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About the George Finlay Papers

The George Finlay Papers contain materials created by and related to the British Historian and Philhellene George Finlay, his father John Finlay, Greek-American Philhellene George Jarvis, and British Philhellene Captain Frank Abney Hastings, dating from 1791 to 1949. Most of the collection consists of George Finlay’s meticulous records of his travels, personal and official correspondence, his personal expenditures, copious memoranda on strategy and on military and political organisation, journal entries, maps, facetiae, scrapbooks, personal notes on people—Greeks and others—and on revolutionary events, newspaper cuttings mainly on Greece and international affairs, as well as Finlay’s original manuscripts of the History of the Greek Revolution (1861) as well as corrected proofs of Finlay’s other published works.

Also included are the papers of Finlay’s father, John, two journals of Greek American philhellene, George Jarvis, and those of Finlay’s fellow British philhellene, Captain Frank Abney Hastings. The Hastings papers, which Finlay purchased in 1830, include personal and official correspondence, ship’s logs, notes that he took on board or ashore, as well as memoranda on strategy and on the naval organisation of the revolutionary forces. Collectively, these records reveal a great deal about the character, motivations, ideas, as well as the military and political judgements of these British individuals, as well as of many others, both British and Greek, with whom they interacted during the Greek War of Independence as well as many of Finlay's other interests, such as Classical and Byzantine history, natural history and politics.

2 notebooks on ancient coins [FIN/GF/C/13], 2 notebooks on ancient coins

2 notebooks, small octavo, unbound, handwritten.

Observations on relation between the as and the obolos [FIN/GF/C/13/001], Sub-item, Observations on relation between the as and the obolos

Observations on the relation between the As and the obolos under the Roman Empire in Greece, Extracts and authorities, pp. 1-33.

Notes on coins [FIN/GF/C/13/002], Sub-item, Notes on coins

Notes on coins (unpaginated). With loose label by George Finlay.

Letter and notes on coins [FIN/GF/C/14], Letter and notes on coins

Handwritten, unbound foolscap sheets, unpaginated.
Letter, undated, from Photiades+9 foolscap sheets containing jottings and lists of coins, i.e. Byzantium, Trebizond, Armenia, kings of Sicily, Bibliography, Coins of England.
J. Photiades to George Finlay. Athens, n.d. Re possibility of purchasing George Finlay's collection of coins (loose; in French). 1 p.

Pamphlets and letters on coinage and the Achaean League [FIN/GF/C/16], Pamphlets and letters on coinage and the Achaean League, 1864-1869

Royal blue cloth, printed, with George Finlay's notes and letters to John Leicester Warren, gilt lettering on spine: 'Achaian League. Warren. Finlay. Vischer', bound.
Four printed pamphlets indexed by George Finlay as follows:
(1) John Leicester Warren, 'The copper coinage of the Achaean League' [Numismatic Society, London, 1864], pp. 1-19, interleaved with George Finlay's observations+3 letters in French to him pasted in.
1. Baron A. von Prokesch-Osten to George Finlay. Constantinople, 2 May 1866.
Regrets ill-health has prevented visit to Athens. Comments on failure of European powers to give to Greece a genuine constitution. Congratulates George Finlay on his numismatic work; comments on coinage of Achaean League (in French). 3 pp. (Bound in 'Copper Coinage' at p. 24.)
2. Baron A. von Prokesch-Osten to George Finlay. Constantinople, 2 November 1866. Comments on coinage of Achaean League. Europe has deprived Greece of fruits of her struggle. Notes George Finlay's continuation of his Greek Revolution. (Bound in 'Copper Coinage' at p. 25.)
3. Baron A. von Prokesch-Osten to George Finlay. Constantinople, 15 February 1869. Comments on his collection of Achaean coins (in French). 1 p. (Bound in 'Copper Coinage' at p. 26.)
(2) G. Finlay, 'Thoughts about the coinage of the Achaean League' [Numismatic Society, London, 1866], pages 1-15 interleaved.
(3) J. Friedlander, 'Ueber das Gewicht der Silbermünzen Philipps II von Macedonien', pp. 165-73.
(4) W. Vischer, 'Ueber E. A. Freeman's History of Federal Government', pp. 1-48 [offprint from Neues Schweizerisches Museum, 1864].

Letters and other material on coins [FIN/GF/C/17], Letters and other material on coins, 1854-1862

Dark-green cloth, printed and handwritten, 'Finlay-Roman Money' on spine, bound.
Contents listed by George Finlay as follows:
Notice of ten Byzantine copper coins presented to British Museum
Letter of thanks from British Museum 1854
Appendix to Greece under the Romans [printed]
(I) On the blindness of Belisarius
(II) On Roman and Byzantine money
(III) On the site of the Holy Sepulchre
Observations on the coinage of the Achaian league
Letter to the Hon. John Leicester Warren on coins of ΑΛΕΩΝ [see letter (1) below]
Achaian copper coins. University of Athens [sent to Mr Warren]
List of coins presented to Professor Felton, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachussets, 1858
Letter to Professor Comnos of Athens on an unpublished coin ascribed to Athens in his collection [see letter (2) below]
Observations on the relative value of the As and obolos in Greece under the Roman emperors
There are also loose sheets (mostly on numismatics) and drafts of letters.
(1) George Finlay toJohn Leicester Warren, 32A Brook St., London, W. Athens, 28 December 1868. Copy of letter on Achaean coins (unfinished; bound in at p. 63).
(2) George Finlay to Professor S. Comnos, Athens. Athens, 27 September 1862.
On an unpublished coin ascribed to Athens in C's collection. George Finlay's dating; com­ments on Roman and Athenian coins.
(Rough drafts of letters on same subject including two to Professor Felton, incomplete, loose at end: 14 pp.; 7 pp.; 7 pp.)

Translations from Byzantine historians [FIN/GF/D/12], Translations from Byzantine historians

Green envelope folder containing quires of paper (17 x 22), sewn but unbound, handwritten, unpaginated, editions used not cited by George Finlay.
Translations in MSS. by George Finlay. Translations of Byzantine historians.

