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About the John Pendlebury Family Papers

The John Pendlebury Family Papers cover the period from 1913 to 1964 and document the life of archaeologist and WWII hero John Devitt Stringfellow Pendlebury, his wife Hilda and their family.

Postcard to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/3/76], Postcard to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], 13 Oct 1919

Sent from Winchester College. Asking her to send his bowler hat so that he could wear it to travel to London.

Postcard to “Mother” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/3/77], Postcard to “Mother” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], 15 Oct 1919

Sent from Winchester College. Telling her he had permission [to go to London and visit home] and [his bowler hat] had arrived.

Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope [PEN 1/3/1/3/78], Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope, 19 Oct 1919

Sent from Culver House [D], Winchester College. Enclosing a letter for Aunt Violet [not included], saying he had enjoyed [visiting her] yesterday and that the journey back was fine, asking her to write to Northall [for clothes] and telling her that a pheasant had arrived [from Aunt Violet].

Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope [PEN 1/3/1/3/79], Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope, 22 Oct 1919

Sent from Culver House [D], Winchester College. About ordering clothing, his place in “cuse”, a sports game, and that Edgerley [another pupil] had appendicitis and so John may “raise a remove” [move up to the next higher form]. Also mentioning that it was kind of the twins [?] to knit him a scarf.

Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope [PEN 1/3/1/3/80], Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope, 26 Oct 1919

Sent from Culver House [D], Winchester College. Asking her to visit on “leave out day”; asking for some writing paper and Boston Cream biscuits; telling her about a lecture on Russia by Sir Bernard Pares, playing football, that they were not having any more “morning lines” [school work before breakfast], they were not having “cuse” the week and that Edgerly [another pupil] was alright [after his appendicitis operation]. Also mentions getting fitted for clothes, new shoes and asks her to tell [Herbert Pendlebury] that he was senior in an essay on Theodoric [the Great].

Postcard to “Mother” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/3/82], Postcard to “Mother” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], 29 Oct [1919]

Sent from [Winchester College]. Apologising for not writing sooner, saying that going to Southampton is a good idea, and asking her to bring some Boston Cream biscuits.

Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope [PEN 1/3/1/3/83], Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope, 2 Nov [1919]

Sent from Winchester College. Telling her there was no news but the school was looking for [her lost] brooch, and that Murray had used his gloves without permission and lost one (but was buying John new ones).

Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from [John Pendlebury], with an envelope [PEN 1/3/1/3/84], Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from [John Pendlebury], with an envelope, 9 Nov 1919

Sent from Winchester College. Thanking her for sending gloves, telling her about Winchester College football matches and exams, asking her to tell [Herbert Pendlebury] that he was 9th [place] at half-term and that they were going to do ‘The Bacchae’ [play by Euripides], and asking for ‘The Valley of Fear’ book by [Arthur] Conan Doyle.

Postcard to Herbert Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/3/85], Postcard to Herbert Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], 15 Nov 1919

Sent from [Winchester College]. Telling [Herbert] about his assessment results and asking him to bring a white tie [when he visits] for John’s confirmation ceremony. John also writes that he went to Cecil Range [the school’s rifle shooting range] for the first time and scored “a 3 inch group”.

Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope [PEN 1/3/1/3/86], Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope, 16 Nov 1919

Sent from Winchester College. About assessment results and monthly [academic ranking], and plans for [his parents visiting for his confirmation ceremony]. Also sending “many happy returns” [for her birthday].

Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope [PEN 1/3/1/3/88], Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope, 23 Nov 1919

Sent from Winchester College. Telling her he had [moved up a division] in French, that his uniform had arrived but was dirty from the last man who had it, that Mrs Comber [his childhood nanny] had sent him a “Torta”, and that Hutchinson’s [magazine] had arrived and was good. John also asks for Lilian to bring stamps when she visits, and says that he can’t go to lunch (on the following Friday).

