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About the George Finlay Papers

The George Finlay Papers contain materials created by and related to the British Historian and Philhellene George Finlay, his father John Finlay, Greek-American Philhellene George Jarvis, and British Philhellene Captain Frank Abney Hastings, dating from 1791 to 1949. Most of the collection consists of George Finlay’s meticulous records of his travels, personal and official correspondence, his personal expenditures, copious memoranda on strategy and on military and political organisation, journal entries, maps, facetiae, scrapbooks, personal notes on people—Greeks and others—and on revolutionary events, newspaper cuttings mainly on Greece and international affairs, as well as Finlay’s original manuscripts of the History of the Greek Revolution (1861) as well as corrected proofs of Finlay’s other published works.

Also included are the papers of Finlay’s father, John, two journals of Greek American philhellene, George Jarvis, and those of Finlay’s fellow British philhellene, Captain Frank Abney Hastings. The Hastings papers, which Finlay purchased in 1830, include personal and official correspondence, ship’s logs, notes that he took on board or ashore, as well as memoranda on strategy and on the naval organisation of the revolutionary forces. Collectively, these records reveal a great deal about the character, motivations, ideas, as well as the military and political judgements of these British individuals, as well as of many others, both British and Greek, with whom they interacted during the Greek War of Independence as well as many of Finlay's other interests, such as Classical and Byzantine history, natural history and politics.

Details of the rocket system [FIN/H/18/12], Sub-item, Details of the rocket system, 1824

Details of the rocket system, 1824.
Copied by Hastings with diagrams (source not stated) with his own comments 'between double commas'.

Finlay's manuscripts on various subjects [FIN/GF/A/01], Finlay's manuscripts on various subjects, 20 June 1821-28 May 1834

Brown mottle boards, brown calf spine, 'MSS. George Finlay.' pasted on spine, handwritten, bound.
Various different MSS. bound together now numbered 1-22; 1 loose letter 20 June 1821 from Haldane, Glasgow, on the rules of the Institution in Glasgow for the encouragement of the Fine Arts.
(1) Observations on Heeren's Vermischte historische Schriften and Handbuch der Geschichte des europäischen Staatenssystems, written at Göttingen March 1823 (paginated 1-40).
(2) 'Notes written on my first visit to Greece in 1823 and 1824. My journal I wrote was lost and the memoranda I wrote in quarantine at Ancona must be in Glasgow with my cousin John Finlay' (3 sides unpaginated).
(3) Reflections on 'the present revolution in Greece' (42 sides unpaginated).
(4) 'Words composing the Cypher of the Sultan. The Emperor Sultan Mahmoud son of Sultan Mustapha ever victorious' (4 sides unpaginated).
(5) 'Journal of a Tour in Sicily and return through Italy to England 1825' (5 April- 6 July 1825, 36 sides unpaginated).
(6) On the state of Political Naval and Military affairs in Greece, written at Egina July 1827 (26 sides paginated 1-26).
(7) Observations on His Royal Highness Prince Leopold's Resignation of the Sovereignty of Greece by George Finlay Esqr. A note at the beginning runs: 'The following observations . . . are the fruits of a long devotion to the cause of Greece. Egina 12 July 1830' (paginated 1-28).
(8) Four letters. I. To Alex. Mavrocordatos Esqr, Secretary of State for Finance (7 sides). 15/27 June 1833, signed Προμηθεύς.
(9) II. [To the same.] (Seven sides.) Undated, signed Προμηθευς.
(10) III. [To the same]. (Ten sides.) Undated, unsigned.
(11) IV. To the Greek people. (Nine sides.) Undated, signed Prometheus.
(12) A further letter (14 sides). 'My dear Sir', ending 'Adieu' and unsigned.
(13) 'Letter on the State of the Plan of Athens, 28 May 1834. Sent to Messrs D'Eichthal Weissenberg and Masson'; written below is a note from George Finlay to Noel asking for his views on this.
(14) On need for social order in Greece (8 sides loose and paginated in part).
(15) Memorandum on the situation in Greece. Salona, April 1824 (21 sides un­ paginated).
(16) On the formation of regular troops in Greece. Ancona, 16 November 1826 (9 sides paginated in part).
(17) Printed notice (3 sides) : Institution in Glasgow for the encouragement of the Fine Arts, signed by George Finlay, Secretary, July 1821.
(18) Letter (loose) dated Glasgow, 20 June 1821, to George Finlay from J. Haldane [who became one of the Directors of the British School at Athens] protesting that the principles of management were not sufficiently liberal.
(19) 'On the Progress of Civil Liberty in Modern Europe' (25 sides paginated 1-25). Paper read in the Speculative Society of Glasgow, 26 March 1821.
(20) 'Some Observations on the commercial situation and policy of Great Britain' (24 sides paginated 1-24). Paper read in the Literary and Commercial Society of Glasgow, 18 April 1821.
(21) Notes on Roman Law (paginated 1-33).
(22) Notes on legal topics (6 sides unpaginated).

