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Section 11, No. 25 (f)
Plans of Anchorages in the Grecian Archipelago: Archipelago of the Levitha Islands
Section 11, No. 25 (f)
Plans of Anchorages in the Grecian Archipelago: Archipelago of the Levitha Islands

B&W Hydrographic Chart. Plans of Anchorages in the Grecian Archipelago. Cape Krio, with the ruins of Cnidus. By Commander Thomas Graves, H.M.S. Beacon, 1838. Guminshlu (The Ancient Myndus), Bargylia Creek. By Commander Thomas Graves, H.M.S. Beacon, 1837. Archipelago - Kos Island. Town and Road of Kos (Called by the Turks, Stanko). Surveyed by Commander T. Graves, 1838. The Levitha Islands, By Commander Thomas Graves, H.M.S. Beacon, 1838. London. Re-produced by the Admiralty 10th December 1897, under the Superintendence of Rear Admiral, Sir W.J.L. Wharton, K.C.B, F.R.S., Hydrographer.