Postcard to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/3/89], Postcard to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], 26 Nov 1919

Sent from Winchester College. Expressing disappointment that she couldn’t come [to his confirmation] and saying that he needed an ordinary white tie, not a bow-tie [for confirmation]. Also discussing when he could see [Herbert] during the weekend, and saying it’s a shame [Herbert Pendlebury] has to leave on Sunday night as he was going to miss “sixes” [Winchester College football games].

Postcard to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/3/90], Postcard to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], 3 Dec 1919

Sent from Winchester College. Thanking her for a prayer book, saying that he enjoyed [Herbert Pendlebury’s] visit and telling her a picture of the Sphinx she had sent him had been ripped.

Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope [PEN 1/3/1/3/91], Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope, 7 Dec 1919

Sent from Winchester College. Telling her about “sixes” [Winchester College football games], that they had “commoner singing” and Hatch Thoke [founder’s commemoration day], that he was 2nd [place in his Greek division] for the “half” [autumn term] and exams start on Monday. John also writes that he is glad she can get up [she had been ill], and he doesn’t need a new Sunday coat; and asks her to apologise to [Herbert Pendlebury] for him as he didn’t wish him happy birthday, and to thank the MacAskies for an invitation.

Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope [PEN 1/3/1/3/92], Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope, 14 Dec 1919

Sent from Winchester College. Asking for money and telling her what time his train arrives [for the holidays], his places [ranking] in Latin Prose, Greek, Chemistry and History, and that he had broken a window with a football.

Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert] Pendlebury from [John Pendlebury], with an envelope [PEN 1/3/1/3/93], Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert] Pendlebury from [John Pendlebury], with an envelope, 25 Jan 1920

Sent from Winchester College. About playing in Ellis Pots [soccer tournament], academic work and ranking in the school, lectures they were having and books that they were studying. John also tells Herbert that he is looking forward to receiving a letter from him, and asks Herbert to send his love to [Lilian Pendlebury] and to ask her to develop prints of photographic films.

Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert] Pendlebury from [John Pendlebury], with an envelope [PEN 1/3/1/3/94], Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert] Pendlebury from [John Pendlebury], with an envelope, 1 Feb 1920

Sent from Culver House [D], Winchester College. About his academic progress (better than the previous week), the possibility of a “remove” and private tuition; and that they were doing badly in Ellis Pots [soccer tournament]. John also tells Herbert that they were going to the Cathedral, he was getting [‘The Outline of History’] serialised book by H G Wells, and that they had a task on how men show their character by the things they laugh at.

Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope [PEN 1/3/1/3/95], Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope, 4 Feb 1920

Sent from [Winchester College]. Thanking her for chocolates, asking her not to send a button, telling her that he was playing outside right [position] in Ellis Pots [soccer tournament], and asking her to tell [Herbert Pendlebury] about his academic progress (particularly in Greek) and that they were studying the history of Israel and Judah.

Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope [PEN 1/3/1/3/96], Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope, 8 Feb 1920

Sent from Culver House [D], Winchester College. About his academic ranking, being invited to tea by the Smiths, his team doing badly in Ellis Pots [soccer tournament], a task on how men show their character by the things they laugh at, and having been inoculated [against ?].

Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope [PEN 1/3/1/3/97], Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope, 15 Feb 1920

Sent from Winchester College. Thanking her for spray and chocolates, asking for Uncle Howson’s address and if she’d like to order ‘The Wykehamist’ [magazine], and sending “Short Roll” [register of students at the College]. Also telling Lilian there was a “leave out day” with London leave on the 26th [of Feb], they had not had academic marks or a “cuse”, there had been no games in Ellis Pots [soccer tournament] that week so he would probably be playing when [Herbert Pendlebury] visits, and that “old Chambers” was teaching them instead of Charles Little who had [been ill].