Sketch book, 1820-1828 [FIN/GF/A/02], Sketch book, 1820-1828, 1820-1828

Mottle covers, red leather spine, enclosed in red cardboard case, paginated, pp. 1-74, some blank, bound.
George Finlay's sketch book, with pencil sketches and engravings pasted in, dated 1825 on inside cover, but dates and places range from Scotland (1820), Sicily (1825), Sardinia (1826), to Greece (1828).

Cash memorandum 1826-31 [FIN/GF/A/03], Cash memorandum 1826-31, 1826-1831

Brown mottle notebook, green leather spine, handwritten, paginated, pp. 1-106, with 4 loose sheets.
Cash memorandum 1826-31.

Memorandum book, including journal of voyage from Athens to England, 1832 [FIN/GF/A/04], Memorandum book, including journal of voyage from Athens to England, 1832, 12 April 1832- June 1832

Brown leather notebook, oblong with clasp, handwritten, book plate, pp. 1-80.
Memorandum Book, 'George Finlay in Egina or Athens
Memorandum Book. address London Messrs Finlay Hodgson & Coy
St Helens Place
Bishopsgate Street'.
This includes 'Journal of a Voyage from Athens to England 12 April to June 1832' [the entry begins on 8 April, see p. 13].

Journal, 6 Jul-28 Sep 1832 [FIN/GF/A/05], Journal, 6 Jul-28 Sep 1832, 6 July 1832-28 September 1832

Red leather pocket book, handwritten, pp. 1-60, 61-4 are blank, bound. George Finlay's Journal 6 July-28 September 1832. [Liverpool, London, sea voyage to Athens].

Journal, 1 Jun 1829-10 Apr 1832. [FIN/GF/A/06], Journal, 1 Jun 1829-10 Apr 1832., 1 June 1832-10 April 1832

Vellum, handwritten on spine 'June 1829 to April 1832', pp. 1-136+3 loose sheets of jottings.
George Finlay's Journal, 1 June 1829-10 April 1832.

Journal, Aug - Sep 1837, with other notes [FIN/GF/A/10], Journal, Aug - Sep 1837, with other notes, 1837

Brown mottle boards, calf spine, 'Journal 1837' on spine in gilt lettering, handwritten, pp. i-iv, 1-124, bound. Includes loose rough map of Amorgos.
Journal of a tour to several islands of the archipelago in August and September 1837. pp. i-iv. Memorandum. Subjects of inquiry in travelling.
pp. 1-76. Diary 14 August-23 September (each side paginated).
pp. 77-100. Inscriptions.
pp. 101-20. Extracts from MSS. in possession of Signor Delenda, British Consul at Santorin, including letter to Delenda (pp. 113-18) dated 17 September 1807 from Capt. John Stewart on behalf of Lord Collingwood to British Consul at Santorin -official notice stating intention of protecting the Cyclades from piracy and helping to restore order to local government.
pp. 121-4. The Greek compass [Greek terms].

Miscellaneous notes [FIN/GF/A/12], Miscellaneous notes

Handwritten, unbound. Miscellaneous notes. Includes a note, possibly by Hussey, indicating that was formerly Item 4 (Archaeological sites in Athens) has been removed to FIN/GF/C/9, and the rest have been renumbered.

Account of the different races of mankind who have inhabited Greece [FIN/GF/A/12/001], Sub-item, Account of the different races of mankind who have inhabited Greece

Historical Memoir on the different races of mankind who have inhabited Greece in ancient and modern times by G. Finlay, K.R.C., Member of the American Antiquarian Society, and Corresponding Member of the Archaeological Institute at Rome (41 sides large quarto).

Notes on Greek grammar [FIN/GF/A/12/002], Sub-item, Notes on Greek grammar

Handwritten notes on Greek grammar in envelope addressed to George Finlay (16 sides quarto).

George Finlay to ? [FIN/GF/A/12/003], Sub-item, George Finlay to ?

Letter from George Finlay on advantages of Salonica as a rail terminus for British communications with India [to 'Your Excellency', unnamed and undated] (16 sides foolscap).

