67 results

Please note that there might currently be restricted access to some unpublished items

The island of Aegina from Phaleron [BSA SPHS 01/1349.3420], The island of Aegina from Phaleron, Latest 1897

The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Aegina: from Phaleron".

Aegina Temple of Athena Aphaia [BSA SPHS 01/0062.0444], Aegina Temple of Athena Aphaia

The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Athens: Peristyle of Parthenon".

Ramp to the Temple of Apollo at Kolonna, Aegina [BSA SPHS 01/6057.C3364], Ramp to the Temple of Apollo at Kolonna, Aegina, Latest 1926

The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Aegina ramp leading to the temple".

Aegina: Temple of Athena Aphaia [BSA SPHS 03/3663.7634], Aegina: Temple of Athena Aphaia, Latest 1908

The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Aegina, temple".

Aegina: Distant View of The Temple of Athena Aphaia from the S.E. [BSA SPHS 01/0356.1667], Aegina: Distant View of The Temple of Athena Aphaia from the S.E., Latest 1897

The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Egina: The Temple distant view fr. S.E. (W.L. Enlargement No.11)". The entry has been struck out in the SPHS register, presumably deaccessioned.

Aegina: Interior of The Temple of Athena Aphaia looking N.E. [BSA SPHS 01/0357.1668], Aegina: Interior of The Temple of Athena Aphaia looking N.E., Latest 1897

The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Egina: The Temple interior looking N.E.". The entry has been struck out in the SPHS register, presumably deaccessioned.

Aegina: Near View of The Temple of Athena Aphaia from the S.E. [BSA SPHS 01/0358.1669], Aegina: Near View of The Temple of Athena Aphaia from the S.E., Latest 1897

The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Egina: The Temple near view fr. S.E. (W.L. Enlargement No.10)". The entry has been struck out in the SPHS register, presumably deaccessioned.

Aegina: Interior of The Temple of Athena Aphaia looking W. [BSA SPHS 01/0359.1670], Aegina: Interior of The Temple of Athena Aphaia looking W., Latest 1897

The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Egina: The Temple interior looking W.". The entry has been struck out in the SPHS register, presumably deaccessioned.

Aegina: Temple of Athena Aphaia from nearer N.E. [BSA SPHS 01/0436.1810], Aegina: Temple of Athena Aphaia from nearer N.E., 1888-1889

The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Aegina: Temple of Athena from nearer N. E.".

Aegina:Temple of Athena Aphaia from nearer S.E. [BSA SPHS 01/0437.1811], Aegina:Temple of Athena Aphaia from nearer S.E., 1888-1889

The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Aegina: Temple of Athena from nearer S. E.".

Aegina: The Temple of Athena Aphaia from the S.E. [BSA SPHS 03/0520.1953], Aegina: The Temple of Athena Aphaia from the S.E., 1887-1888

The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Aegina: The Temple of Athena from the S.E. (E.S. enlargement No.4)".

Aegina Temple of Athena Aphaia [BSA SPHS 01/5659.C1451], Aegina Temple of Athena Aphaia, 1892

The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Mr. Atchley's numbering: 578. Attica & Aegina temple of Apheia (1892)".

Aegina Temple of Athena Aphaia [BSA SPHS 01/6075.C3396], Aegina Temple of Athena Aphaia, Latest 1927

The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Aegina temple".

Aegina Temple of Aphaea from the S.E. [BSA SPHS 01/4358.8972], Aegina Temple of Aphaea from the S.E., Latest 1913

The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Aegina: temple from S.E".

View of Aegina Island from Phaleron [BSA SPHS 01/5658.C1450], View of Aegina Island from Phaleron, Latest 1921

The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Mr. Atchley's numbering: 896. Attica & Aegina from Phalerum".

Aegina Temple of Athena Aphaia, from N.W. [BSA SPHS 01/5660.C1452], Aegina Temple of Athena Aphaia, from N.W., Latest 1921

The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Mr. Atchley's numbering: 557. Attica & Aegina temple of Apheia from NW".

Aegina Temple of Athena Aphaia, distant view from W. [BSA SPHS 01/5661.C1453], Aegina Temple of Athena Aphaia, distant view from W., Latest 1921

The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Mr. Atchley's numbering: 593. Attica & Aegina temple of Apheia from W". The entry has been struck out in the SPHS register, presumably deaccessioned.

