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About the John Pendlebury Family Papers

The John Pendlebury Family Papers cover the period from 1913 to 1964 and document the life of archaeologist and WWII hero John Devitt Stringfellow Pendlebury, his wife Hilda and their family.

Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/7/2], Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], [c. 26-29 Sep 1928]

Written from Xylokastro [Xilókastron]. Describing their [John and Hilda’s] honeymoon in the Peloponnese, travelling nearby with Spiro [Dassis] and Michaelis as guides. They went to Nemea [Neméa], Hagios Georgios, Bostika (beyond Phlious [Flioús]), Psari, Stymphalos, Goura, valley of the Zarouebla [Zarouxla?], Solos (and nearby waterfalls), Kalavryta [Kalávrita], Megaspelaion monastery, Diakoptou, and Xylokastro [Xilókastron]. Also asking Herbert to ask Taylor [shop] to send him some gum for his shoe. With a hand drawn map of their route and another crossed out doodle.

Letter to [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/7/3], Letter to [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], [30 Sep 1928]

Sent from Hotel Majestic, Athens. Informing Herbert that he and Hilda had arrived back in Athens from their honeymoon in the Peloponnese, and were setting off to Salonika [Thessaloníki] in 2 days (there was a slight risk of Dengue fever but they weren’t too worried because there was an international fair on and so it should be taken care of, or they would be “in good hands” if they did get it). Also telling Herbert that a letter from him with enclosures from [Arthur] Evans and SC [Roberts] had not arrived but he had written to Evans and SC [Roberts]; that John had letters from SC [Roberts] to Herbert and from Nikolaos Saradakis (Pachyammos [Pacheía Ámmos], Crete) wishing them good luck [with the wedding]; and that he had bumped his head badly in the car on the way back to Athens from Xylokastro [Xilókastron]. Additionally asking Herbert to give John a catalogue when SC [Roberts] had finished with it.

Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/7/4], Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], 1 Oct [1928]

Sent from Hotel Majestic, Athens. Informing Herbert that his letter with enclosures [from Arthur Evans and SC [Roberts] had just arrived with a letter from Dickie [Mabel Dickinson] to Hilda. They had been held up as they did have enough or any stamps on. Telling Hebert about a book that Hilda had got of Greek scenery and architecture with James Frazer’s signature inside (dated 1899); asking if he had got books by [Heinrich] Schliemann on Troy and Tiryns; and telling him they were leaving for Salonika [Thessaloníki] the next day.

Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/7/5], Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], [6 Oct 1928]

Sent from Hotel Majestic, Salonika [Thessaloníki]. Telling Herbert they had arrived and started work on [sorting out the sherds from the excavation in Chalkidiki, Mar-Apr 1928], the Heurtley’s [Walter and Eileen] had already arrived but Mrs Heurtley had malaria, and [R W] Hutchinson [‘the Squire’] was also there; about sending letters to the right address, the weather, that they had not had Dengue fever but had heard of 5 cases of bubonic [plague] in Athens, and plans to stay in Salonika [Thessaloníki] until the 20th [of Oct].

Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/7/6], Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], [c.8-18 Oct 1928]

Sent from Hotel Majestic, Salonika [Thessaloníki]. About work with sherds [from the excavation in Chalkidiki, Mar-Apr 1928], that they had driven to see a mound that [Walter] Heurtley wanted to excavate in the Spring, and telling Herbert that he had received his letter and [answering questions] by informing him that: he and Hilda were returning to Athens on the 20th [of Oct]; they had been readmitted [to the BSA] but not made life members; and Hilda is from Lancashire with Irish ancestry. Also asks about books he had given to a binder, for Herbert to send [‘Travels and Researches in Crete’] by Spratt to Athens, and jokes in response to Herbert writing that a tough man in a 15 year old Rolls Royce full of bloodcurdling stories of Kenya had turned up (jokes that it would be cheaper than petrol). Additionally recounting a letter of complaint John had written to the Haymarket [Hotel, London] who had repaired his watch, and telling Herbert about his photos of Arcadia and that Hilda had a cold.

Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/7/7], Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], [c.8-18 Oct 1928]

Sent from Hotel Majestic, Salonika [Thessaloníki]. About the work John and Hilda were doing drawing sherds, plans to travel back to Athens and meet [Stephen] Glanville in Piraeus on his way to Egypt, and for John and Hilda to go to Egypt later. Also thanking Herbert for his letters and asking him to send typescripts of his catalogue [‘Aegyptiaca’] to the BSA. Additionally telling Herbert about an offer Hilda had from Winifred Lamb to excavate at Mitylene [Lésvos]; that they had been to the [international] exhibition in Salonika [Thessaloníki] and bought Greek, Hungarian, Romanian, Serbian and Croatian embroideries; they were going to see the ‘Oresteia’ [trilogy of Greek tragedies] featuring Marika Kotopouli; and Hilda had recovered from Malaria.

Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/7/8], Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], [25 Oct 1928]

Written in Piraeus whilst John was waiting for [Stephen] Glanville, with a note added at the end that Glanville and [Alan] Shorter were 4 hours late, they had lunch and then John took them to the Acropolis. Giving news of people connected to the BSA and telling Herbert that he and Hilda were doing work, Hilda had begun working on a catalogue of Aegean [archaeological finds] in Crete, they were travelling to Egypt on the Khedivial Mail [steam ship] and would be staying at the Windsor Hotel in Cairo, the weather was cool in Athens and the BSA was “a very pleasant place”, and that [Stephanos] Xanthoudides (Director of the Candia museum) had died so John didn’t think he would get the photographs he had asked for. Of people connected to the BSA John states: [Winifred] Lamb had gone to Mitylene [Lésvos, to excavate] “in a great fuss”, [George Francis] Hill [Keeper of Coins and Medals department, British Museum] was staying at the school, [Bernard] Ashmole [from the British School at Rome] was staying at the [American School of Classical Studies], and [Walter] Heurtley was arriving back from Salonica [Thessaloníki]. Also thanking Herbert for his letter and [‘Travels and Researches in Crete’] by Spratt, asks Herbert to get [‘Troy and its remains’] by [Heinrich] Schliemann, and says that he and Hilda got a book of plates illustrating Aegean decorative art which they were annotating.

Postcard to [Herbert] Pendlebury from [John Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/7/9], Postcard to [Herbert] Pendlebury from [John Pendlebury], Undated [29 Oct 1928]

Comprises a postcard with an image of the Erechtheion (Acropolis, Athens). Telling Herbert that a typescript had arrived safely, that he [and Hilda Pendlebury] were leaving for Egypt the next day, that the weather was good so it should be a calm sea for their journey to Egypt, Hilda was starting a catalogue of Aegean [archaeological finds] in Egypt, and that [Walter] Heurtley was to arrive back [to Athens] that day. Also discussing plans for Herbert to visit John and Hilda in Egypt or Greece, asking him to send a Swedish-English dictionary to Egypt, saying he already had “Frankfort’s pottery” and telling Herbert to give a gramophone [away?].

Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/8/1], Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], 4 Nov [1928]

Sent from Windsor Hotel, Cairo. Telling Herbert that he and Hilda had arrived in Cairo; [Stephen] Glanville and [Alan] Shorter had taken them to see the Pyramids by moonlight; they had seen artefacts from the Tutankhamen tomb in the Cairo museum which were “too wonderful for description” and that the rest of the museum was badly organised; [Stephen] Glanville had gone to Armaneh [Amarna] to do some “private scratching under the stelae”; and both Shorter and Hilda were ill, Shorter with Dengue fever and Hilda with malaria. Also mentioning that he had met [Hans and Jettie] Frankfort the previous day, and that they hadn’t had a chance yet to see Kathleen [Hargreaves, John’s cousin].

Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/8/2], Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], [early Nov 1928]

Sent from Hotel Windsor, Cairo. Mainly about John and Hilda [Pendlebury’s] plans in Egypt, and their activities since they arrived. They had been to dinner with Kathleen [Hargreaves, John’s cousin] and her husband (Lionel) and were planning to go to Saqqara [Ṣaqqâra] the next day by camel from the Pyramids of Giza. They were to travel to Luxor on the 14th [of Nov], then around the 21st [Nov] John would go to Armant (to the Egyptian Exploration Society excavation) and Hilda would return to Cairo. Hilda was going to live very close to Kathleen [Hargreaves]. Reporting that Hilda was better from having a fever, that Hilda was having difficulty with getting a card to access the museums as she was not a member of the archaeological excavation, that John thought the Cairo was “a dreadful place…life is one long demand for money” and that the museum was “magnificent but far too full of the wrong things”, and they were both homesick for Greece John also mentions that [Alan] Shorter [who was travelling to the Armant excavation with John] had recovered, and asks Herbert to let him know the results of Intervarsity contests [athletics]. Undated, annotated in a later hand as “1928, on arrival from Greece, November?”

Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/8/3], Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], [Nov-Dec 1928]

[Sent from Armant excavation, Egypt]. Telling Herbert he had arrived at [Armant] and about the excavation, including that they had made good discoveries (and disproved Howard Carter’s cynicism) and John had found a completely new use of a hieroglyph. Also mentioning that [Hans] Frankfort was to look at John’s [‘Aegyptiaca’] catalogue, Hilda [Pendlebury] was in Cairo and about her research, and John still missed Greece. Additionally reminding Herbert to tell him the results of Varsity and College contests [athletics]. Undated, annotated in a later hand as “1928”.

Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/8/4], Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], Undated [c.1-7 Dec 1928]

Sent from Luxor [during the Armant excavation, Egypt]. Wishing Herbert a happy birthday; telling him about a huge sandstorm at the excavation, progress with the dig and that John was the official photographer; asking Herbert to put Greek stamps he was sending into an album, and to send a new book on Amarna paintings which the [Egyptian Exploration Society] were publishing and [‘Egyptian Decorative Art’] by [W. M. Flinders] Petrie.

Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/8/5], Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], [Dec 1928]

[Sent from Armant excavation, Egypt]. Telling Herbert about the camp and work (which would continue until the second week in January), that Hilda [Pendlebury] was coming to the camp for Christmas, and that he had written to S. C. [Roberts] and received a letter from Alan Wace. Also asking Herbert to suggest some Roman Emperors. Undated, annotated in a later hand as “1928”.

Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/8/6], Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], [Dec 1928]

[Sent from Armant excavation, Egypt]. Wishing Herbert a Happy Christmas and telling him about plans for Hilda visiting the camp over Christmas, and about progress on the excavation. Also mentioning that he would meet Hilda in Luxor, [Stephen] Glanville was leaving shortly after Hilda so they would use his tent, the Daily Telegraph were publishing the reports of the excavation, he had a bet on a Varsity match with Glanville, and hoping a law suit had gone well for Herbert and he wished he could be home for Christmas. Undated, annotated in a later hand as “Dec 1928 to May 1929”.

Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/8/7], Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], Undated [Jan 1929]

Telling Herbert about [Stephen] Glanville encouraging him to apply for a job at the [British Museum] and that Glanville would be writing to John after he had seen Hall, and discussing his concerns and the pros and cons of the job. Also asking Herbert to thank Dickie [Mabel Dickinson] for a book; thanking him for remarks about Roman Emperors; telling Herbert he had heard from S. C. [Roberts, of Cambridge University Press] about the costs of production [of ‘Aegyptiaca’] and mentioning the list of images he had asked [Arthur] Evans’ permission to use; mentioning that he would write “character sketches of the party” in his next letter, that Hilda had brought luck to the dig as they had found a lot of items after she had arrived, and that an old gentleman working at the excavation had been complimentary about Hilda; and mentioning that Herbert should tell the Perrins [Mr Dyson and family] his address so they could write when they arrived in Luxor.

Letter to “Dickie” [Mabel Dickinson] from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/8/8], Letter to “Dickie” [Mabel Dickinson] from John [Pendlebury], Undated [Jan 1929]

[Sent from Armant excavation, Egypt]. Thanking Dickie for letters; telling her about his and Hilda’s plans to go to Amarna via Kosseir and to walk most of the way; saying he hoped that [Herbert Pendlebury] would be able to come to Greece, and that he and Hilda should be back there by the middle of April [1929]; mentioning that he had heard from Dyson Perrins who he wanted to visit the excavation to try to get funding from him; telling her about work on the excavation, that the camera that Uncle Stanley gave him had been very useful, that the weather was cold and that the post was erratic. Also asking Dickie to pass on a message about [the publication of ‘Aegyptiaca’] and saying he had got letters from Pip [Powell] and Tom [Livingston-] Learmonth].

Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/8/9], Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], Undated [Jan 1929]

[Sent from Armant excavation, Egypt]. Mainly giving detailed descriptions other people at the excavation: [Hans and Jettie] Frankfort, [Brian and Molly] Emery, [Alan] Shorter, and [Stephen] Glanville. Also telling Herbert that they had nearly finished work on the excavation and were clearing up; that the dig had been “sensational” and he hoped news about it had been in the Telegraph newspaper; that he had heard from Pip [Powell] who “seems to have enjoyed himself – though to have behaved badly”, and that he hoped a law case went well for Herbert.

Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/8/10], Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], Undated [Jan 1929]

[Sent from Armant excavation, Egypt]. Thanking Herbert for [a book by James Henry] Breasted; discussing a job prospect with the British Museum which [Hans] Frankfort thought John should accept it as he could walk away at any time, but that John had doubts about as he would have to work so hard at the language [Arabic or Ancient Egyptian?] that he wouldn’t be able to work in Greece, so was planning to use the offer [from Stephen Glanville] as a lever to secure a job in Greece with Arthur Evans; mentioning that he hoped Herbert had seen a report in the Telegraph [about the excavation at Armant] on 3 Jan which he had taken the photographs for using Uncle Stanley’s camera; telling Herbert about plans for the Perrins [Mr Dyson and family] to visit [Armant] that day and for he and Hilda to have dinner with them, his and Hilda’s plans to go to Kosseir and on to Amarna (where work would start on the 1st of Feb), and their plans for travelling back to Athens in Apr to meet Herbert and Dickie and then for them all to go to Crete, some islands and the mainland. Also mentioning that hockey sticks had been sent to the camp, that he wanted to know if Herbert had a list of illustrations that John wanted from [Arthur] Evans [for use in ‘Aegyptiaca’], and he wanted his typescript [of ‘Aegyptiaca’ back from S. C. [Roberts] in order to make corrections. Annotated in a later hand: “Jan. before knee trouble which prevented the Kosseir trip and kept John in bed at Savoy Hotel for a week or more”.

Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/8/11], Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], Undated [Jan 1929]

[Sent from Savoy Hotel, Luxor]. Telling Herbert about his damaged knee, that they hoped to get back to Greece by the middle of April and were looking forward to seeing Herbert and Dickie [in Greece], and saying he had heard from Charles Seltman who was trying to discourage John from working with the [British Museum]. John writes that he was using [the job offer from Stephen Glanville to work for the British Museum] as a lever [to get other job offers], which he thought would work. Annotated in a later hand as “Luxor, Savoy Hotel, January”.

Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/8/12], Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], [Jan-Feb 1929]

Written from the Savoy Hotel, Luxor [where John was recuperating from a knee injury after the end of the Armant excavation]. Telling Herbert that he and Hilda [Pendlebury] planned to travel to Amarna in a week; about [Stephen Glanville’s encouragement for John to work for the British Museum] being useful leverage for securing archaeological jobs [in Greece]; that he had written to [Arthur] Cook about the Walston studentship [from Cambridge University]; and about [Arthur] Woodward leaving Athens [and his Directorship of the BSA] so there could be more opportunities (“there may possibly be a stop to the discouragement of the young”). Also mentions that he and Hilda were planning on travelling to Rhodes on the 9th of Apr [1929] and then to Athens; they had written to Jim [?] and got no reply; that Seth Smith [John’s doctor] wished to be remembered to Herbert; and that he was glad about Robin’s [John’s step-brother] certificate and asks Herbert to congratulate him and “hit him over the head for me! also Derek”. Undated, annotated in a later hand as “Jan 1929”.

Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/8/13], Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], [Feb 1929]

Written from Aswan, where Hilda and John were staying before travelling to Amarna. About staying at the Hotel Cataract, having visited Elephantine island [Jazїrat] and been sailing, and plans to visit Philae, the [Aswan Low] Dam and quarries [of Aswan]. Also telling Herbert: that his knee was nearly better; that [Stephen] Glanville had written to [Hans] Frankfort about hieroglyphics [found at Armant] which named the Roman Emperor Diocletian, and asking if Diocletian had another name like Nero; that he thought his “bluff” of pretending he may accept a job at the [British Museum] would have worked in soliciting job offers from [Stephen] Glanville and [Arthur] Evans to continue working in Egypt and Crete; that learning Egyptian was going well; about the weather having been cold all winter; and that he was pleased that Robin [his step brother] had been made a prefect [at school]. Undated, annotated in a later hand as “Feb? 1929”.

Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/8/14], Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], Undated [Feb 1929]

[Sent from Amarna, Egypt.] Discussing his job prospects: that he had letters from [Stephen] Glanville urging him to apply for [a job and the British Museum] but that he had declined the offer; that he’d had a letter from [Arthur] Evans advising John to take the job at the British Museum as there were not many opportunities in Aegean archaeology; and that [Hans] Frankfort had sent a telegram to [Humfry] Payne as soon as they had heard he’d been elected [to the Directorship of the British School at Athens] recommending John for the Assistant Director. Also thanking Herbert for letters with enclosures and a typescript [of ‘Aegyptiaca’]; saying he was sorry that Herbert [and Dickie] would no longer be coming to Greece [in Apr 1929], and that they were sorry about a shawl that was meant for Dickie; saying that they had an adventurous and expensive time in Assuan [Aswan], had arrived safely back to Luxor, then go on to [Amarna] where the excavation was already well underway and interesting. Annotated in a later hand as “Feb 17th or 18th”.

Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/8/15], Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], Undated [Feb-Mar 1929]

Sent from Amarna, Egypt. Telling Herbert about work on the excavation and discussing career prospects: he had written to Le Fanu [Secretary at the British School at Athens] about applying for the Macmillan studentship; [Stephen] Glanville had written to John and was very sorry that he had declined the job offer at the British Museum; [Hans] Frankfort was encouraging and thought John who have a good chance of getting the Macmillan studentship. Also thanking Herbert for letters and saying Hilda would write when she heard from him; telling Herbert he hoped Hall would write the forward to [‘Aegyptiaca’], that Bob Dixon was applying for the Diplomatic [Service] and John had a received a letter from “the old man” [Henry Comber] despairing about it, and that he hoped Dickie’s troubles were over. Additionally asking if Dickie could a tell Will [?] that Nowell Chiltern (a friend of John’s and Stephen Glanville’s who worked at Addenbrokes) was going to be “out there” soon, to join the Medical Service.

Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/8/16], Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], Undated [Feb-Mar 1929]

Sent from Tell el Amarna [Amarna], Egypt. Telling Herbert about an encouraging letter he had from [Alan] Wace advising him on career prospects including: suggesting he explore Andros [Ándros], Chios and Icaria [Ikaría]; suggesting he enter [‘Aegyptiaca’] into the Hare Prize; suggesting John contact [Carl] Blegen in Greece (though Frankfort advised against excavating with Blegen as he was too selfish); and saying he had been making enquiries in Cambridge on John’s behalf. Also telling Herbert about work at Amarna including photographs of a “little statuette” and John wearing a necklace [on the cover of ‘The Rash Adventurer’]; saying he and Hilda had accepted the Seltman’s offer [to go on a cruise around some of the Greek islands, Apr 1929]; thanking Herbert for letters and enclosures; sending his love to Robin [Dickinson] and a “kick on the largest measle”; telling Herbert that Hilda was unwell, that her mother had also been ill but was better now, and that [Hans] Frankfort had been very pleased to receive a letter from Herbert.

Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/8/17], Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], Undated [Feb-Mar 1929]

Sent from Amarna, Egypt. Thanking Herbert for a telegram and saying he was looking forward to seeing a letter from Macmillan; telling Herbert about progress at the excavation, that they had found the house of a master painter and when they had finished excavating a block of houses he and Hilda might be sent to look for the tomb of Smenkara, whilst others would go to the Great Temple site to “try and rescue some architectural details from the mess which Howard Carter made”; telling Herbert about their accommodation at the excavation; and discussing that he might have a chance of [working at the British School at Athens] if [Walter] Heurtley resigned (which he thought might happen as Heurtley and Humfry Payne, who had just been appointed as Director, did not get on). Annotated in a later hand as “18th Feb”.

Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/8/18], Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], Undated [Mar 1929]

Sent from Amarna, Egypt. Telling Herbert about the excavation and that it seemed he and Hilda wouldn’t [be sent to look for the tomb of Smenkara, as had been mentioned before], a statuette they had found, that Hall had promised to write the preface [to ‘Aegyptiaca’], about an inscription that [Alan] Shorter had found turning out to read “you big stiff”, and asking Herbert to get Scripta Minoa and other books on sites in Crete or Greece and on Aeges Egyptian connections. Annotated in a later hand as “March”.

Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/8/19], Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], [Mar 1929]

Written from Amarna [Egyptian Exploration Society excavation] and the end of the excavation season. About John’s application for the Macmillan studentship at the BSA and plans to apply for the Hare prize [from the University of Cambridge Faculty of Classics]; asking Herbert to get an enclosed (not present) manuscript [of John’s ‘Aegyptiaca’] typed and sent to [Henry] Hall at the British Museum, and to get books for John. Also details plans for travelling from Egypt to Greece, and tells Herbert he has written to Will [?] about Chiltern. Undated, annotated in a later hand as “March 1929”.

Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/8/20], Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], 28 Mar [1929]

Sent from Shepheard’s Hotel, Cairo. Mainly about the end of the excavation at Amarna, and a wall painting that John and Hilda had found in the Eastern Village (excavated 1922), Hilda had traced and would be probably be in an exhibition in July. Also telling Herbert they had arrived safely from Amarna and were leaving for Greece the next day; that Lionel and Kathleen [Hargreaves, John’s cousin] were going to have dinner with them that evening; that they had a nice send off from [Hans and Jettie] Frankfort; that they had been to see new finds from Tutankhamen’s tomb in the Cairo museum; and that John hoped the MSS [manuscript of ‘Aegyptiaca’] had arrived.

Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/9/1], Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], 4 Apr [1929]

Sent from Vathy, Samos [Vathý, Sámos]. About a trip [with Charles and Isabel Seltman, and Mrs Emmett] around Greek islands and bad weather meaning the route had to be changed, visiting “Tigani” [renamed Pythagóreion] on the other side of Samos and seeing the [Tunnel of Eupalinos], and their boat having to rescue a Russian boat off the coast of Sámos. Also telling Herbert their plans to visit the Heraion on Sámos then continue their trip to Chios, Mytilene [Lesbos] and Crete. John details that the original planned route was Tenos [Tínos], Mykonos [Míkonos], Delos [Dhílos], Naxos [Náxos], Paros [Páros], Melos [Mílos], Thera [Santorini], Candia [Iráklion], Hagios Nikolaos [Áyios Nikólaos] (for Pseira [Psíra] and Gournia [Gourniá]), Samos [Sámos], Chios , Mitylene [Lésvos], Skyros [Skíros] then Athens. The route was changed after Delos [Dhílos] due to bad weather and they went straight to Samos [Sámos]. Also asking Herbert to get ‘Mallia’ volume I by Charputnier.

Postcard to Herbert Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], from Chios [PEN 1/3/1/9/2], Postcard to Herbert Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], from Chios, [c. 5] Apr 1929

Sent from Chios [during a trip around Greek islands, with Charles and Isabel Seltman, and Mrs Emmett]. Telling Herbert that the weather was better, that a member of the party had mumps [Bobby Emmett, son of hostess] but it wasn’t serious, that they had arrived safely and were sailing to Mitylene [Lésvos] that day. Stamped as received in Malvern, 14 Apr 1929.

Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/9/3], Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], 14 Apr [1929]

Sent from Athens, where John and Hilda were in quarantine for mumps having just returned from a cruise of Greek islands during which the hostess’ son [Bobby Emmett] had the illness. Telling Herbert about the trip and his impressions of the islands (particularly Delos, Paros, Thera, Melos and Poros [Dhílos, Páros, Santorini, Mílos and Póros]); plans to stay in Athens until the 18th [Apr] then go to Nauplia [Náfplio]; and that he had a nice letter from [George] Macmillan encouraging him to apply for the Macmillan studentship at the BSA, but that he had no hope of getting a job through [Arthur] Evans because John’s “enthusiasm for Komo [Kommos] has roused his fears”. John also says how glad he and Hilda are that Herbert was coming to visit next autumn, and asks if the Hellenic Society could get him a copy of ‘Phylakopi’ (a publication of an excavation in Melos [Mílos], 1895) and the report of an excavation that [Richard] Dawkins led in 1911. [It appears that John and Hilda’s plans changed and they did not go to Náfplio].

Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/9/4], Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], [21 Apr 1929]

Sent from Palace Hotel, Athens. Telling Herbert about their plans to travel to Crete with [Humfry] Payne on Friday [26 Apr]; that Payne wanted John and Hilda to work on an excavation at Eleutherna, and was sure John would get the Macmillan studentship at the BSA; and that following Charles [Seltman’s] advice he was not putting his name on appointments board lists. Also telling Herbert about taking photographs in a museum [in Athens]; that he had a good collection of photographs (not all his own) from the cruise around Greek islands; that he did not have mumps [he was expecting them as during the cruise of the Greek islands the hostess’ son had them]; that he had been playing tennis with [Walter] Heurtley and would play hockey; that John and Hilda and [Walter and Eileen] Heurtley would go to Brauron [Vraona] for the day Written on “Sunday” but otherwise undated by John. Annotated in a later hands as “Apr 22nd 1929” and “no, Sunday was the 21st”.

Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/9/5], Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], [c. 27 Apr – 3 May 1929]

Sent from the Villa Ariadne, Knossos, where John and Hilda had a room, enclosing photographs (not present) of John and Hilda’s cruise around Greek islands. Telling Herbert of his plans to take photographs in the museum [at Knossos] to finish the illustrations for [‘Aegyptiaca’] and that he and Hilda would go to Eleutherna with [Humfry] Payne for a preliminary look at the excavation site. Annotated on reverse, in a later hand, as “1928-1929”.

Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/9/7], Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], Undated, [c. 25 May – 5 June 1929]

Sent from the British School at Athens. Telling Herbert that he had been offered the Curatorship of Knossos via a confidential unsigned telegram, and that he had heard from [Humfry] Payne that [Arthur] Evans was happy with him excavating at Keramai [Keramés]. Also about plans to travel back to the United Kingdom via Naples to give information to [Amedeo] Mauiri and hopefully get his agreement for referring to items [in ‘Aegyptiaca’], and then to London, Malvern, Caldy and Cambridge. Additionally telling Herbert: that a manuscript [that he had asked Herbert to send of ‘Aegyptiaca’] had arrived; that he had written to Jock [Lawson?] and said he was “only too willing to pull my weight but except for the long I couldn’t be of any use at all”; and that Rhodes was “delightful”.

Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/9/8], Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], Undated [Jun-Aug 1929]

Sent from the Berners Hotel. London. Telling Herbert that he had been given the [Curatorship] job at Knossos, he had not heard officially but both [Alan] Wace and Forsdyke had told him, the terms of employment and that these would be settled when he goes to Oxford to stay with [Arthur] Evans on 9 Aug.

Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/9/9], Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], Undated [Aug 1929]

Sent from Cambridge, giving news that he had been offered the [Directorship of the Egyptian Exploration Society excavation] at Amarna in 1930-31 and he had accepted and was extremely pleased. John states that he would need to resign the Macmillan studentship at the BSA, that he might apply for Assistant Director [of the BSA] in 1932-33, and that he was waiting until he had seen [Stephen] Glanville before announcing the news of his job at Amarna to the “Aegean World”. Also discussing a visit to [Arthur Evans’ house in] Youlbury where he found out about his duties [at Knossos] and saw [George] Macmillan, [John] Forsdyke and [David Theodore Fyfe] there; and mentioning that Bob Dixon (whose guest John was for the Grouse Feast the previous evening) sent his love to Herbert.

Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/10/1], Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], Undated [c. 13-24 December 1929]

Written from the British School at Athens, wishing Herbert a happy Christmas and New Year and a belated happy birthday. Telling him about a visit to Siphnos with [Hilda] and [Humfry] Payne to look at sites for possible excavations; stating that they may spend Christmas in Icaria [Ikaría] and Keos [Kéa] as Payne wanted to visit possible excavation sites there; and asking him to pass on information about Crete to Mr [Dyson] Perrins [for a planned visit]. Also mentioning: they were sending 2 books for Christmas; thanking Herbert for a book and stating he had not received “the Gardiner, Green” and photos; thanking Herbert for writing to [Cambridge University Press] and stating he had no acknowledgement for proofs he had sent; he had not heard from [Stephen] Glanville about an article on Egypt and the Aegean; and asking Herbert to get ‘Great Ones of Ancient Egypt’ by [Winifred] Brunton. Additionally mentioning that he had heard from Hans [Frankfort] who was on his way to Iraq [Tell Asmar] to excavate, and thanking Herbert for writing about a Pothouse fellowship [?] which was not suitable.

Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/10/2], Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], [c. 18 – 24 December 1929]

Written from the British School at Athens, wishing Herbert a happy Christmas and New Year and telling him about plans [for Hilda and John] to travel to Sicily (just after Christmas), Andros [Ándros] and Keos [Kéa] (when they get back from Sicily) and Ikaria later. They had planned to spend Christmas on Icaria [Ikaría] and Keos [Kéa] with Payne, but Payne could not go. Also telling Herbert that he, [Walter] Heurtley, [Theodore] Skeat and [Nicholas] Hammond had walked to Thebes from Athens setting off at 3am. Additionally mentioning that he was happy [Cambridge University Press] had proofs [that he had sent], Egyptian books and photographs [that Herbert had sent] had not arrived, and he had not heard from [Stephen] Glanville about [an article on Egypt and the Aegean that John had written].

Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/10/3], Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], 6 [Jan] 1930, possibly misdated according to trave

Written from Palermo, Sicily. Describing his and Hilda’s travels around Sicily and the archaeological sites including Epipolae, Achradina and Tyche at Syrakuse [Syracuse], [The Temple of Concordia] and [Temple of] Juno Lacinia at Girgenti [Agrigento], and Selinous. [Selinunte]. Outlining their plans to travel on to [Rovine di] Segesta, Catania, Taormina and Brindisi, then back to Athens. Also describing an earlier trip to Siphnos [in Dec 1929] where they visited “H. Anargieos” [?], “the Convent of the Naughty Nuns”, Kato Petali, “School of Siphnos”, and asking Herbert whether [‘Isles of the Aegean’] by Scott O’Connor mentions places in Siphnos. Additionally thanking Herbert for letters and [‘Great Ones of Ancient Egypt’ by Winifred] Brunton, and hoping he had received [a postcard] from Girgenti [Agrigento].

Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/10/4], Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], Undated. [20 Jan 1930]

Sent from Taormina (Sicily), telling Herbert about the town and their plans to travel back to Athens via Messina, Paestum, Taranto and Brindisi (leaving the next day). Also asking Herbert to check whether his bank to see if he had any payments from the BSA Macmillan studentship, and saying they were looking forward to getting back to Greece.

Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/10/5], Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], Sunday, January 26, 1930

Sent from the British School at Athens. Telling Herbert about the trip back to Athens via Taormina, Messina, Reggio [di Calabria] (to go to a museum), Paestum, Taranto and Brindisi, and that they had arrived back in Athens the previous day on the same boat as [Eleftherios] Venizelos [Prime Minister]. Also telling Herbert: that he had heard from [Stephen] Glanville about his article on [‘Egypt and the Aegean in the Late Bronze Age’], that Glanville and [Henry] Hall had made suggestions for changes and were sending the proofs to John; that they [BSA residents?] were playing hockey against the British Navy who were Piraeus the next day; thanking Herbert for books, asking him to look for photographic negatives of Crete and mentioning he had never received an advertisement for [‘Aegyptiaca’] from the Times Literary [Supplement].

Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/10/6], Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], Thursday, February 20, 1930

Sent from the British School at Athens. Telling Herbert they had stayed in Athens and not travelled to Andros [Ándros] as planned because of bad weather, that Mrs Payne [Dilys Powell] was giving a lecture to the Anglo Hellenic League on Modern English Literature, and he had been teaching Hilda, [Nicholas] Hammond and Wason to fence. Thanking Herbert for sending books and asking if he had read one of them by Spearing; saying he’d received a copy of ‘Aegyptiaca’ but had not yet got a packet of prospectuses [of ‘Aegyptiaca’] and a cutting from a journal about Egypt; and mentioning an earthquake in Crete that he had been “wiring frantically” about to reassure [Arthur] Evans.

Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/10/7], Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], Saturday, February 22, 1930

Sent from the British School at Athens. Thanking Herbert for letters and defending his arguments in an article [‘Egypt and the Aegean in the Late Bronze Age’], asking Herbert to tell him about a cutting in the “Egyptian Journal” and to send a copy of the [Journal of Egyptian Archaeology], and asking the results of the Pembroke [College, Cambridge] athletics final.

Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/10/8], Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], Monday, February 24, 1930

Sent from the British School at Athens. Enclosing a letter from [Stephen] Glanville (not present), discussing Glanville’s objections to an article by John [‘Egypt and the Aegean in the Late Bronze Age’], and defending his conclusions in the article (saying Glanville originally supported it, as did Hans [Frankfort] and [Humfry] Payne). Also thanking Herbert for a letter and enclosures, mentioning the prospectuses for ‘Aegyptiaca’ and a cutting from the [Journal of Egyptian Archaeology] which had not yet arrived, saying he would send offprints of [‘Egypt and the Aegean in the Late Bronze Age’] to Herbert and Aunt Violet, and that they were leaving to go to Knossos on the 13th of March.

Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/10/9], Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], Saturday, March 01, 1930

Sent from the British School at Athens. Discussing and defending his article [‘Egypt and the Aegean in the Late Bronze Age’] against criticisms of “fantastia”; discussing organising getting copies of reviews [of ‘Aegyptiaca’] from English newspapers, sending a copy of the book to Aunt Violet and asking whether he should reply to all thank you letter for copies of the book. Also mentioning: Hilda found a piece of a faience bowl at the foot of the Acropolis; he had a nice letter from Alan Gardiner offering John the use of his library and a “very gratifying” letter from [Amedeo] Mauiri; that he was to read a paper [based on his article ‘Egypt and the Aegean in the Late Bronze Age’] to the Open Meeting at the BSA that Friday; they [people from the BSA] were going to play hockey against the Panathenaic Club; that last Thursday they had shown friends of [Stephen and Ethel] Glanville around [Athens]; and that he and Hilda were going to Chalcis [Khalkís], Thebes and Kithlairon [Cithaeron mountain range] with a group of people the next day, and were travelling to Crete on the 13th [of March]. [The group that travelled to Khalkís, Thebes and Cithaeron included Sir John and Lady Hope Simpson, Betty Hope Simpson, and Mrs and Mr Lywood.]

Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/10/10], Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], Tuesday, March 04, 1930

Sent from the British School at Athens. Asking Herbert to send him a copy of a report in the ‘Morning Post’ newspaper on John’s paper given [at the Open Meeting of the BSA] and telling him that [William] Miller had sent him a precis congratulating him on the paper. Also mentioning that they had a good time at Chalcis [Khalkís], over Cithaeron, Thebes and Euboea.

Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/10/11], Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], Saturday, March 08, 1930

Sent from the British School at Athens. Telling Herbert that his lecture [based on his article ‘Egypt and the Aegean in the Late Bronze Age’] had gone very well, with a copied out letter of praise and encouragement from [Thomas] Peet (part of item). Also thanking Herbert for sending a copy of ‘The Cambridge Review’, saying he had had lots of nice letters [about ‘Aegyptiaca’], telling him that Hilda’s work on Mycenaean pottery was going well and was very useful, that he would start some new work (probably on the Middle Bronze Age), that he hoped [Arthur] Evans wouldn’t start excavating at Komo [Kommos] for 5 years, and that they were leaving for Crete on Friday.

Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/10/12], Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], Sunday, March 16, 1930

Sent from Knossos [where John had just started his Curatorship]. About their journey from Athens, the Palace [of Minos] being choked up with weeds, that [Duncan] Mackenzie had developed arteriosclerosis so could not be moved, and thanking Herbert for sending copies of ‘Aegyptiaca’ and asking him to send other books as John wanted to start an archaeological library at Knossos. Also telling Herbert that he had met Karo at the [BSA] tea party who wanted to be remembered to Herbert, that they had just missed [Charles and Isabel] Seltman and Winifred Lamb, and that Helen of Mycenae [Helen Dassis] had married a restaurant keeper from New York “with octagonal horn rimmed spectacles, a grim thought”.

Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/10/13], Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], Sunday, March 23, 1930

Sent from Knossos. Telling Herbert about organising the house [Villa Ariadne], grounds and palace [of Minos], learning Greek business vocabulary and discouraging people from allowing their animals to go into the palace; also about a 3-day trip to Eastern Crete [with Humfry Payne and Miss Hartley]. Also telling Herbert that he had a “very mild” letter from [Henry] Hall [about John’s article ‘Egypt and the Aegean in the Late Bronze Age’] and suspected [Thomas] Peet had written to Hall; asking if a bill had arrived from [Cambridge University Press]; reminding Herbert to send a cutting from ‘The Morning Post’ newspaper and asking if he finds anyone with spare copies of archaeological, topographical or classical books to get them to send them for the Knossos library; and mentioning that the weather was hot and [Arthur] Evans was to arrive on the 10th [of April].

Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/10/14], Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], Monday, March 31, 1930

Sent from Knossos. Mainly telling Herbert about an incident involving the BSA being accused (by [Spyridon] Marinatos, Director of the Candia Museum) of trying to buy vases which John, [Humfry] Payne and [Dorothy] Hartley had been to see and photograph in a house in Candia [Iráklion]. Their driver and the owners of the vases were arrested. John had sent correspondence to [Humfry] Payne to take to the Ministry of Archaeology and British Legation in Athens, expected Marinatos was “about done for the high jump”, and was going to demand a full apology be published in all the newspapers. Also telling Herbert about reports on John’s paper [given at the BSA and based on his article ‘Egypt and the Aegean in the Late Bronze Age’]; that the 2 copies of ‘Aegyptiaca’ he had sent had not yet arrived; that they were giving lunch to some Hellenic travellers on Friday; the Villa [Ariadne] and Taverna were looking good; and [Arthur] Evans was to arrive around the 12th [of April].