128 results

Please note that there might currently be restricted access to some unpublished items

Photograph of a seal [PEN 4/3/1/52], Photograph of a seal, 1936

Publication reference: BSA. 36 (1935/36), pp. 5-131, part of plate 14. Written on the lower side of the photograph “from Tr 59”

Photograph of a stone object [PEN 4/3/1/53], Photograph of a stone object, 1936

Publication reference: BSA. 36 (1935/36), pp. 5-131, part of plate 17. Written under the photograph “from Tr 37, 0.12”

Ivory Seal [PEN 4/3/2/1], Ivory Seal, 1936

Two photographs stuck onto a page, captioned “Ivory seal. J.H.S. 1936, 155, fig. 14”, which was in BSA study collection box on “Ivories”.

Neolithic Pottery [PEN 4/3/2/2], Neolithic Pottery, 1936

Three photographs stuck onto a page.

Ivories [PEN 4/3/2/3], Ivories, 1936

Four photographs stuck onto a page, captioned “Ivories [at cave of] Trapeza. J.H.S. 1936, 155, fig. 15”, which was in BSA study collection box on “Ivories”.