Translation of the address of Plethon to the Emperor Manuel [FIN/GF/D/12/001], Sub-item, Translation of the address of Plethon to the Emperor Manuel

(1) (Memorial) Address of Plethon to the Emperor Manuel concerning the affairs of the Peloponnesus. Translated, February 1852.

Translation of letter of George Amiroutzes to Bessarion [FIN/GF/D/12/002], Sub-item, Translation of letter of George Amiroutzes to Bessarion

(2) Letter of George Amiroutzes to Bessarion. It appears to have been written about the end of 1461, the year in which Trebizond was taken. Translated, March 1852.

Translation of Mazaris' visit to Hades [FIN/GF/D/12/003], Sub-item, Translation of Mazaris' visit to Hades

(3) A Dialogue of the Dead. Sojourn of Mazaris in Hades or questions of some of the dead concerning members of the imperial society. Translated March 1852.

Notes by George Finlay on various aspects of Byzantine society [FIN/GF/D/12/004], Sub-item, Notes by George Finlay on various aspects of Byzantine society

(4) [Some notes by George Finlay] State of Society, of religion, law, science and literature, art [also on the Slavonians, loose sheets paginated pp. 1-6].

Extract from the Cairo Journal of Nassau Senior [FIN/GF/E/20/003], Sub-item, Extract from the Cairo Journal of Nassau Senior, 22 August 1854

Extract from the Cairo Journal of Nassau Senior Esq. dated 1856. The file also includes some notes on Egypt hand-written by GF.

Note on modern Greek history [FIN/GF/E/20/005], Sub-item, Note on modern Greek history

Note on ‘Modern Greek History’ and on egoism as a trait of modern Greek society (undated).

Note on 'Parties in Greece' [FIN/GF/E/20/006], Sub-item, Note on 'Parties in Greece'

Note labelled ‘Parties in Greece’ with a focus on the English party and the role of Hamilton in its formation (undated).

Notes on the Greek Revolution [FIN/GF/E/20/008], Sub-item, Notes on the Greek Revolution

Miscellaneous (undated) notes on the Greek Revolution (on the municipal system, on the naval losses of the Turks, etc.)

Note on Bavarian Administration [FIN/GF/E/20/009], Sub-item, Note on Bavarian Administration

Note labelled ‘Bavarian Administration’ that focuses on defects of the centralized system of government the Bavarians introduced (undated).

Questions on Greek revolution [FIN/GF/E/20/010], Sub-item, Questions on Greek revolution

Questions about the Greek Revolution (probably useful for F’s writing of his History) (undated).

Notes on state of Ottoman administration [FIN/GF/E/20/013], Sub-item, Notes on state of Ottoman administration

Note labelled ‘Conclusion’ with remarks on the state of the Ottoman Administration (undated).

Speech on the regeneration of Greece and views on the Philiki Etaireia [FIN/GF/E/20/014], Sub-item, Speech on the regeneration of Greece and views on the Philiki Etaireia

Note (undated and fragile) of Pouqueville’s speech ‘Régénération de la Grèce’, and on Perraivos and Trikoupi’s view of the Philiki Etaireia’s failure to make progress in Northern Greece.

Social conditions of Greeks after the Revolution [FIN/GF/E/20/015], Sub-item, Social conditions of Greeks after the Revolution

F’s thoughts on the ‘social condition of Greeks after their deliverance from the Sultan’s yoke’ (undated).

Note on Greek troops [FIN/GF/E/20/016], Sub-item, Note on Greek troops

Note about the regular troops of the Greeks (undated).

Notebook on causes of Greek revolution [FIN/GF/E/20/018], Sub-item, Notebook on causes of Greek revolution

Small notebook on the ‘Causes which created the mental impulses which ultimately led to the revolution’ (undated).

Notebook on money and Constantinople [FIN/GF/E/20/019], Sub-item, Notebook on money and Constantinople

Small notebook with notes on ‘Money’ and on ‘Constantinople’ (undated).

Questions on Greek revolution [FIN/GF/E/20/020], Sub-item, Questions on Greek revolution

‘The questions [on the Greek Revolution] to which I find it difficult to obtain precise answers’ (undated).

Note on Greek pre-revolution communal system [FIN/GF/E/20/021], Sub-item, Note on Greek pre-revolution communal system

Note on the ‘Communal system’ in Greece prior to the Greek Revolution (undated).

Reception of the King and Queen [FIN/GF/E/20/022], Sub-item, Reception of the King and Queen

Program for the reception of the King and the Queen (in French).

Kolokotroni on Capodistrias' death [FIN/GF/E/20/024], Sub-item, Kolokotroni on Capodistrias' death

‘The story Kolokotroni told after Capodistrias’ death’ (undated).

Notes on modern Greece [FIN/GF/E/20/028], Sub-item, Notes on modern Greece

Collection of notes (undated) labelled ‘Material Greece’ (on the Ottoman Administration, on the history of political opinion in Greece, on the Greek Revolution, etc.).

Miscellaneous notes [FIN/GF/E/20/029], Sub-item, Miscellaneous notes

Miscellaneous (undated) notes, some fragile (contains excerpts, proverbs, notes on his books, on Greeks, on the character of the Greeks, on the influence of Ali Pasha, etc.).

Letters on Greek affairs 1866 [FIN/GF/E/26], Letters on Greek affairs 1866, 1861-1866

Grey mottle boards, brown linen spine, lettering on spine 'Letters on Greek Affairs 1866', paginated pp. 1-180, mostly handwritten, bound with some loose sheets and letters.
Greek Affairs 1866.
(1) Letters and memoranda covering Greek finances, politics, insurrection in Crete
(2) Copy of printed Greek paper. 2 November 1861.
(3) Bibliographical notes (in Greek).
(4) Letters referring to George Finlay's election to Russian Imperial Academy of Sciences of St. Petersburg (from Mowbray Morris 4 February 1866; from George Finlay 29 January/ 10 February 1866).

