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About the John Pendlebury Family Papers

The John Pendlebury Family Papers cover the period from 1913 to 1964 and document the life of archaeologist and WWII hero John Devitt Stringfellow Pendlebury, his wife Hilda and their family.

Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope [PEN 1/3/1/3/25], Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope, 13 Oct 1918

Sent from Culver House [D], Winchester College. About the daily routine, his division, teachers and classes at the school; thanking her and Herbert for a brush case, book and gloves for playing fives; telling her that [his chores] were half waking and uniform cad [assistant] for one of the new prefects, and about having tea with Whitaker after she had left [him at the school]. John also asks for a piece of “mugging” [material] with fringe for his desk and some furniture polish, and for her and Herbert to tell him what they wanted as presents. He mentions that Aunt Violet had written to him and that his letter to Nanny must be lost in the post.

Letter to “Mother” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope [PEN 1/3/1/3/26], Letter to “Mother” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope, 20 Oct 1918

Sent from Culver House [D], Winchester College. Asking for more fringe [material], for her to sew together some gold [material] that he was sending, and to get him a funny mascot. Also telling her about playing Winchester College Football, “tolling” [running], arrangements for her visiting on her birthday and that he was 12 of 30 [in “cuse”]. The letter also includes a list of books [by Henry Rider Haggard].

Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope [PEN 1/3/1/3/27], Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope, 27 Oct 1918

Sent from Culver House [D], Winchester College. Asking for Lilian to send ‘Benita’ and to have ‘Child of Storm’ as a Christmas present [books by Henry Rider Haggard], reminding her to visit near her birthday, and discussing life at the school (including only doing four hours of “ekker” [exercise] because he had hurt his knee). John also mentions that he is enclosing the pattern for fringe [material], his watch was gaining time, that “cuse” would be fortnightly, and asks for biscuits and “golliwog” dolls.

Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope [PEN 1/3/1/3/28], Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope, 1 Nov 1918

[Sent from Winchester College], asking her to bring more biscuits and send 3 more “golliwog” dolls, sending gold [material] and noting the timetable for the weekend [for her visit].

Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from [John Pendlebury], with an envelope [PEN 1/3/1/3/29], Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from [John Pendlebury], with an envelope, 3 Nov 1918

Sent from Culver House [D], Winchester College. Thanking her for “golliwog” dolls, sending gold [material] that he forgot to send with his previous letter, asking her to get him Milkmaid cocoa powder, telling her about a lecture on crocodiles , that he was 10th in “cuse” and had played Winchester College Football 3 times that week. John also asks Lilian to tell him what train she is arriving on so he could meet her on his bicycle.

Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope [PEN 1/3/1/3/30], Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope, 3 Nov 1918

Sent from Culver House [D], Winchester College. Telling Lilian about [Winchester College Football] matches, singing after a match against the “commoners”, that he was going to tea with Canon Smith, and was 15th in “cuse”. Also asking her to write to [Mr] David [housemaster] about visiting, and to bring a calendar and his mittens.

Postcard to “Mother” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/3/31], Postcard to “Mother” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], 21 Nov 1918

[Sent from Winchester College]. Thanking her for lozenges and acid drops, regretting that he could not go to tea with Canon Smith [as he was ill] and asking for 2 books (‘Tarzan of the Apes’ and ‘The Return of Tarzan’ [by Edgar Rice Burroughs]).

Postcard to “Mother” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/3/32], Postcard to “Mother” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], 27 Nov 1918

Sent from Culver House [D], Winchester College. Noting that if his Sunday letter hadn’t arrived it was probably because he had missed a line from the address, saying that he would be allowed to “go up to books” [go to School] but had not been allowed to watch “sixes” [a Winchester College Football match] yesterday, and asking her to visit as soon as she was better.

Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope [PEN 1/3/1/3/33], Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope, 29 Nov 1918

[Sent from Winchester College]. Asking her to visit on Thursday as it was Hatch Thoke [founder’s commemoration day] so they could spend the whole day together.