Odd comments and impressions [FIN/GF/A/12/004], Sub-item, Odd comments and impressions

Worn foolscap green paper folder 'Modern Scraps' containing odd comments and impressions of George Finlay, e.g. of Rome from Piazza di Spagna or on the merits of Greece and Rome.

Account of a visit to Egypt, 1845 [FIN/GF/A/12/005], Sub-item, Account of a visit to Egypt, 1845, 1845

'Personal notes and general reflections'. An account of a visit in 1845 to Cairo and Mehemet Ali and to Upper Egypt.

Copies of 'Explanation of the frontispiece' [FIN/GF/A/12/006], Sub-item, Copies of 'Explanation of the frontispiece'

About 15 copies of single sheet (unpaginated) of proof 'Explanation of the frontispiece' [gold coin of Justinian I] (printed).

Extracts of Letters and Documents relative to the Writings of George Finlay'' [FIN/GF/A/16], Extracts of Letters and Documents relative to the Writings of George Finlay'', December 1823 - 6 May 1854

Bound quires, handwritten, pp. 1-99 [+4 sides giving Preface and Contents]. Also loose note marking the FIN/GF/A/16 lost and then found.
'Extracts Letters and Documents relative to the Writings of George Finlay.' Listed by George Finlay as follows :
Extracts and Letters relative to George Finlay's life and writings
Hastings' Journal, meeting Finlay at Athens Decr 1823
Hastings to Finlay April 1828
Gordon to Hastings-Finlay's opinion
'The Times' reported death of Finlay 1828
James MacGregor to his mother [sending condolences on George Finlay's supposed death]
Lord Cochrane to Finlay congratulating him on being alive Octr 1828
Mr Contostavlos to Finlay on his pamphlet 'Essai sur les principes de banque' [1836]
Extract from the 'Journal de Smyrne'
Gordon to Finlay on his pamphlet The Hellenic Kingdom and the Greek nation 1836 [1837]
Mr. Robertson to Finlay [1837] Revd John Henry Hill to Finlay [1837]
Col Mure on Battle of Marathon 1842
Col Leake on Battle of Marathon
Mr Grote
Mr Freeman's Dedication [to George Finlay of his History of Federal Government]
Mr Clark's Dedication [to George Finlay of his Peloponnesus: Notes of Study and Travel]
Extracts from Letters from Professor Felton
24 Sepr 1854
23 Feby 1855
4 March 1855
29 Octr 1861
Mr Finlay to Professor Felton [1861]
Biographical sketch
[These entries give the text of the Inscription or Invitation]
I. Minister of War with Silver Medal of lndependence 14 (26) Feby 1836
II. Mr. Rudhart with Gold cross of Order of Redeemer of Greece 3 (15) June 1837
III. Diploma-Member of Natural History Society 1 (13) April 1836
IV. Archaiological Institute of Rome, corresponding member 4 March 1838
V. Diploma-Member of Archaiological Society of Athens 1 Sepr 1838
VI. Diploma-Member of American Antiquarian Society 23 Octr 1838
VII. Demarch of Athens. Election as Provincial Councillor of Attica 7 Decr 1841
VIII. Diploma-Corresponding member of Hellenic Archaiological Society 6 July 1848
IX. Diploma as Honorary Member of the Royal Society of Literature 8 Octr 1849
X. Diploma as LL.D of University of Edinburgh 6 May 1854
XI. List of the writings of George Finlay
XII. Inscription for the monument of Captain Hastings at Poros

Attic Itineraries [FIN/GF/A/19], Attic Itineraries

Cream vellum, handwritten, 'ATTIC ITINERARIES' written on spine, paginated, pp. 1-64+ 1-65, bound. Notes of itineraries and time taken en route.
See also George Finlay's copy of W. Gell, The Itinerary of Greece . . ., London, 1819 (now D. 57 in BSA Main Library) with his notes passim and at end further routes, distances, and time taken.

Proposition for the Hellenic Association [FIN/GF/A/21/001], Proposition for the Hellenic Association

Proposed organization of the Hellenic Association 'for the promotion of Education in Greece.' (in Greek).

Proposition for the Hellenic Association [FIN/GF/A/21/002], Proposition for the Hellenic Association

Proposed organisation of the Hellenic Association 'for the promotion of Education in Greece.' (in English).

Turkish document [FIN/GF/A/21/003], Turkish document

Turkish document addressed to George Finlay (in Turkish).

Notice of George Finlay's funeral [FIN/GF/A/21/004], Notice of George Finlay's funeral, 15 January 1875

Three copies of the Notice of George Finlay's Funeral (15 January 1875) by Nectar Finlay (in Greek).