Press cuttings and letter on Greek affairs 1867 [FIN/GF/E/27], Press cuttings and letter on Greek affairs 1867, 1867

Grey mottle boards, grey paper spine 'Letters on Greek Affairs 1867', paginated, pp. 1-24, and afterwards each item separately, handwritten, bound, with some loose sheets and letters.
Correspondence with The Times on Greek Affairs 1867. Covering insurrection in Crete, relations with Turkey,
Letter (loose, inserted at 12 September 1867) : Mowbray Morris to George Finlay. 6 September 1867.

Journey logs and notes going from Marseilles to Hydra to join the Greek fleet [FIN/H/01], Journey logs and notes going from Marseilles to Hydra to join the Greek fleet, 13 March 1822-1 October 1822

Rust mottle boards, handwritten, notebook, paginated pp. 1-122; 1-62, now labelled 'Book A', bound. Includes later typewritten contents pasted into front cover.
(At opposite end.) Sketch of sails with Greek names, p. 7.
Log kept by Hastings from 13 March to 3 April 1822 of voyage as passenger aboard Swedish merchant ship Trontheim going from Marseilles to Hydra to join the Greek fleet, pp. 2-24.
Log kept by Hastings from 3 May to 20 July 1822 of proceedings on board corvette Themistocles, belonging to Jacob Toombasi (sic) merchant, formerly part of the Greek Hydriote fleet, pp. 25-76.
Log of the proceedings on board the Greek brig of war Leonidas of 16 guns belonging to M. Emanuel Toombasi (sic) merchant of Hydra, 30 August to 1 October 1822, kept by Frank Hastings Esqe formerly Capt. in his Britannic Majesties Navy actually in the Greek service, pp. 77-110.
Voyage en Syrie par Volney, pp. 115-22.
'Composition et travail des différentes pièces d'artifices de guerre', pp. 11-46.
'Ady's pocket gunner'. Artillery notes by Hastings, pp. 48-62.

Copy of Journal from 1822-1824 with copies of letters from 1826 [FIN/H/02], Copy of Journal from 1822-1824 with copies of letters from 1826, 1 March 1822 - 15 September 1826

Blue mottle boards, rust spine cracked, labelled on front by George Finlay 'Copy of the Original Journal by Frank Hastings from March 1822 to 24 June 1824 with copies of letters in 1826', George Finlay's bookplate, now labelled 'Book B', handwritten, paginated in part (pp. 1-116), with blank pages, bound.
Hastings' passport issued on 7 May 1822 at Marseilles on behalf of the British Consul General, giving details of his appearance, is pasted on inside front cover.
Loose cutting from the monthly magazine.
Later typewritten index of the volume.
Copy of Hastings' Journal 1 March 1822-3 February 1824, pp. 1-113, thereafter a summary by George Finlay breaking off at 28 August 1824, pp. 113-16.
This is followed by letters pasted in. Items (4)-(12) are carbon copies in poor condition.
(1) Hastings to Prince Mavrocordatos. Corinth, 24 April 1822. Offers his services to Greece in Navy; autobiographical details (George Finlay's English translation; printed in his History of Greece (ed. Tozer, 1877), vii. 343-4).
(2) Hastings to Mavrocordatos (copy of French original; see also Journal, pp. 4-5 above).
(3) Hastings to 'notre Excellence!' n.d.
Offers to take over body of soldiers from M. d'André, formerly officer in the regiment of Philhellenes.
(4) Hastings to the Greek deputies in London. On board the Perserverance [Karteria], Deptford.
Announces departure for Greecce. (5) Hastings to G. Bomeester, Consul General, Cagliari, Sardinia. Perseverance, Cagliari, 22 August 1826.
Asks for papers for the departure of the Perseverance.
(6) Hastings to J. C. Hobhouse. Perseverance, Cagliari, 26 August 1826. Difficulties on board ; now ready to depart.
(7) Hastings to J. and S. Ricardo. Perseverance, Cagliari, 26 August 1826. Engineering difficulties; now about to sail.
(8) Hastings to J. and S. Ricardo. Perseverance steam vessel, Cerigotto, 11 September 1826. Asks for engineers and money; death of Critchley.
(9) Hastings to J. C. Hobhouse. Perseverance, Cerigotto, 11 September 1826. As in (8).
(10) Hastings to G. Bomeester, Consul General, Cagliari. Perseverance, Cerigotto, 11 September 1826.
As in (8).
(11) Hastings to the 'Membres du Corps Executif en Gréce (sic)' . Perseverance steam vessel, Napoli de Romania, 15 September 1826.
Announces arrival at Nauplia (in French).
(12) Hastings to Jacomachi Tombasi. Perseverance, Napoli de Romania, 15 September 1826. Asks for men (carpenters etc.) to be engaged; discusses naval warfare.