Postcard to [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/3/98], Postcard to [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], 17 Feb 1920

Sent from [Winchester College]. Reporting on his division for French, books he was studying, saying that he would like to see ‘Tilly of Bloomsbury’ [play] at the theatre and had invited friends for lunch on Saturday and Sunday [during Hebert Pendlebury’s visit].

Postcard to [Herbert] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/3/99], Postcard to [Herbert] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], 24 Feb 1920

Sent from Winchester College. Giving train times, and telling Herbert that he was 3rd in History, they had not a “cuse”, that he had written to [Lilian Pendlebury] at Radnor Cliff [Kent] and that he would ask for London leave.

Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope [PEN 1/3/1/3/100], Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope, 29 Feb 1920

Sent from Winchester College. Saying he’d arrived safely back from visiting home and had enjoyed the visit, telling her his place in Ellis Pot [soccer team], that they were revising history rather than having a set task, and his marks [for a test] on prose. John also asks whether Nanny [Alice Comber] would go home or her mother would visit, and says that he is sorry for the death of Mrs Barnes.

Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope [PEN 1/3/1/3/101], Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope, 7 Mar 1920

Sent from Winchester College. About playing sports at the school, that they had a task on the best form of government, and that he was looking forward to [the holidays], going to Cambridge to see Mrs Comber [Alice, his nanny] and going to Lords [cricket ground]. Also telling Lilian that he was going on a field trip to Salisbury plain.

Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope [PEN 1/3/1/3/102], Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope, 14 Mar 1920

Sent from Winchester College. Telling her that he would be running in a Steeplechase race, that the field trip [to Salisbury plain] was a success and he saw Tommy [?] there, about his task on the best form of government and that they had a lecture on nationalisation. John also asks Lilian to thank [Herbert Pendlebury] for notes on [the best form of government task], says he is glad that it was arranged [to go to Lord’s cricket ground in the holidays], that he is writing to Dr Menzies and that the Smiths had asked him out to tea.

Postcard to [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/3/103], Postcard to [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], 19 Mar 1920

Sent from [Winchester College]. Thanking her for money, telling her he was 37th in the Steeplechase [running race] and would enter the senior and junior high jump competition and middle hurdles in athletics [at the school].

Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope [PEN 1/3/1/3/104], Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope, [21 Mar 1920]

Sent from Winchester College. About athletics competitions, asking her to confirm his grandfather’s address, and payments for the bicycle shop and to give the college servants.

Postcard to [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/3/105], Postcard to [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], 24 Mar 1920

Sent from [Winchester College]. Thanking her for money and explaining why they were giving money [to the college servants], reporting on his progress [in athletics] and results for an essay, and saying he would write to his grandfather.

Postcard to [Herbert] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/3/106], Postcard to [Herbert] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], 25 Mar 1920

Sent from [Winchester College]. Reporting on his performance in the hurdles and high jump in athletics.

Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope [PEN 1/3/1/3/107], Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope, 28 Mar 1920

Sent from Culver House [D], Winchester College. Reporting on the result of the Taylor Pot [inter-house award, based on aggregate athletics marks] and examinations; telling her he had photographs of himself doing the high jump and running in the Steeplechase race, his schedule for the next day (as he was travelling home the day after) including “Dick Shield” [rifle shooting competition], and that he had written to his grandfather. John also mentions that his cricket boots had arrived and that there was a 10-day camping trip at the end of next half [the next term].

Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury] written on the back of a questionnaire filled in by John, with an envelope [PEN 1/3/1/3/108], Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury] written on the back of a questionnaire filled in by John, with an envelope, 2 May 1920

Sent from Winchester College. The questionnaire (titled “catechism” and written by Lilian or Herbert) contains questions about John’s activities and place in the College, and has been answered by John. The letter informs Lilian about the new prefects at the school, that the whole school were going to see [a play] at the Guild Hall [Winchester], and that he had been inoculated again. John also asks Lilian to ask [Herbert Pendlebury] to get him the correct version of the gospel according to St Luke in Greek, says he is sorry about Dicky [the dog?] and sends his love to Nanny.

