124 results

Please note that there might currently be restricted access to some unpublished items

Pinewood between Achmet Aga [modern Prokopi] and Phyli [modern Pilio] [BSA SPHS 01/5734.C1526], Pinewood between Achmet Aga [modern Prokopi] and Phyli [modern Pilio], Latest 1921

The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Mr. Atchley's numbering: 894. Euboea, Ackmet Aga, pine wood between A.A. & Pyli".

Mount Dirifi from Achmet Aga [modern Prokopi] and Chalkis road [BSA SPHS 01/5735.C1527], Mount Dirifi from Achmet Aga [modern Prokopi] and Chalkis road, Latest 1921

The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Mr. Atchley's numbering: 723. Euboea, Ackmet Aga, Mt. Dirphys from A.A. & Chalkis rd.".

Dystos: distant view from N. [BSA SPHS 01/5736.C1528], Dystos: distant view from N., Latest 1921

The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Mr. Atchley's numbering: 306. Euboea, Dystos, distant view from N".

Dystos: from across the lake, looking S. [BSA SPHS 01/5737.C1529], Dystos: from across the lake, looking S., Latest 1921

The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Mr. Atchley's numbering: 925. Euboea, Dystos, from across lake looking S".

Dystos: acropolis from outside [BSA SPHS 01/5738.C1530], Dystos: acropolis from outside, Latest 1921

The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Mr. Atchley's numbering: 304. Euboea, Dystos, gate of acropolis from outside".

Eretria: theatre [BSA SPHS 01/5740.C1532], Eretria: theatre, Latest 1921

The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Mr. Atchley's numbering: 21. Euboea, Eretria, theatre".

Eretria: notched wall near theatre [BSA SPHS 01/5741.C1533], Eretria: notched wall near theatre, Latest 1921

The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Mr. Atchley's numbering: 300. Euboea, Eretria, notched wall near theatre".

Eretria: tower in E. wall of acropolis near S.E. corner [BSA SPHS 01/5742.C1534], Eretria: tower in E. wall of acropolis near S.E. corner, Latest 1921

The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Mr. Atchley's numbering: 301. Euboea, Eretria, tower in E wall of acropolis near SE corner".

Eretria: tower in E. wall of acropolis, last but one towards S. [BSA SPHS 01/5743.C1535], Eretria: tower in E. wall of acropolis, last but one towards S., Latest 1921

The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Mr. Atchley's numbering: 302. Euboea, Eretria, tower in E wall of acropolis, last but one towards S".

Eretria: W. wall of acropolis [BSA SPHS 01/5744.C1536], Eretria: W. wall of acropolis, Latest 1921

The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Mr. Atchley's numbering: 303. Euboea, Eretria, W wall of acropolis".

Monastery of St. John, said to be at 'Gephyra' in Euboea [BSA SPHS 01/5745.C1537], Monastery of St. John, said to be at 'Gephyra' in Euboea, Latest 1921

The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Mr. Atchley's numbering: 519. Euboea, Gephyra, monastary of S. John, ancient arch".

Cyclopean wall near the Monastery of St John at 'Gephyra' in Euboea [BSA SPHS 01/5747.C1539], Cyclopean wall near the Monastery of St John at 'Gephyra' in Euboea, Latest 1921

The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Mr. Atchley's numbering: 529. Euboea, Gephyra, monastary of S. John, (near) Cyclopean wall".

Mount Kantili from Achmet Aga [modern Prokopi] [BSA SPHS 01/5748.C1540], Mount Kantili from Achmet Aga [modern Prokopi], Latest 1921

The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Mr. Atchley's numbering: 786. Euboea, Mt. Kandili from Ackmet Aga".

Mount Ochi from Hymettos [BSA SPHS 01/5749.C1541], Mount Ochi from Hymettos, Latest 1921

The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Mr. Atchley's numbering: 773. Euboea, Mt Ocha from Hymettos".

Doorway of 'Dragon House' on Mount Ochi [BSA SPHS 01/5750.C1542], Doorway of 'Dragon House' on Mount Ochi, Latest 1921

The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Mr. Atchley's numbering: 31. Euboea, Mt Ocha, door of building on summit".

Pylio: ancient site above village near the sea [BSA SPHS 01/5751.C1543], Pylio: ancient site above village near the sea, Latest 1921

The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Mr. Atchley's numbering: 920. Euboea, Pyli ancient site above village near sea".

Eretria: notched wall near theatre [BSA SPHS 01/7131.C2021], Eretria: notched wall near theatre, Latest 1921

The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Mr. Atchley's numbering: 300 bis. Addenda. Eretria, notched wall of theatre".