Copies of Hastings' letters [FIN/H/03], Copies of Hastings' letters, 1823-1828

Red mottle boards, brown calf spine badly cracked, George Finlay's bookplate inside front cover, labelled on spine by George Finlay 'FAH's letters MSS', later labelled 'Book C. Letter Book. F. A. Hastings', unpaginated, handwritten letters pasted or bound in, bound.
Includes later typescript contents (6 sheets). Note on renumbered letters by J. M. Hussey.
(1) Hastings to Lord Byron, Cephalonia. Idra, 1 December 1823. Surrender of Corinth; the political situation. 6 pp.
(2) Hastings to George Finlay, Salona. Athens, 27 April 1824. Governmental crisis; Mesolonghi. 2 pp.
(3) Hastings' opinions on individual Greek leaders. 9 pp.
(4) Hastings to Greek government. n.d. Need for increased navy (in Greek). 2 pp.
(5) Hastings to Greek government. n.d. Need for steam vessel (in Greek). 2 pp.
(6) Hastings to Greek government. April 1824. Greek military organization (in Greek). 2 pp.
(7) Hastings to Greek government. April 1824. Advantage of iron over brass for cannon (in Greek). 2 pp.
(8) Hastings to Greek government. June 1824. Greek strategy (in Greek). 4 pp.
(9) Hastings to Greek Executives. Nauplion, 25 June/7 July 1824. Urgent need for steam vessel; offers £5,000, i.e. all his money (in Greek). 2 pp.
(10) Draft (?) of speech to the Greeks by Hastings in French, 2 pp.
(11) Draft (?) of speech to the Greeks by Hastings in English, 5 pp.
(12) Draft (?) of speech to the Greeks by Hastings in Greek, 4 pp.
(13) T. Kisbee to the Greek Committee, Crown and Anchor, London. Off Lymington, 28 January 1825. Recommends a grappling invention for fireships. 2 pp.
(14) Major T. P. Thompson to J. Bowring. 20 February 1825. Discusses Kisbee's proposal. 2 pp.
(15.1) Hastings' proposal for an armament (the Karteria) submitted to the government of Greece and his offer of £1,000 towards her.
(15.2) Drawing of ship. In cabinet 12, drawer 1 in the Map Room. 32 x 59 cm.
(15.3) Drawing of guns. In cabinet 12, drawer 1 in the Map Room. 18 x 52 cm.
(16) Major T. P. Thompson to J. Bowring. 5 March 1824. Discusses Hastings' Memoir on Artillery; suggests asking Greek Committee for precise direction on certain points and on Greek needs. 6 pp.
(17) Sketch showing rig for the Karteria [Perseverance] for use if engine failed, July 1826. 2 pp.
(18) J. Bowring to Hastings. Committee Room, Crown and Anchor, London, 1 November 1824. Announces H's election as member of the Greek Committee; asks him to go to Greece on its behalf to put certain points to the Greek government. 2 pp.
(19) Hastings's memorandum [London, February 1826] to T. Gordon on needs of steam vessels in the service of Greece. 1 p.
(20) Hastings to J. Hane. London, February 1826. Orders for coal and other cargo to be shipped in the Tiber to Nauplion. 1 p.
(21) Hastings to J. Hane. (marked 'Secret'). If Nauplion is in Turkish hands, he is to go to Corfu; if the Greek government is difficult, take the Tiber to Cerigo. 1 p.
(22) Hastings to George Finlay, Hart St., Edinburgh. 29 Leicester Square, 2 March 1826. Would be glad to have George Finlay's company on the Perseverance. Comments on Tre­lawney, Ulysses, Humphreys; and on Leake's work. 2 pp.
(23) Hastings to George Finlay, Hart St., Edinburgh. 9 March 1826. Acknowledges George Finlay's letter and hopes that he will come; secrecy is essential. 2 pp.
(24) Hastings to George Finlay. Karteria, Napoli, 20 October 1826. He is leaving Nauplia and begs George Finlay to join him as soon as possible. 2 pp.
(25) Hastings' memorandum (draft) to Greek government on his movements since leaving Nauplia (in French). 4 pp.
(26) Hastings to George Finlay, Napoli di Romania. Karteria, Syra, 20 December 1826. Delighted at George Finlay's arrival; engineering trouble; arranges to meet George Finlay at Egina. 2 pp.
(27) Hastings to members of the Greek government. Karteria, Syra, 16 December 1826. H's movements since leaving Nauplia (in French). 2 pp.
(28) Hastings to George Finlay, Napoli di Romania. Karteria, Spetsai, 29 December 1826. Finlay delayed; H urges him to meet him as soon as possible. 1 pp.
(29) George Finlay to J. and S. Ricardo, London. Karteria, Greek steam ship, Gulf of Salamis, 19 March 1827. Engagement at Oropo; position at Phaleron. 2 pp.
(30) Hastings to George Finlay. Poros, 11 April 1827. Sails today; asks George Finlay to wait for him at Poros. 1 p.
(31) Hastings to Lord Cochrane. (1) Karteria off Tricheri, 23 April N.S. 1827. (2) Karteria at sea, 24 April 1827. (3) Karteria, 26 April 1827. Two dispatches from the Gulf of Volo. 3 pp. One dispatch off Kumi. 2 pp.
(32) Lord Cochrane to Hastings. 19 May [?1827]. Apologizes for not dining with Hastings. 2 pp.
(33) Hastings to Lord Cochrane. Karteria, Poros, 28 April 1827. Proposals to meet Turkish fleet ; discusses naval policy. 2 pp.
(34) Hastings to Lord Cochrane. Karteria, Poros, 30 April 1827. Need for regular payment of crew; must resign if this is not arranged. 2 pp.
(35) Lord Cochrane's order for Hastings to join the expedition to Alexandria, 7 June 1827. 1 p.
(36) Hastings to Lord Cochrane. Karteria 40 miles south of Gozo de Candia, 15 June 1827. Difficulties and expenses; wishes to resign. 2 pp.
(37) Hastings to George Finlay. Karteria off Santorina, 29 June 1827. Alexandrian expedition; recent experiences and acute disquiet. 2 pp.
(38) Hastings to George Finlay, Egina. Karteria, Syra, 22 July 1827. Critical of Cochrane; hopes to see George Finlay at Poros. 2 pp.
(39) Hastings to George Finlay. Karteria, Poros, 24 August [1827]. Treaty about Greece; Canning's precarious position. 1 p.
(40) Hastings to George Finlay, Syra. Karteria, opposite Idra, 29 August 1827. Re bill owing; hopes to be in Poros tomorrow; can get about on crutches. 1 p.
(41) Hastings to ? Karteria, Poros, 31 August 1827. Asks for money for wages; cannot get any from Cochrane. 1 p.
(42) Lord Cochrane to Hastings and others. Bellas, Port of Poros, 1 September 1827. Orders to hold an inquiry into withdrawing a prisoner for use as a slave. 1 p.
(43) Lord Cochrane to Hastings. Off Mesolonghi, 18 September 1827. Orders him to proceed to Gulf of Lepanto. 1 p.
(44) Hastings to Lord Cochrane. Karteria, Gulf of Lepanto, 27 September 1827. First dispatch on action at Salona. 2 pp.
(45) Id. 30 September 1827. Second dispatch on action at Salona. 2 pp.
(46) Lord Cochrane to Hastings. Hellas frigate, 3 October 1827. Congratulates H. 1 p.
(47) Plan of action at Salona. 1 p.
(48) Austrian Consul at Patras to 'Illustrissimo Signore'. Patras, 12 October 1827. Account of engagement at Salona (in Italian). 2 pp.
(49) Hastings to 'Messieurs les Generaux à Corinthe'. n.d. [October 1827]. Re presence of Turkish ship at Patras (in French). 1 p.
(50) Hastings to George Finlay. Karteria, Gulf of Lepanto, 2 October 1827. Account of Salona action. 2 pp.
(51) Hastings to George Finlay, Syra. Karteria, Loutraki, 7 October 1827. Money problems. 2 pp.
(52) Lord Cochrane to Hastings. Poros, 12 October 1827. Thanks him for his services; present disposition of naval forces and lack of ade­quate crews (the last communication Hastings received from C, note in George Finlay's hand). 1 p.
(53) Hastings to Lord Cochrane. Karteria, Vostitza, 17 November 1827. Hastings is departing for Lepanto; urgent need for money. 1 p.
