Grave Circle Area, Fragments A-L, 1921-1923

Watercolour drawing showing Early and Middle Helladic pottery fragments from strata at the foot of Great Ramp (A-G, J-K, L), Wall 63 (H), Test 62 (I) and S. of Grave Circle (E). This drawing was originally included on an exhibition board for the BSA 1936 Exhibition at Burlington House, London. MYC 3/1/33/1 - MYC 3/1/33/4 are parts of MYC 3/33. This was published at the top part of Plate XII, ABSA 25 (1921-23) along with MYC 3/1/33/4.

Early Helladic Pottery Fragments from Grave Circle Area [MYC 3/1/33/2], Early Helladic Pottery Fragments from Grave Circle Area, 1921-1923

Watercolour drawing showing fragments of Early Helladic Pottery found in the Grave Circle by Stamatakes during his 1877 excavation. This drawing was originally included on an exhibition board for the BSA 1936 Exhibition at Burlington House, London. MYC 3/1/33/1 - MYC 3/1/33/4 are parts of MYC 3/33.

Early and Middle Helladic Pottery from Grave Circle Area, Fragments M-N-O [MYC 3/1/33/4], Early and Middle Helladic Pottery from Grave Circle Area, Fragments M-N-O, 1921-1923

Watercolour drawing of Early Helladic pottery fragments from the strata of the foot of Great Ramp (M &N) and Test 62 (O). This drawing was originally included on an exhibition board for the BSA 1936 Exhibition at Burlington House, London. MYC 3/1/33/1 - MYC 3/1/33/4 are parts of MYC 3/33. This was published at the bottom part of Plate XII, ABSA 25 (1921-23) along with MYC 3/1/33/1.

Mycenae: E. side of Grave Circle A, showing facing slabs [BSA SPHS 01/1325.3389], Mycenae: E. side of Grave Circle A, showing facing slabs, 1920

Part of a collection of images of the BSA's 1920s excavations at Mycenae. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Mycenae: Grave circle. E. Side showing facing slabs".

Mycenae: Entrance to Grave Circle A, showing facing slabs [BSA SPHS 01/1326.3390], Mycenae: Entrance to Grave Circle A, showing facing slabs, 1920

Part of a collection of images of the BSA's 1920s excavations at Mycenae. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Mycenae: entrance to grave circle & showing facing slabs".

Mycenae: Acropolis wall and the wall supporting Grave Circle A [BSA SPHS 01/1696.4226], Mycenae: Acropolis wall and the wall supporting Grave Circle A, 1920

Part of a collection of images of the BSA's 1920s excavations at Mycenae. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Mycenae: between Acropolis wall & wall supporting grave circle".

Mycenae: Unsculptured grave stelae from Grave Circle A [BSA SPHS 01/1697.4227], Mycenae: Unsculptured grave stelae from Grave Circle A, 1920

Part of a collection of images of the BSA's 1920s excavations at Mycenae. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Mycenae: Grave circle. Unsculptured grave stelae".

Mycenae: Plan of Grave Circle A [BSA SPHS 01/1698.4228], Mycenae: Plan of Grave Circle A, Latest 1915

Part of a collection of images of the BSA's 1920s excavations at Mycenae. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Mycenae: plan of grave circle ( Att. Mitt. Vol. XL.)".

Mycenae: Grave Circle A from S. [BSA SPHS 02/1/3485.C0717], Mycenae: Grave Circle A from S., 1922

Part of a collection of images of the BSA's 1920s excavations at Mycenae. The original description in the SPHS negative register reads: "Mycenae, grave circle from S". Recorded in the register as from the 1922 season.

Mycenae: Grave Circle A from S. [BSA SPHS 01/3559.C0772], Mycenae: Grave Circle A from S., 1923

Part of a collection of images of the BSA's 1920s excavations at Mycenae. The original description in the SPHS negative register reads: "Mycenae, grave circle form S". Recorded in the register as from the 1923 season.

Mycenae: Grave Circle A [BSA SPHS 01/3355.C0623], Mycenae: Grave Circle A, 1920-1923

Part of a collection of images of the BSA's 1920s excavations at Mycenae. The original description in the SPHS negative register reads: "Mycenae grave circle".

Mycenae: Section of the Grave Circle A construction [BSA SPHS 01/3440.C0685], Mycenae: Section of the Grave Circle A construction, 1920-1923

Part of a collection of images of the BSA's 1920s excavations at Mycenae. The original description in the SPHS negative register reads: "Mycenae, grave circle construction, section".

Mycenae: Section of the Grave Circle A construction [BSA SPHS 02/1/3441.C0685], Mycenae: Section of the Grave Circle A construction, 1920-1923

Part of a collection of images of the BSA's 1920s excavations at Mycenae. The original description in the SPHS negative register reads: "Mycenae, grave circle construction, section".

Mycenae: Grave Circle A restoration [BSA SPHS 01/3444.C0687], Mycenae: Grave Circle A restoration, 1920-1923

Part of a collection of images of the BSA's 1920s excavations at Mycenae. The original description in the SPHS negative register reads: "Mycenae, Grave circle restoration".

Mycenae: Section of the Grave Circle A [BSA SPHS 01/3450.C0691], Mycenae: Section of the Grave Circle A, 1920-1923

Part of a collection of images of the BSA's 1920s excavations at Mycenae. The original description in the SPHS negative register reads: "Mycenae, Grave circle sections".

Mycenae: Section through the Grave Circle A, Granary and Ramp House [BSA SPHS 02/1/3451.C0691], Mycenae: Section through the Grave Circle A, Granary and Ramp House, 1920-1923

Part of a collection of images of the BSA's 1920s excavations at Mycenae. The original description in the SPHS negative register reads: "Mycenae, Grave circle sections".

Mycenae: Grave stele [BSA SPHS 01/3454.C0693], Mycenae: Grave stele, 1920-1923

Part of a collection of images of the BSA's 1920s excavations at Mycenae. The original description in the SPHS negative register reads: "Mycenae, Grave stele".

Mycenae: Plan of the shaft graves [BSA SPHS 01/3618.C0860], Mycenae: Plan of the shaft graves, 1920-1923

Part of a collection of images of the BSA's 1920s excavations at Mycenae. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Plan of shaft graves, Mycenae".