Postcard to [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/3/109], Postcard to [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], 24 May 1920

Sent from [Winchester College]. Informing her of his arrival time and saying that no telegrams would go after 10am because it was a bank holiday.

Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian Pendlebury] from [John Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/3/110], Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian Pendlebury] from [John Pendlebury], [21 Oct 1920]

Sent from Culver House [D], Winchester College. Sending “Short Roll” [register of students at the College], asking for ‘The Book of Good Hunting’ by Henry Newbolt and for her to get him a song (he didn’t mind which as long as it was short, cheerful and not too high).

Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/3/111], Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], 13 Mar 1921

Sent from Culver House [D], Winchester College. Reporting on (and sending papers from) his assessments, his weekly task, academic progress, and a Chawker Pot [soccer tournament] game between Culver House and Chawkers House. Asking Herbert who Lady Dalton was because she had asked Mr Richardson to invite John to lunch and tea; telling him about a play about Agamemnon at the school put on by “The Bince” [Mr Robinson], that they had 2 lectures by Sir Edward Grigg on the Dominions, about his preparations for athletics, and that they were going to the Cathedral as it was “Cathers Sunday”.

Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/4/3], Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], Undated [Feb-May 1925]

Sent from Pembroke College, Cambridge. Thanking Herbert for sending notes, and asking him to send more; sending measurements for Dickie [Mabel Dickinson] for [a costume]; telling Herbert that he was running [in the hurdles] at Oxford in a Varsity competition on 9 June, that he had been out for tea with [Arthur] Cook who he found was a cousin of Mr Bickersteth [John’s headmaster from St George’s school], and about his preparation for exams [in Tripos I].

Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/4/4], Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], Undated, [c. 1926-1927]

Sent from Pembroke College, Cambridge. Telling Herbert that he had arrived safely and about his studies including that a “wild man Bicknell” was revising a group of 4 students in archaeology, and he was going to [Arthur] Cook twice a week with an essay; asking Herbert to send details of temples at Selinus; telling Herbert that he had been for tea with the Rollestons, that a new German book was very useful, that he had spent most of his time at the [British Museum] in the casts room doing some “spotting”, that he and Bob Dixon were exchanging views, and that the “Old Man” [Henry Comber] sends his love.

Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/4/5], Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], Undated [c.1926-1927]

Sent from Pembroke College, Cambridge. Thanking Herbert for notes, and commenting on some by Hill about coins; discussing counterfoils which he thought he had sent to the bank; telling Herbert that the weather had been too bad for high jump so he had learnt how to throw a javelin, that [Arthur] Cook was holding his first practical class the next day, Jock [Lawson] had returned to the College after flu but was not teaching yet, and John had met the secretary of the British School [at Athens] [M. S.] Thomson about a studentship; and also mentioning plans for Herbert to visit on Saturday.

Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/4/6], Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], Undated [May 1926]

Sent from Hawks Club, Cambridge on “day of saints Philip and James”. Sending Herbert reports of the Varsity sports; saying that he would be going to the Pembroke College ball as Vera was coming in David Walker’s party; discussing his studies with Mr Bicknell [in archaeology] and [Arthur] Cook, and books by Walker (‘Monuments of Athens’) and Andrew Lang (‘Homer and the Epic’); mentioning he had received the catalogue of the Acropolis Museum, and asking Herbert to send him a catalogue of the Museum at Sparta and a copy of the names (in hieroglyphics) of four guardians of jars which intestines were kept in (which would probably be in ‘The Mummy’ by Budge) as John wanted them for a photograph of “The Four Coarse Men”.

Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/4/7], Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], Undated [Jan 1927]

Sent from Hawks Club, Cambridge. Discussing plans to go to Malvern (13 Mar) and Hunstanton (18 Mar), asking if Tom [Livingston-] Learmonth could come to Malvern and saying he had asked the Headmaster [of Malvern College] for permission to use the [athletics] track; telling Herbert that he had been asking about studentships, and about his lectures that term (from [Charles] Seltman, [Arthur] Cook, Sills and Jock [Lawson]). Also telling Herbert that he was sorry that Ruth could not come on the 19th [of Feb with Herbert], that a Greek trip was happening, that there was deep snow in Cambridge, he was doing around 7 hours work a day, that he had a good book by Sir Charles Walston on Alcamenes the Sculptor, and that he was enclosing a letter [from or to] Uncle Edward.

Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/4/8], Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], Undated [Jan 1927]

Sent from Pembroke College, Cambridge. Discussing arrangements for Herbert arriving (on Saturday 19th [of Feb]) and asking if Violet would come, also discussing the possibility of Ruth visiting; discussing arrangements for Tom [Livingston-Learmonth] to stay with John and Herbert in Malvern; sending an article in ‘Review’ which he thought was amusing; telling Herbert he would send off eyes tomorrow, that he had been to Fenners’ [sports ground] and was fit but had lost weight, that lots of people including Jock [Lawson] and [Arthur] Cook had flu, that he had refused all school sports that year, would be going to Malvern on the 28 Mar, and that Tom [Livingston-] Learmonth and Jim had had their 21st birthdays the previous week; also thanking Herbert for notes which were very useful.

Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/4/9], Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], Undated [c. Jan-Feb 1927]

Sent from Hawks Club, Cambridge. Telling Herbert that he had had a good time at the Chamens’, that he had a bust of Akhenaten [that he got from London], and about dates for sporting competitions against other colleges and Varsity trials. Also telling Herbert that he had got reading candles and that Jock Hall had [tripos] papers in stock.

Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/4/10], Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], Undated [Jan-Feb 1927]

Sent from Pembroke College, Cambridge. Thanking Herbert for notes; discussing plans for Herbert visiting from the 19th [Feb] and discussing progress with his studies including lectures from [Charles] Seltman and an essay set by [Arthur] Cook; telling Herbert that Jock [Lawson] was still ill with flu, and that John would be going [to London] on Saturday 26th [Feb] to go to the [British Museum] and Queens’ [sports club] and to act in a play called ‘In the Library’ by W W Jacobs with Jim and David.

Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/4/11], Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], Undated [27 Feb 1927]

Sent from Hawks Club, Cambridge. Telling Herbert that he had been [to London] the day before and went to the [British Museum], practiced high jump at Queens’ [sports club], acted in a play which was a great success and about fooling around wearing costumes from the play on Liverpool Street train station. Also about books he had been reading, a paper on Hybrias the Cretan which John presented to “the Society”, a “show” [sporting competition] against [Trinity] Hall College, thanking Herbert for notes and asking how many people (other than Aunt Ruth who was definitely coming) would be coming to the Varsity sports match. Additionally mentioning he was going to Rex’s for tea.

Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/4/12], Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], Undated [c. Feb-Mar 1927]

Sent from Hawks Club, Cambridge. Telling Herbert about a change in plans for Tom [Livingston-Learmonth] and him [going to Malvern], that he had ordered a German [book of] good illustrations of sculpture and architecture, that [Arthur] Cook had told him that he had a flare for archaeology, and that books by Henderson and Dobson were very good. Also about his performance in the athletics cup, that Pip [Powell] had hurt himself in the long jump, and about people who would come “to our dance” [in Malvern, from Cambridge] and books that John would bring to Malvern.

Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/4/13], Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], Undated [c. Mar 1927]

Sent from Hawks Club, Cambridge. Sending tickets and telling Herbert what time he and Tom [Livingston-Learmonth] would be arriving [at Malvern].

Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/4/14], Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], Undated [c. 18 Mar 1927]

Sent from Le Strange Arms and Golf Links Hotel, Hunstanton on sea, Norfolk. Informing Herbert about times of “the sports” [intervarsity sports at Queens’ club], discussing transport to get there, and saying he had a successful time at Queens’ [practicing the high jump].