(54) Hastings to Lord Cochrane. Off Cape Papas, 20 November 1827. Has not been able to attack the Turkish squadron; has sunk an Austrian schooner. 1 p.
(54a) General Church to Hastings. Camp near St. Meri, 19 November 1827. Asks for details of transport facilities; proposes to meet H at Cape Papas. 1 p.
[54 and 54a were put together as one item (54) by whoever put ink numbers on the letters.]
(55) Hastings to the Greek government. Karteria, Loutraki, 3 November 1827. Points out that he is independent of General Church who should not have been sent instructions on naval matters (in French). 1 p.
{56) Hastings to General Church. 3 November 1827. Hastings astonished that C did not inform the Greek government that instructions on naval matters should go direct to the naval officer concerned (in French). 1 p.
{57) General Church to Hastings, off Dragomestre. Camp near Cape Papas, 26 November 1827. Will meet him at Cape Papas tomorrow; will place money at his disposal. 1 p.
(58) Hastings to George Finlay, Egina. Karteria, off Vasiladi, 30 December 1827. Describes successful attack on fort of Vasiladi and sends a copy of his dispatch to Cochrane. 2 pp.
(59) 'Turkish letter to Vasiladi' (in Greek). 7 December 1827. 1 p.
(60) 'Letter taken at Vasiladi' (in Greek). 2 pp.
(61) Hastings to Lord Cochrane. Karteria, Dragomestre, 7 January 1828. Announces Church's arrival at Vasiladi on 2 January and Hastings handed over the fort to him on 3 January. Financial problems. Military situation and plans. 2 pp.
(62) Hastings to George Finlay. Karteria, Dragomestre, 7 January 1828. Critical of Church; sends copy of his dispatch to Cochrane; his financial difficulties and lack of provisions. 2 pp.
{63) Hastings to the Greek government. Karteria, 16January 1828. Details of his financial difficulties (in French). 2 pp.
{64) Hastings to the President of the Greek Republic, Count Capodistrias. Karteria, Dragomestre, 17 January 1828. Stresses his failure to get payments due (in French). 2 pp.
(65) Hastings to George Finlay, Egina. Karteria, Dragomestre, 11 February 1828. Is not particularly anxious to command the Greek navy but considers that his services entitle him to this. Refers to his memoir on marine artillery 2 pp.
(66) Id. 20 February 1828. Hastings has sent the President his resignation and should hand over the vessel at Loutraki in a few days; asks George Finlay to meet him there. 2 pp.
(67) Hastings to General Church. Karteria, Karabousta, 14 February 1828. Accuses C of interference in naval matters and failure to co-operate in blockade. 2 pp.
(68) Hastings to Count Capodistrias the President of Greece. Karteria, Trisognia, 26 February 1828. Has been asked not to leave Trisognia (draft in French). 2 pp.
(69) Original of (68). 1 p.
(70) Hastings to George Finlay. Karteria, Loutraki, 4 March 1828. Hastings is disgusted with the new government and resolved to leave Greece; hopes to see George Finlay before he goes. 2 pp.
(71) Memorandum on naval organization. 'Republique grecque. Le Gouvernement de la Grèce à I'Amiral M. Andrée Miaoulis', signed J. A. Capodistrias and S. Tricoupis (French translation). 6 pp.
(72) Hastings to the President, Count Capodistrias. Karteria, Loutraki, 5 March 1828. States his various problems and raises question of his successor as Commander of the Karteria; he wishes to leave for Italy or the Ionian Isles (in French). 2 pp.
(73) Count Capodistrias to Hastings. 28 February/11 March 1828. Desires him to go to Poros where C is to discuss naval problems (in French). 2 pp.
(74) Hastings to George Finlay, Egina. Poros, 10/22 March 1828. Hastings is trying to establish a Navy Board; wishes George Finlay to be one of the commissioners on it. 1 p.
(75) Hastings to George Finlay, Egina. Poros, 19 March 1828. H has been asked to investigate the account of T. Darby; comments on 'King John' [the President]. 2 pp.
(76) Hastings to George Finlay. Poros, 23 March 1828. Thinks plans outlined in (74) impracticable; will stick to 2 steamers, corvette, and 3 gunboats; will see George Finlay in Egina shortly. 1 p.
(77) Hastings to Captain Crosbie. Poros, 22 March/3 April 1828. Hastings has been charged by Capodistrias with the Naval Commission to supervise the organization of the crew of the Greek navy corvette Idria under C's command and would like to meet C to discuss this. 1 p.
(78) Hastings to George Finlay. Poros, n.d. [April 1828 written on back by George Finlay]. Capodistrias wishes to use George Finlay's services and suggests the legal field. Naval organi­zation. 2 pp.
(79) Id. Poros, 24 March/5 April 1828. Re certificate required. 1 p.
(80) 'Journal of proceedings before Anatolico.' 27 April/9 May-10/22 May 1828. 3 pp.
(81) Hastings to Prince Mavrocordatos. Karteria, off Vasiladi, 16/28 May 1828. (Note by George Finlay; written 'after receiving his mortal wound' (in French).) 3 pp.
(82) Hastings to Prince Mavrocordatos. Karteria, off Vasiladi, 16/28 May 1828. Report of the attack on Anatolico (in French). 2 pp.
(83) Hastings to Prince Mavrocordatos. Karteria, off Vasiladi, 16/28 May 1828. Report of the attack on Anatolico (in French). (George Finlay notes: 'from a copy in the handwriting of his Secretary ? 26 Mar'.) 2 pp.
(84) 'Observations on the present organisation of the Greek armies with suggestions as to the most probable manner of improving it'. 5 pp.
(85) 'Memorandum for the guidance of the Officers of the Perseverance in their respective duties.' 1826. 4 pp.
(86) 'General Regulations for the conduct of the crew of the Perseverance Steam Vessel.' 1 p.
(87) 'Personnel Heads of a Marine Organisation.' 2 pp.
(88) 'Material.' 2 pp.
(89) 'Rates of Shipping.' 4 pp.
(90) 'Recruitment.' 2 pp.
(91) 'Prizes.' 3 pp.
(92) Boatswain's duties. 2 pp.
(93) 'Officers.' 2 pp.
(94) Warrant and non-commissioned officers of 1st class. 1 p.
(95) Officers' pay. 1 p.
(96) Runs from (95) to (97).
(97) 'Officers in general.' 2 pp.
(98) Commodore's duties. 1 p.
(99) 'Duties of Officers.' 1 p.
(100) 'Complements of Ships.' 2 pp.
(101 ) 'Second Captain.' 1 p.
(102) 'The Officer of the Watch.' 2 pp.
(103) 'Master.' 1 p.
(104) 'Lieutenants.' 1 p.
(105) 'Promotion.' 2 pp.
(106) 'Uniform': officers. 1 p.
(107) 'Uniform'.: seamen. 6 pp.
(108) 'Marine Artillery.' 2 pp.
(109) 'Messes.' 9 pp.
(110) 'Routine of Duty.' 6 pp.
(111) Salutes. 2 pp.
(112) 'Civil administration of the Navy.' 6 pp.
(113) 'Projet de Recruitement pour le Service de la Marine Nationale' (in French). 2 pp.
(114) 'Projet pour l'abolition de la Piraterie' (in French).2 pp.
(115) 'Instructions générales pour le règlement de la discipline des bâtimens de guerre' (in French). 2 pp.
(116) 'Instructions pour le Service des canons' (in French). 1 p.
(117) 'Usage des boulets incendiaires' (in French). 1 p.
(118) 'Nautical thoughts' (the defects of flat-bottomed ships). 1 p.
(119) Disadvantages of fore and aft rigging. 1 p.
(120) Hastings to his father General Sir Charles Hastings, Bt. n.d. Hastings sends a copy of his letter to Lord Melville explaining his action re Captain Parker who amongst other things called him in a voice ringing through the whole of Port Royal 'a damned lubber'. [See FIN/H/11/15 for this incident.] 3 pp.
(121) 'The impressment of seamen practised in England.' 8 pp.
(122) 'A scheme for the better regulation of all Naval officers.' 4 pp.
(123) L'emplacement de l'équipage aux cannons. 3 pp. With paper enclosure that says 'Misc? (at end)'