View of Chalcis from Anaphoritis pass [BSA SPHS 01/7178.C2076], View of Chalcis from Anaphoritis pass, Latest 1921

The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Mr. Atchley's numbering: without number. Addenda. view towards Chalkis over pass of Anaphoritis".

View from path between Achmet Aga [modern Prokopi] and Draga, looking N. [BSA SPHS 01/7187.C2085], View from path between Achmet Aga [modern Prokopi] and Draga, looking N., Latest 1921

The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Mr. Atchley's numbering: without number. Addenda. Euboea, view from path between Achmetaga & Draga looking N".

Mount Kantili, N.E. of Achmet Aga [modern Prokopi] [BSA SPHS 01/7342.C2333], Mount Kantili, N.E. of Achmet Aga [modern Prokopi], Latest 1921

The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Euboea Mt. Kandili from NE of Achmet Aga".

Section 25, No. 11
Section 25, No. 11

[Greek] Coloured Map. Εθνική Στατιστική Υπηρεσία της Ελλάδος

Section 6, No. 18
1:100,000 Greece Sheet H.9 Skiathos
Section 6, No. 18
1:100,000 Greece Sheet H.9 Skiathos

Coloured Map. Compiled and reproduced by 524 Palestinian Field Survey Company, Royal Engineers, December 1943.

Section 6, No. 26
1:100,000 Greece Sheet T.9 Psakhna
Section 6, No. 26
1:100,000 Greece Sheet T.9 Psakhna

Coloured Map. Reproduced by 524 Palestinian Field Survey Company, Royal Engineers, December 1943, from a Greek map dated 1941.

Section 6, No. 27
1:100,000 Greece Sheet T.10 Kimi
Section 6, No. 27
1:100,000 Greece Sheet T.10 Kimi

Coloured Map. Reproduced by 524 Palestinian Field Survey Company, Royal Engineers, December 1943, from a Greek map dated 1941. Reprinted by 524 Palestinian Field Survey Company, Royal Engineers, August 1944.

Section 7, No. 8
1:100,000 Greece Sheet I.10 Nea Psara
Section 7, No. 8
1:100,000 Greece Sheet I.10 Nea Psara

Coloured Map. Reproduced by 19th Field Survey Company, Royal Engineers, August 1943, from a Greek map dated 1941. Reprinted by 19th Field Survey Company, Royal Engineers, December 1943.

Section 7, No. 9
1:100,000 Greece Sheet I / K. 11 Karistos
Section 7, No. 9
1:100,000 Greece Sheet I / K. 11 Karistos

Coloured Map. Reproduced by 19th Field Survey Company, Royal Engineers, August 1943, from a Greek map dated 1941. Reprinted by 19th Field Survey Company, Royal Engineers, December 1943.

Section 9, No. 7
Doro Channel to the Gulf of Saloniki
Section 9, No. 7
Doro Channel to the Gulf of Saloniki

B&W Hydrographic Chart. Mediterranean - Greece - East Coast. Doro Channel to the Gulf of Saloniki. Surveyed by Captains Graves, Brock, and Spratt, Royal Navy. Assisted by the Officers of H.M. Ships Beacon, Volage, & Bonetta, 1838-48. London, Published at the Admiralty 30th September 1896, under the Superintendence of Rear Admiral W.J.L. Wharton, C.B., F.R.S., Hydrographer.

Section 10, No. 14
Talanta Channel, and the Western part of the Euripo Channel.
Section 10, No. 14
Talanta Channel, and the Western part of the Euripo Channel.

B&W Hydrographic Chart. Greece. Talanta Channel, and the Western part of the Euripo Channel. Surveyed by Captain Thomas Graves, assisted by Lieutenant Spratt & Mansell, Mr Chapman, Master, Lord J. Browne, Messers Geary, Wyer and Wilkinson, Midshipmen. 1846,47. London, Published according to Act of Parliament at the Hydrographic Office of the Admiralty, June 18th 1857. Large corrections June 1872.

Section 10, No. 15
Gulf of Volo with Oreos and Talanta Channels.
Section 10, No. 15
Gulf of Volo with Oreos and Talanta Channels.

B&W Hydrographic Chart. Mediterranean, Greece - East Coast. Gulf of Volo with Oreos and Talanta Channels. South of C. Stavros with the Coasts of Negropont from Surveys by Captain T. Graves and the Officers of H.M.S. Volage, 1846-7. North of C. Stavros from a Survey by Commander L.S. Dawson, Royal Navy, assisted by Lieutenant G.C. Frederick, H.H. Douglas, H. Thompson, S.T. Dean-Pitt, P.N. Richards, P.C. Musgrave, and E.A. Day, H.M. Surveying Ship "Sylvia" 1887-8. London. Published at the Admiralty 8th May 1890, under the Superintendence of Captain W.J.L. Wharton, Royal Navy, F.R.S., Hydrographer.

