26 results

Please note that there might currently be restricted access to some unpublished items

Smyrna (modern İzmir): Railway Pier and Aidin Railway Company [BSA SPHS 01/1188.3101], Smyrna (modern İzmir): Railway Pier and Aidin Railway Company, 1872-1873

Part of a collection of images photographed by Corporal Trotman around the area of Ephesus and the Seven Cities of Asia Minor, taken between 1871-1873. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Smyrna: Railway Pier & Aidin Railway Company". The entry has been struck out in the SPHS register, presumably deaccessioned.

Smyrna (modern İzmir): View [of Smyrna] from the Boudjah (modern suburb of Buca) Road [BSA SPHS 01/1189.3102], Smyrna (modern İzmir): View [of Smyrna] from the Boudjah (modern suburb of Buca) Road, 1872-1873

Part of a collection of images photographed by Corporal Trotman around the area of Ephesus and the Seven Cities of Asia Minor, taken between 1871-1873. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Smyrna: from Boudjah Road". The entry has been struck out in the SPHS register, presumably deaccessioned.

Smyrna (modern İzmir): Church of Profitis Elias Monastery in St. Anne's valley on the road to Boudjah (modern suburb of Buca) [BSA SPHS 01/1190.3103], Smyrna (modern İzmir): Church of Profitis Elias Monastery in St. Anne's valley on the road to Boudjah (modern suburb of Buca), 1872-1873

Part of a collection of images photographed by Corporal Trotman around the area of Ephesus and the Seven Cities of Asia Minor, taken between 1871-1873. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Smyrna: Church of St. Elea, St Anne Valley".

Smyrna (modern İzmir): Larger Kızılçullu Aqueduct, close view [BSA SPHS 01/1191.3104], Smyrna (modern İzmir): Larger Kızılçullu Aqueduct, close view, 1872-1873

Part of a collection of images photographed by Corporal Trotman around the area of Ephesus and the Seven Cities of Asia Minor, taken between 1871-1873. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Smyrna: Aqueduct, Great Paradise. Close view of the back of 3107". The entry has been struck out in the SPHS register, presumably deaccessioned.

Smyrna (modern İzmir): St. Anne's valley and the Meles River (modern Manavgat River) [BSA SPHS 01/1192.3105], Smyrna (modern İzmir): St. Anne's valley and the Meles River (modern Manavgat River), 1872-1873

Part of a collection of images photographed by Corporal Trotman around the area of Ephesus and the Seven Cities of Asia Minor, taken between 1871-1873. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Smyrna: St. Ann's Valley & River Meles". The entry has been struck out in the SPHS register, presumably deaccessioned.

Smyrna (modern İzmir): Small village of Boudjah (now the suburb of Buca) [BSA SPHS 01/1252.3168], Smyrna (modern İzmir): Small village of Boudjah (now the suburb of Buca), 1872-1873

Part of a collection of images photographed by Corporal Trotman around the area of Ephesus and the Seven Cities of Asia Minor, taken between 1871-1873. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Smyrna: village of Boudjah". The entry has been struck out in the SPHS register, presumably deaccessioned.

Smyrna (modern İzmir): Anglican Church of All Saints, the Protestant church at Boudjah (modern suburb of Buca) [BSA SPHS 01/1253.3169], Smyrna (modern İzmir): Anglican Church of All Saints, the Protestant church at Boudjah (modern suburb of Buca), 1872-1873

Part of a collection of images photographed by Corporal Trotman around the area of Ephesus and the Seven Cities of Asia Minor, taken between 1871-1873. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Smyrna: Protestant Church, Boudjah". The entry has been struck out in the SPHS register, presumably deaccessioned.

Smyrna (modern İzmir): Caravan bridge over the Melas River, connected to Smyrna [BSA SPHS 01/1254.3170], Smyrna (modern İzmir): Caravan bridge over the Melas River, connected to Smyrna, 1872-1873

Part of a collection of images photographed by Corporal Trotman around the area of Ephesus and the Seven Cities of Asia Minor, taken between 1871-1873. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Smyrna: Caravan Bridge, connected to Smyrna". The entry has been struck out in the SPHS register, presumably deaccessioned.

Smyrna [modern İzmir]: November 1922 destructions [BSA SPHS 03/1270.3229], Smyrna [modern İzmir]: November 1922 destructions, 1922

The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Smyrna: destructions. November 1922".