Hastings letters, papers, wills [FIN/H/04], Hastings letters, papers, wills, 1819-1828

Navy boards, fawn linen spine and corners, labelled on front cover 'Book D', documents and letters pasted up and numbered, bound. Later typewritten contents (3 sheets) pasted at front. Loose press cutting from Εσπέρα Πέμπτης, 31 May 1928
(1) Hastings' commission as Commander in the British Navy. 27 April 1819. 2 pp.
(2) Sailing orders for the Kangaroo under Hastings' command 28 April 1819, with instructions concerning appointment of Mr. Barnett. 1 May 1819. 2 pp.
(3) Bill of Health, Cagliari, Sardinia. 25 August 1826. 1 p.
(4) Will of Frank Abney Hastings. 20 June 1826 (with codicil 8 August 1827). 2 pp.
(5) Will of Hastings' father General Sir Charles Hastings, Baronet. 1 May 1823. 2 pp.
(6) Hastings' certificates of conduct (3 statements, dated 3, 4, and 19 September 1819). 4 pp.
(7) Hastings' commission as Acting Lieutenant in the sloop Anaconda. 29 November 1813. 2 pp.
(8) Statement of Hastings estate. 31 December 1829. 1 p.
(9) Testimony to Hastings' work by Manoli Tombasi 10/22 June 1823 (in Greek). 2 pp.
(10) Sketch of gun and gun-carriage. 1 p.
(11) 'A Method of fabricating inflammable musket balls.' 2 pp.
(12) Hastings' visiting card.
(13) Hastings to George Finlay, c/o Finlay, Hodson, and Co., Bishopsgate Street. 20 Charles St., West­minster, 3 August 1825.
Thanks George Finlay for letter from Paris; is considering returning to Greece and will welcome George Finlay's company. 2 pp.
(14) Hastings to George Finlay. 20 Charles St., Westminster, 19 July 1825.
Regrets missing Finlay who has been in London. Has experienced intrigue and oppo­sition from the Greek deputies; discusses loan. 2 pp.
(15) George Finlay to Hastings, Karteria, Greek steam ship. Zante, 29 January 1827. George Finlay's journey to Greece; Cochrane's movements. 2 pp.
(16) George Finlay to Hastings, Karteria. Egina, 2 July 1827.
Urges H to take Ross back into his service; H reported to be at Alexandria; George Finlay alarmed at political situation of Greece. 2 pp.
(17) George Finlay to Hastings, Karteria. Egina, 2 February 1828.
Capodistrias has put off under General Church; George Finlay has stressed to Heideck absurdity of subordinating naval to military authority; and urges Hastings to write to Capodistrias. Secret information re Church. 2 pp.
(18) George Finlay to Hastings, Karteria. January 1828.
Acknowledges Hastings' report to Cochrane on affair at Poros; Church regarded as a humbug or worse; George Finlay's plans for publishing information on Greek affairs in Britain. Disorganization of Greek naval affairs and need for H's help. 2 pp.
(19) G. Brown to Hastings, Perseverance. Ratcliffe Cross, 14 October 1826. Discusses his problems with the Perseverance. 2 pp.
(20) Id. 9 April 1827.
Announces decision to send the Enterprise steamer. 2 pp.
(21) Id. 12 April 1827.
Date of Enterprise 's departure fixed for 13 April. 2 pp.
(22) Captain G. Thomas to Hastings, Karteria, Gulf of Lepanto. Poros, 7 March 1822.
His crew's discontent at his distribution of prize money; he asks for Hastings' support. 2 pp.
(23) G. Thomas to Hastings, Karteria, Loutraki (?). Greek brig of war Sauveur, Poros, 21 October 1827.
Reasons for bringing the gunboats out of the Gulf of Lepanto; has taken an Austrian schooner off Patras. 2 pp.
(24) Id. 27 October 1827.
Is preparing ships for sea on Cochrane's orders. 2 pp.
(25) G. Thomas to Hastings, Karteria. Egina, 6 February 1828.
Loss of brig off Chios; Cochrane's abrupt departure. 2 pp.
(26) G. Thomas to Hastings. Sauveur, Poros, 30 October 1827. Problem of disposal of prizes. 2 pp.
(27) T. Veullemo (Valianoff) to Hastings. Egina, 15 January 1828.
Congratulations on his victories (in French). 1p.
(28) Do. 21 February 1828.
His deep regret at Hastings' resignation of his command and decision to leave Greece for ever (in French). 2 pp.
(29) Do. 1 March 1828.
Further regrets (in French). 1 p.
(30) Hastings to Lord Byron. Idra, 1 December 1823.
Account of surrender of Corinth. 6 pp.
(31) Hastings to Lord Byron. 10 October 1823.
Hastings understands that B has funds at his disposal; proposals for Greek navy. 6 pp.
(32) Hastings to Lord Byron, Cephalonia. Athens, 7/19 December 1823.
Possibility of procuring a steamboat from England; detailed discussion of this project. Present lack of adequate financial organization. 6 pp.
(33) Hastings to Lord Byron. n.d.
Suggestions for Greek navy. 12 pp.
(34) Hastings to Lord Byron. n.d.
Suggestions for improving military organization on shore based on a year and a half's experience. 6 pp.
(35) Hastings to ? 13 Chapel Place, 28 February 1825.
His introduction from Count Gamba has not been acknowledged by the addressee. Hastings was fully aware of the Greek character before he joined the cause. He is, however, willing to put his knowledge of maritime warfare at their disposal. 32pp.
(36) The Rt. Hon. Viscount Melville to Hastings. Melville Castle, Edinburgh, 10 October 1819.
Re H's reference to an Act of Parliament relating to his desire to enter foreign service. 2 pp.
(37) G. Sagee to Hastings, on board H.M. ship Orlando, on arrival at Madras, 25 July 1816.