Document signed by Jeremias, Patriarch [FIN/GF/A/21/005], Document signed by Jeremias, Patriarch, 1821

Facsimile of document of January 1821 signed by Jeremias, Archbishop of Constantinople and Patriarch (in Greek).

Document relating to Count of Flanders [FIN/GF/A/21/006], Document relating to Count of Flanders

Facsimile of Latin document relating to Baldwin, Count of Flanders and Hainault, with transcription.

Passport for England to Malta [FIN/GF/A/21/008], Passport for England to Malta, 22 February 1840

England to Malta-to Mr. Finlay (George) avec son domestique from le Maire de Marez (26 June 1825).

Passport for London to Calais [FIN/GF/A/21/009], Passport for London to Calais, 12 October 1826

London to Calais or Boulogne-to Captain George Finlay avec deux domestiques from the French Ambassador in London (12 October 1826).

Passport for Smyrna [FIN/GF/A/21/010], Passport for Smyrna, 28 August 1829

For Smyrna-to M. Georges Finlay gentilhomme Anglais avec un domestique from Robert Gordon, British Ambassador at the Sublime Porte Ottomane (28 August 1829).

Passport for Malta to Napoli [FIN/GF/A/21/011], Passport for Malta to Napoli, 15 October 1831

Malta to Napoli di Romania-to Mr. George Findlay (sic) aged twenty-six years a British subject from Frederick Cavendish Ponsonby, Lieut. Governor of Malta (15 October 1831).

Passport for Marseilles to Naples [FIN/GF/A/21/012], Passport for Marseilles to Naples, 19 September 1831

Marseilles to Naples-to Mr. George Findlay (sic) from W. H. Richardson, Vice­ Consul of Great Britain for the Dept. des Bouches du Rhone (19 September 1831 ) .

Passport for Greece to London [FIN/GF/A/21/014], Passport for Greece to London, 11 May 1851

Greece to London-to George Finlay Esq. from the Rt. Hon. Thomas Wyse (11 May 1851).

Passport for travel on the Continent [FIN/GF/A/21/015], Passport for travel on the Continent, 30 July 1850

For travel on the Continent-to Mr. George Finlay and his three nieces from Henry John Viscount Palmerston, Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs in London (30 July 1851).

Notice of Award of SIlver Cross [FIN/GF/A/21/018], Notice of Award of SIlver Cross, 24 May 1842

Notice of award by King Otho of the Silver Cross for services in the war (24 May 1842).

Notice of Award of Gold Cross [FIN/GF/A/21/019], Notice of Award of Gold Cross, 10 June 1837

Notice of award by King Otho of the Gold Cross of Knight of the Order of the Redeemer of Greece (10 June 1837).

Election to Greek Archaeological Society [FIN/GF/A/21/025], Election to Greek Archaeological Society

Election as Corresponding Member of the Greek Archaeological Society (6 July 1848).

Membership of Royal Society of Literature [FIN/GF/A/21/026], Membership of Royal Society of Literature, 6 July 1856

Honorary Membership of the Royal Society of Literature (London). (Enclosed-letter from the Secretary of 6 July 1856.)

Diploma from University of Athens [FIN/GF/A/21/027], Diploma from University of Athens, 25 June 1856

Diploma of recognition from the University of Athens (25 June 1856).

Diploma of membership of St Petersberg Academy [FIN/GF/A/21/028], Diploma of membership of St Petersberg Academy, 29 December 1856

Diploma of Hon. Membership of St. Petersburg Imperial Academy (29 December 1856).
(Enclosed-letter from the Secretary of Hon. Membership of St. Petersburg Imperial Academy (10 January 1866) ; letter of George Finlay to the Secretary (10 February 1866).
Letter of George Finlay to the Secretary of Hon. Membership of St. Petersburg Imperial Academy (23 June 1866) reply of the Secretary (24 August 1866).)

Diploma [FIN/GF/A/21/029], Diploma

(in envelope) Diploma to George Finlay at Athens as Ehrenmitglieder der Gesellschaft für vaterländische Alterthümer in Zürich.

Greek Secretary of State to George Finlay, 2 Jun 1837 [FIN/GF/A/21/030], Greek Secretary of State to George Finlay, 2 Jun 1837, 2 June 1837

Letter from the Greek Secretary of State regarding George Finlay's resignation from the Greek Army (2 June 1837).

A. C. Ionides to George FInlay [FIN/GF/A/21/035], A. C. Ionides to George FInlay

Letter from A. C. lonides to George Finlay (undated).