Aegina Temple of Athena Aphaia, interior view from W. [BSA SPHS 01/5662.C1454], Aegina Temple of Athena Aphaia, interior view from W., Latest 1921

The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Mr. Atchley's numbering: 166. Attica & Aegina temple interior from W".

Aegina Temple of Athena Aphaia, from S.E. [BSA SPHS 01/5663.C1455], Aegina Temple of Athena Aphaia, from S.E., Latest 1921

The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Mr. Atchley's numbering: 167. Attica & Aegina temple from SE".

Aegina Temple of Athena Aphaia, view from below [BSA SPHS 01/5664.C1456], Aegina Temple of Athena Aphaia, view from below, Latest 1921

The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Mr. Atchley's numbering: 539. Attica & Aegina temple".

Aegina Temple of Athena Aphaia [BSA SPHS 01/5665.C1457], Aegina Temple of Athena Aphaia, Latest 1921

The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Mr. Atchley's numbering: 540. Attica & Aegina temple near view".

Aegina Temple of Athena Aphaia [BSA SPHS 01/5666.C1458], Aegina Temple of Athena Aphaia, Latest 1921

The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Mr. Atchley's numbering: 626. Attica & Aegina temple near view".

Aegina Temple of Athena Aphaia, distant view [BSA SPHS 01/5667.C1459], Aegina Temple of Athena Aphaia, distant view, Latest 1921

The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Mr. Atchley's numbering: 419. Attica & Aegina temple near view".

Temple of Apollo at Kolonna, Aegina [BSA SPHS 01/5668.C1460], Temple of Apollo at Kolonna, Aegina, Latest 1921

The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Mr. Atchley's numbering: 168. Attica & Aegina temple near view".

Olive grove near Aegina Temple of Athena Aphaia [BSA SPHS 01/5669.C1461], Olive grove near Aegina Temple of Athena Aphaia, Latest 1921

The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Mr. Atchley's numbering: 599. Attica & the olive near temple of Aegina".

View from the Aegina mole towards Methana [BSA SPHS 01/5670.C1462], View from the Aegina mole towards Methana, Latest 1921

The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Mr. Atchley's numbering: 424. Attica view from Aegina mole to Methana".

Aegina Temple of Athena Aphaia [BSA SPHS 01/7293.C2265], Aegina Temple of Athena Aphaia, Latest 1921

The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Aegina, temple from SE".

Aegina: Temple of Athena Aphaia from Below [BSA SPHS 01/0435.1809], Aegina: Temple of Athena Aphaia from Below, 1888-1889

The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Aegina: Temple of Athena from below".

Section 27, No. 1
H.A.G.S. Survey of Aegina
Section 27, No. 1
H.A.G.S. Survey of Aegina

Index to the survey of Aegina (Διαγραμμα Φυλλων Αιγινης)

Aegina: Palaiochora [BSA SPHS 01/0664.2252], Aegina: Palaiochora, 1910-1911

The original description in the SPHS register reads: "Aegina: Palaiochora".

Section 7, No. 16
1:100,000 Greece Sheet K.9 Aiyina
Section 7, No. 16
1:100,000 Greece Sheet K.9 Aiyina

Coloured Map. Compiled, drawn and reproduced by 19th Field Survey Company, Royal Engineers, September 1943, from Air Photographs dated May 1943 and from Greek 1:50,000 Sheets K 9 N.E. and N.W. dated 1942. Reprinted by 19th Field Survey Company, Royal Engineers, December 1943.

Section 9, No. 25
Athens to the Isthmus of Corinth, including Salamis, Eleusis, Megara and Kekhries Bays, and the Northern portion of the Island of Aegina.
Section 9, No. 25
Athens to the Isthmus of Corinth, including Salamis, Eleusis, Megara and Kekhries Bays, and the Northern portion of the Island of Aegina.

B&W Hydrographic Chart. Greece. Athens to the Isthmus of Corinth, including Salamis, Eleusis, Megara and Kekhries Bays, and the Northern portion of the Island of Aegina. Surveyed by Commander T. Graves, H.M.S. Beacon 1838-40. London, Published at the Admiralty 27th June 1892, under the Superintendence of Captain W.J.L. Wharton, Royal Navy, F.R.S. Hydrographer.

Section 10, No. 1
Aegina and Methana
Section 10, No. 1
Aegina and Methana

B&W Hydrographic Chart. Greece. Aegina and Methana. Surveyed by Commander Thomas Graves, H.M.S. Beacon, 1839. Published according to Act of Parliament at the Hydrographic Office of the Admiralty, October 24th 1843. Large corrections March, 1882.