H's appointment to command of the Elk. 2 pp.
(38) C. A. Hastings (brother) to Hastings, 27 Leicester Square, Strand, London. Post Office, Brighton, Sussex, 25 February 1826.
C. A. Hastings has willed certain property to Hastings and wishes to ensure the position of Mr. Pratt, the present incumbent of Packington. 2 pp.
(39) G. Waddington to Hastings, Perseverance. 3 July 1826.
Acknowledges letter received and news of the steamship. 1 p.
(40) Hastings to General Church. Karteria, Karabousta, 14 February 1828.
Rebukes C for his interference with naval affairs; he refuses to permit the mono­poly traffic in grain near Patras sanctioned by C. 1 p.
(41) Lord Nugent to Hastings. Pall Mall, 1 November 1824.
N hopes that Hastings accepts an invitation from 'the committee' to become 'our Commissioner of Remonstrance with the Greek government on the subject of their miserable faineants the Deputies'. 2 pp.
(42) Hastings to Lord Cochrane. Karteria, Poros, 28 April 1827.
Discusses strategy against the Turks. Need for regular pay and provisioning; question of prize money; the affair at Trikeri. Damage to his boat; need for a national fleet and dockyard. 2 pp.
(43) General Gucheneux to Hastings, Perseverance. Poros, 21 September 1827.
Good wishes for Hastings' success and hopes for future meeting (in French). 2 pp.
(44) St. George to Hastings. Hellas, moored in Poros, 22 October 1827.
Congratulates Hastings on his brilliant action in the Bay of Salona. Local news. 2 pp.
(45) L. A. Gosse to Hastings, Karteria, Vasiladi. 22 December 1827.
American committee sends provisions for poor families at Calamos. Comments on Church (note by George Finlay in margin re help given Church and denied Hastings). Message from Cochrane. 2 pp.
(46) J. Bowring to Hastings, Karteria, Greece. London, 15 March 1827. The Times has not inserted Hastings' letter, but B has now got something into the Chronicle. 2 pp.
(47) ? to Hastings. 30 May 1825.
His health; hopes to see Hastings in London; personal news (in French). 2 pp.
(48) 'Fabricius (?) to Hastings, Commandans l'escadre dans le Golfe de Corinthe, Vasiladi.' Scala Salona, 2/14 May 1828.
Discusses his movements; has written to Mavrocordatos asking for H to be sent for at least 2 months. 2 pp.
(49) R. Mawdesley, Commandant, to H, Karteria. Calamos, 16 December 1827. Reports capture and looting of 2 Ionian boats by a Galaxidiote corsair; Capt. Fabricio of the Helvetia also guilty of improper conduct towards one of the commanders. Ionian ships are neutral and Hastings is asked to assist them in getting back their property. 2 pp.
(50) Hastings to R. Mawdesley. Karteria off Vasiladi, 2 January 1828.
Reply to (49). 2 pp.
(51) G. Bomeester to Hastings, Perseverance in Cagliari Bay. British Consulate Sardinia, Cagliari, 18 July 1826.
Warning on measures to be taken against Hastings' unruly seamen on shore. 2 pp.
(52) G. Psyllas and A. Petrakis to Hastings, Nauplion. Salamis, 15 July 1824.
Sends history of battle of Marathon (in Greek). 2 pp.
(53) C. Hancock to George Finlay, Egina. Zante, 2 June 1828.
False rumour of George Finlay's death. Describes Hastings' death on 1 June 1828; his burial­ place undecided. Personal news. Rumour of plot against the President. 2 pp.
(54) J. Robertson to George Finlay, c/o J. McGregor, Liverpool. Cairness, 10 June 1831.
T. Gordon would like to see Hastings' Journals as he wishes to use the material for his History. 2 pp.
(55) Letter from Greek government to the police. 25 May/6 June 1824.
Order to show more activity in searching for H's lost horse (in Greek). 1 p. (George Finlay notes that it was subsequently found.)
(56) ? Hastings to ? editor of a paper. 22 June 1824.
Comments on an article on situation in Greece inserted in 'your paper', with corrections. Discusses the loan (draft in Hastings' hand). 4 pp.
(57) George Finlay to Barff, Hancock and Co., Zante. Egina, 13/25 July 1831. Discusses Greek affairs. 4 pp.
(58) Orders to generals at Corinth, Loutraki, re defence of Gulf of Patras (? October 1827). (In Greek and transl.) 4 pp.
(59) 'Odesseos' to Commandant. n.d.
Complaint re conduct of one of his officers who invited him to dine on board the Hind and then set sail (in French). 2 pp.
(60) Plan of Athens. 1 p.
(61) Plan of port of St. Nicolas on north side of island of Zea (Kea). 1 p.
(62) Plan of Port Mandri. 1 p.
(63) Draft of coastline (unfinished). 1 p.
(64) Weights of coins (printed list). 1 p.
(65) Map of Athens and district (torn). 1 p.H42
(66) George Finlay to H, Karteria. Egina, 4-5 January 1828.
Defence of Trisognia. Affairs in Chios. 5 January: delighted at H's success. Naval resources. 2 pp.
(67) Yiakoumakis Tombazis. Hydra, 12 July 1822.
Attests H's bravery and effective participation against the Turkish navy off Chios (in Greek). 1 p.
(68) General notes on the nature of government. 2 pp.
(69) H's commission as Lieutenant in charge of H.M. sloop the Misette. 6 March 1814. 1 p.
(70) Id. in charge of H.M. ship the Orlando. 19 August 1815. 1 p.
(71) Id. in charge of H.M. sloop the Pelican. 10 November 1817. 1 p.
(72) Dragomato. 15 Jan 1828.