Section 10, No. 20
Petali Gulf and the Eastern part of the Euripo Channel.
Section 10, No. 20
Petali Gulf and the Eastern part of the Euripo Channel.

B&W Hydrographic Chart. Greece. Petali Gulf and the Eastern part of the Euripo Channel. Surveyed by Captain Thomas Graves. Assisted by Commander S. Brock, Lieutenants Spratt & Robinson, Mr Chapman, Master, Mr Stokes, Acting Master, Lord J. Browne, Messers Geary, Wyer, and Wilkinson, Midshipmen, Mr J. Smith, Masters Assistant. H.M. Ships Volage & Bonetta. 1845-46. Published according to Act of Parliament at the Hydrographic Office of the Admiralty, May 5th 1857. Large corrections June 1872.

Section 11, No. 12
Petali Islands and Anchorages
Section 11, No. 12
Petali Islands and Anchorages

B&W Hydrographic Chart. Greece. Petali Islands and Anchorages. Surveyed by Commander Saumarez Brock, H.M.S. Bonetta 1845. London. Published according to Act of Parliament at the Hydrographic Office of the Admiralty, November 17th 1847.

A 15
A 15

Coloured commercial map of Karystos (Καρυστος) edited by N. Καρακωστα

A 12.5
Map of Greece, Geometrical and Altimetric
A 12.5
Map of Greece, Geometrical and Altimetric

Coloured. Map of Greece, Geographical and Altimetric. Issued on the basis of original survey by the chartographical firm "C. Grigouras". Edition: C. Grigouras and C. Papamandellos. Designed by Gh. Coustas. Part 4.

A 8.16
16. Limionas-Kavalliani
A 8.16
16. Limionas-Kavalliani

B&W Map. Εμφινον Διαιρεσιν των Αττικης (1925-1934): 16. Λιμιωνας-Καβαλλιανη

A 6.167
167. Athens-Chalkis
A 6.167
167. Athens-Chalkis

B&W Map. Επιτελικός Χάρτης της Ελλάδος (1925-1934): 167. Αθηναι-Χαλκις

D 7.3
Title (Greek) Skyros and Southern Euboea
D 7.3
Title (Greek) Skyros and Southern Euboea

B&W Map. Aldenhoven, Carte du Royaume dela Gréce (1838): Skyros and Southern Euboea with title (Greek)

B 19.15
B 19.15

B&W Map. Χαρτης Ελληνικου Βασιλειου. Αιδηψος

Dystos: gate of acropolis from the outside [BSA SPHS 01/5739.C1531], Dystos: gate of acropolis from the outside, Latest 1921

The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Mr. Atchley's numbering: 643. Euboea, Dystos, gate of acropolis from outside".

Section 6, No. 25
1:100,000 Greece Sheet T.8 Atalandi
Section 6, No. 25
1:100,000 Greece Sheet T.8 Atalandi

Coloured Map. Reproduced by 524 Palestinian Field Survey Company, Royal Engineers, August 1943, from a Greek map dated 1941.

Section 7, No. 7
1:100,000 Greece Sheet I.9 Khalkis
Section 7, No. 7
1:100,000 Greece Sheet I.9 Khalkis

Coloured Map. Reproduced by No.1 Base Survey Drawing and Photo Process Office, January 1944, from 1/100,000 Greek map dated 1936. Printed by 17 Map Reproduction Section, Royal Engineers,January 1944. Reprinted by 512 Field Survey Company, Royal Engineers, August 1944.

Section 24, No. 8
Euboea & Skyros
Section 24, No. 8
Euboea & Skyros

Coloured Map. Χάρτης Εύβοιας και Σκύρου. Συνταχθείς υπό του υπολοχαγού του Μηχανικού Χειλάρη Σταύρου. Εγκρηθείς διά της υπ΄ αριθμ. 62670 18/4/29 Διαταγής Γεν. Επιτελείου Στρατού.

Section 41, No. 60
Akra Paximadhi
Section 41, No. 60
Akra Paximadhi

Coloured Map. Akra Paximadhi. Edition HAGS-1973. Printed by HAGS-8-1974.

Section 41, No. 75
Section 41, No. 75

Coloured Map. Karistos. Edition - HAGS-1973. Printed by HAGS-8-1976.

Section 41, No. 76
Section 41, No. 76

Coloured Map. Platanistos. Edition HAGS-1973. Printed by HAGS-4-1975.