Section 11, No. 2
Gulf of Athens and entrance to the Petali Gulf
Section 11, No. 2
Gulf of Athens and entrance to the Petali Gulf

B&W Hydrographic Chart. Mediterranean - Greece. Gulf of Athens and entrance to the Petali Gulf. Surveyed by Commander T. Graves, H.M.S. Beacon, 1838-46. London, Published at the Admiralty 6th May 1892, under the Superintendence of Captain W.J.L. Wharton, Royal Navy, F.R.S. Hydrographer. Large corrections March 1893.

Section 11, No. 15 (a)
Plans of Anchorages in the Gulf of Athens: Town and Ports in Aegina
Section 11, No. 15 (a)
Plans of Anchorages in the Gulf of Athens: Town and Ports in Aegina

B&W Hydrographic Chart. Plans of Anchorages in the Gulf of Athens. Town and Ports in Aegina. By Commander T. Graves, H.M.S. Beacon, 1839. Port Epidavro (Ancient Epidaurus). By Captain Thomas Graves, H.M.S. Mastiff, 1844. London. Re-produced by the Admiralty 24th November 1897, under the Superintendence of Rear Admiral, Sir W.J.L. Wharton, K.C.B, F.R.S., Hydrographer.

B 4.11
B 4.11

Coloured Map. Karten von Attika 1:100,000 series: Aegina

B 7.1 (e)
V. Ile d' Aegine
B 7.1 (e)
V. Ile d' Aegine

Coloured Map. Carte de la Morée 1832: The whole sheet shows individual maps of the Islands of Tinos, Santorini, Naxos, Siphnos and Aegina.

B 7.5
I. Northern Peloponnese
B 7.5
I. Northern Peloponnese

Coloured Map. Carte de la Morée 1832: North Peloponnese. Contains title of map series.

B 7.3 (a)
IIIb. SE Peloponnese
B 7.3 (a)
IIIb. SE Peloponnese

Coloured Map. Carte de la Morée 1832: SE Peloponnese

Section 27, No. 2
Survey of Aegina, Φυλλων 6472,3
Section 27, No. 2
Survey of Aegina, Φυλλων 6472,3

Coloured Map. Αίγινα. Φ. 6472,3. Συνετέθη και εξεδόθη της Γεωγραφικής Υπηρεσίας Στρατού, επ΄ ώφελεία του Υπουργείου Συντονισμού. Έκδoσις Γ.Υ.Σ. 1965.

Section 27, No. 3
Survey of Aegina, Φυλλων 6472,4
Section 27, No. 3
Survey of Aegina, Φυλλων 6472,4

Coloured Map. Αίγινα. Φ. 6472,4. Συνετέθη και εξεδόθη της Γεωγραφικής Υπηρεσίας Στρατού, επ΄ ώφελεία του Υπουργείου Συντονισμού. Έκδoσις Γ.Υ.Σ. 1965.

Section 27, No. 4
Survey of Aegina, Φυλλων 6472,5
Section 27, No. 4
Survey of Aegina, Φυλλων 6472,5

Coloured Map. Αίγινα. Φ. 6472,5. Συνετέθη και εξεδόθη της Γεωγραφικής Υπηρεσίας Στρατού, επ΄ ώφελεία του Υπουργείου Συντονισμού. Έκδoσις Γ.Υ.Σ. 1965.

Section 27, No. 5
Survey of Aegina, Φυλλων 6472, 6
Section 27, No. 5
Survey of Aegina, Φυλλων 6472, 6

Coloured Map. Αίγινα. Φ. 6472,6. Συνετέθη και εξεδόθη της Γεωγραφικής Υπηρεσίας Στρατού, επ΄ ώφελεία του Υπουργείου Συντονισμού. Έκδoσις Γ.Υ.Σ. 1965.

Section 27, No. 6
Survey of Aegina, Φυλλων 6472, 7
Section 27, No. 6
Survey of Aegina, Φυλλων 6472, 7

Coloured Map. Αίγινα. Φ. 6472,7. Συνετέθη και εξεδόθη της Γεωγραφικής Υπηρεσίας Στρατού, επ΄ ώφελεία του Υπουργείου Συντονισμού. Έκδoσις Γ.Υ.Σ. 1965.