Hastings Log of </i>Karteria</i> April 1827 to Sep. 1827 [FIN/H/05], Hastings Log of Karteria April 1827 to Sep. 1827, 18 April 1827 - 30 September 1827

Cream vellum, on spine 'Hastings Log of Karteria April 1827 to Sep. 1827', unpaginated (178 pp.), handwritten, bound.
A log of the proceedings of the Greek steam vessel of war Karteria from 19 April 1827 to 30 September 1827 kept by Frank Abney Hastings, Commander of the Karteria.

Hastings Log of <i>Karteria</i> 1 October 1827 to 13 May 1828 [FIN/H/06], Hastings Log of Karteria 1 October 1827 to 13 May 1828, 1 October 1827 - 13 May 1828

Hastings Log of Karteria from 1 October 1827 to 13 May 1828 (198 pp.). With loose sheet of notes in Greek and English.

Notes on Greek grammar and nautical matters [FIN/H/10], Notes on Greek grammar and nautical matters

Red leather with clasp. Notes on Greek grammar, punctuation, accents, vocabulary. Greek titles (secular and ecclesiastical). Greek verbs.
At other end of notebook nautical details, including Italian for parts of the compass. Artillery details. The Perseverance and its crew. Greek names for the rigging of a ship.

Hastings' drafts of 4 letters on potential military service for the Greeks [FIN/H/12], Hastings' drafts of 4 letters on potential military service for the Greeks

Hastings' drafts of 4 letters (n.d.) from 13 Chapel Place, Cavendish Square, concerning his possible appointment as Commander of a steam vessel in the service of the Greeks; discussion of artillery equipment. Loose.

Hastings' draft of letter re: potential appointment as Commander of steam vessel [FIN/H/12/01], Sub-item, Hastings' draft of letter re: potential appointment as Commander of steam vessel

Drafts of letter (n.d.) from 13 Chapel Place, Cavendish Square, concerning his possible appointment as Commander of a steam vessel in the service of the Greeks; discussion of artillery equipment

Hastings' draft of letter re: potential appointment as Commander of steam vessel [FIN/H/12/02], Sub-item, Hastings' draft of letter re: potential appointment as Commander of steam vessel

Drafts of letter (n.d.) from 13 Chapel Place, Cavendish Square, concerning his possible appointment as Commander of a steam vessel in the service of the Greeks; discussion of artillery equipment

Hastings' draft of letter re: potential appointment as Commander of steam vessel [FIN/H/12/03], Sub-item, Hastings' draft of letter re: potential appointment as Commander of steam vessel

Drafts of letter (n.d.) from 13 Chapel Place, Cavendish Square, concerning his possible appointment as Commander of a steam vessel in the service of the Greeks; discussion of artillery equipment

Hastings' draft of letter re: potential appointment as Commander of steam vessel [FIN/H/12/04], Sub-item, Hastings' draft of letter re: potential appointment as Commander of steam vessel

Drafts of letter (n.d.) from 13 Chapel Place, Cavendish Square, concerning his possible appointment as Commander of a steam vessel in the service of the Greeks; discussion of artillery equipment

Hastings to ?the Greek government, March 1824 [FIN/H/13/01], Sub-item, Hastings to ?the Greek government, March 1824, 31 March 1824

Hastings to [? the Greek government], Athens. 18/31 March 1824.
Need for the formation of a Greek navy; urges the use of steam vessels (in French).