Smyrna [modern İzmir]: November 1922 destructions [BSA SPHS 01/1269.3229], Smyrna [modern İzmir]: November 1922 destructions, 1922

The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Smyrna: destructions. November 1922".

Smyrna [modern İzmir]: Roman bridge [BSA SPHS 02/1/5158.2574], Smyrna [modern İzmir]: Roman bridge, 1906

Part of a collection of images from the travel and research by Hasluck in Mysia and Bithynia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Smyrna: Roman bridge".

Smyrna [modern İzmir]: Armenian church [Armenian cathedral of Ayios Stephanos?], gigantomachy relief [BSA SPHS 01/0927.2572], Smyrna [modern İzmir]: Armenian church [Armenian cathedral of Ayios Stephanos?], gigantomachy relief, 1906

Part of a collection of images from the travel and research by Hasluck in Mysia and Bithynia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Smyrna: Armenian church, gigantomachy relief".

Smyrna [modern İzmir]: Armenian church [Armenian cathedral of Ayios Stephanos?], relief of closed litter and bearers [BSA SPHS 01/0928.2573], Smyrna [modern İzmir]: Armenian church [Armenian cathedral of Ayios Stephanos?], relief of closed litter and bearers, 1906

Part of a collection of images from the travel and research by Hasluck in Mysia and Bithynia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Smyrna: Armenian church, relief of closed litter & bearers".

Smyrna [modern İzmir]: Roman bridge [BSA SPHS 01/0929.2574], Smyrna [modern İzmir]: Roman bridge, 1906

Part of a collection of images from the travel and research by Hasluck in Mysia and Bithynia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Smyrna: Roman bridge".

Smyrna [modern İzmir]: Mouth of [W.M.] Ramsay's Meles river [The Historical Geography of Asia Minor, London 1890] [BSA SPHS 01/0930.2575], Smyrna [modern İzmir]: Mouth of [W.M.] Ramsay's Meles river [The Historical Geography of Asia Minor, London 1890], 1906

Part of a collection of images from the travel and research by Hasluck in Mysia and Bithynia. The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Smyrna: Mouth of Ramsays Meles".

Section 10, No. 5 (b)
Smyrna (Ismir)
Section 10, No. 5 (b)
Smyrna (Ismir)

B&W Hydrographic Chart. Vourlah Road and Adjacent Islands. Surveyed by Lieutenant Thomas Graves, 1836-7, and the Officers of H.M. Ships Beacon & Mastiff. Smyrna (Ismir). Published according to Act of Parliament at the Hydrographic Office of the Admiralty, September 3rd 1844. Large corrections October 1876, May 1908.

Section 10, No. 6
Smyrna Harbour
Section 10, No. 6
Smyrna Harbour

B&W Hydrographic Chart. Smyrna Harbour. By Captain Richard Copeland, Royal Navy, 1834. Corrections and additions by Captain T. Spratt, C.B., Royal Navy, 1859-60, and Commander L.S. Dawson, Royal Navy, 1887. London, Published at the Admiralty 4th September 1860, under the Superintendence of Captain Washington, Royal Navy, F.R.S., Hydrographer. Large corrections August 1874, October 1876, May 1888.

Section 14, No. 2
XXI. Asia Minor: Smyrna
Section 14, No. 2
XXI. Asia Minor: Smyrna

Coloured Map. War Office, April 1915. Corrected to July 1915.

Section 23, No. 10
Izmir (Edition 1-GSGS)
Section 23, No. 10
Izmir (Edition 1-GSGS)

Coloured Map. Published by D Survey, War Office and Air Ministry 1960. Printed by No.1 SPC, Royal Engineers. 7,500/7/60/4278/R.

C 7.1.3
III. Smyrna
C 7.1.3
III. Smyrna

Coloured Map. Karte des westlichen Kleinasien, A. Philippson. 1914. Blatt III. Smyrna

Section 29, No. 3
New Greece
Section 29, No. 3
New Greece

[Greek] Coloured Map.Χαρτης της Νεας Ελλαδος. After 1913. Published by Eleftheroudakis in Athens

Section 29, No. 4
Great Greece
Section 29, No. 4
Great Greece

[Greek] Coloured Map. Latest Map of “Μεγαλης Ελλαδος”. By Nikalou Metaxa

Section 37, No. 4
World 1:1,000,000 Izmir
Section 37, No. 4
World 1:1,000,000 Izmir

Coloured Map. Published by D Survey, War Office and Air Ministry, 1959. Printed by No. 1 SPC, Royal Engineers. 7,500/6/59/4170/R