Letter to “Mother” [Lilian Pendlebury] including a note to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury], from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/3/34], Letter to “Mother” [Lilian Pendlebury] including a note to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury], from John [Pendlebury], [1 Dec 1918]

Sent from Culver House [D], Winchester College. Arranging to meet Lilian when she visits; telling her about life at the school (including playing “sixes” [Winchester College Football], upcoming examinations, a confirmation ceremony); telling her that he was 14th in “cuse”, that he hopes she sees Marshal [Ferdinand] Foch, and to tell people who ask that he wants ping pong [table tennis equipment] for Christmas. On the reverse of the letter is a note to [Herbert Pendlebury] wishing him a happy birthday, with illustrations of [John] in bed with [Lilian Pendlebury] standing over him and “cuse as I hope it will be”.

Letter to “Mother and Daddy” [Lilian and Herbert] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope [PEN 1/3/1/3/35], Letter to “Mother and Daddy” [Lilian and Herbert] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope, 8 Dec 1918

Sent from Culver House [D], Winchester College. Asking them to keep a letter for him until he gets home, looking forward to Illumina celebrations [at the College] but wishing they could come, telling them about a Natural History Society lecture on marine life, that they were going to the Cathedral and that he did not think he would “raise a remove” [move up to the next higher form] in division subjects.

Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope [PEN 1/3/1/3/37], Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope, 15 Dec 1918

Sent from Culver House [D], Winchester College. Reminding Lilian to send money for “the bicycle man”, saying he hoped she had a nice time in Sandgate and telling her about his exam results, that he had a suit fitted, new students that were arriving next term, and that they had had a lecture on wild fowl from [a student] in Chawkers [House]. Also discusses what he will bring home for the holidays (in less than 3 days) and an upcoming concert and Illumina celebrations.

Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope [PEN 1/3/1/3/38], Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope, 26 Jan 1919

Sent from Culver House [D], Winchester College. Containing news of life at the school including the dons [teachers], moving divisions in subjects, and his “sweats” [chores]. Also asking Lilian to send a cake.

Letter to “Mother” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope [PEN 1/3/1/3/39], Letter to “Mother” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope, 2 Feb 1919

Sent from Culver House [D], Winchester College. Thanking Lilian for a cake; telling her that mice had got into his supply of sugar, that he had played football and that [Herbert Pendlebury] would have to give him some coaching for being goalkeeper; telling her he had done well in his holiday task and sending the paper; and asking for pictures [photographs] of Cairo. Also includes the question paper [from the holiday task] about India.

Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope [PEN 1/3/1/3/40], Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope, 9 Feb 1919

Sent from Culver House [D], Winchester College. About his place in “cuse”, his “sweats” [chores], plans for [Lilian and Herbert to visit on the 28th of Feb], and the cold weather. Also telling Lilian that a Master of the Temple would be addressing them in the Cathedral that day “in a long and probably dull discourse”, that he was going out to tea with Mr Sing, thanking her for Swiss rolls and books, and asking if she had photographs from [Edward Lyddell] Sawyer yet.

Postcard to “Mother” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/3/41], Postcard to “Mother” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], 14 Feb 1919

[Sent from Winchester College]. About a picture [of Cairo], learning to skate on a frozen lake, asking her to tell [Herbert Pendlebury] that he was 3rd place in Greek “cuse” that week, and to send money.

Postcard to “Daddy” [Herbert] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/3/43], Postcard to “Daddy” [Herbert] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], 19 Feb 1919

[Sent from Winchester College]. About plans for the Davies’ to spend time with the Pendlebury’s when Herbert and Lilian visit on the 28th of Feb, and texts that John was reading in Greek and Latin classes

Postcard to “Daddy” [Herbert] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/3/44], Postcard to “Daddy” [Herbert] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], 20 Feb 1919

[Sent from Winchester College]. About arrangements for the Davies’ to spend time with John and Herbert when he visits on the 28th of Feb [Lilian could no longer go], asking him to bring the ‘πιθηκοs’ [‘The apes’] poem, sending love to Mummy and Nanny and saying that he had heard from Aunt Violet. Also telling Herbert about his place in subjects (2nd in Greek, 3rd in prose etc.).

Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope [PEN 1/3/1/3/45], Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope, 23 Feb 1919

Sent from Culver House [D], Winchester College. Telling her he is sorry she can’t visit and that he hopes she is better, and about stamp collecting, playing sports, getting shut into a fives court, and his place in “cuse”. Also tells Lilian that he had a letter from Uncle Stanley thanking him for a present, and asking her to thank Aunt Violet for him and tell [Herbert Pendlebury] that he was senior in [an unseen exam paper].

Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope [PEN 1/3/1/3/46], Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope, 10 Mar 1919

Sent from Culver House [D], Winchester College. Telling her that he had enjoyed [Herbert Pendlebury’s] visit, that he was 3rd place in “cuse”, and that pictures [of Cairo] looked lovely. Also hoping that she is better and sending her “Short Roll” [register of students at the College].

Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope [PEN 1/3/1/3/47], Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope, [16] Mar [1919]

Sent from Culver House [D], Winchester College. About upcoming exams, holiday dates, his academic work and sports, and academic ranking. Thanking her for a cake, telling her a story about Roskill’s “pitch-up” [family or friends] being told not to walk around the cloisters in Winchester, and asking what she thought of 100 abandoned babies being found in London the previous week.

Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope [PEN 1/3/1/3/48], Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope, 23 [Mar 1919]

Sent from Culver House [D], Winchester College. Thanking her for a parcel, telling her about exams, a task on leadership, an upcoming athletics competition, that the Wykehamist [magazine] was out and the school shop had started selling margarine.

Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope [PEN 1/3/1/3/49], Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope, 30 Mar 1919

Sent from Culver House [D], Winchester College. Telling Lilian that he was going to enter the hurdles, high jump (he could jump 4 feet and 4 inches) and ¼ mile competitions in athletics; he was 3rd place in “cuse” and his rankings in different subjects; about a task on “The Great Storm”; and that “Long Roll” [register of students at the College] had come out but was too awkward to post. Also thanking Lilian for a parcel, telling her that the shop [at the College] sold nice things and asking her to send a list of what he was allowed.

Postcard to “Mother” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/3/51], Postcard to “Mother” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], 5 Apr 1919

[Sent from Winchester College]. Apologising for a telegram he sent as he had not received her letter, and telling her about his house winning the Taylor cup for athletics and being photographed in the house team.

Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope [PEN 1/3/1/3/52], Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope, 6 Apr 1919

Sent from Culver House [D], Winchester College. Discussing his journey home (in 2 days), that he was first in “cuse”, that he was in “Dick Shield” [rifle shooting competition], and his success in athletics. Also repeats apologies for sending a telegram (and hoping he didn’t frighten her) and news that his house won the Taylor cup for athletics and he was photographed in the house team.

Postcard to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/3/53], Postcard to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], 5 May 1919

[Sent from Winchester College]. Informing her that he had arrived safely [back at school], that he was in Davidson’s division, and that there was a new pupil (Chilton) whose nurse [Herbert Pendlebury] had operated on, and asking her to tell [Herbert Pendlebury] that they were studying [‘A Short History of Rome for Schools’ by E E Bryant].

Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope [PEN 1/3/1/3/54], Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope, [May 1919]

Sent from Culver House [D], Winchester College. Telling her about school life including his teachers and classes he was in for Greek, Mathematics, French and Physical Geography; the books that they were studying in Latin and Greek; that lots of pupils had not returned to the school yet; that there wouldn’t be any recruits for Rifle Corps that “half” [that term] which he was glad about; and that he hoped to be in Toye Pot [under 16’s cricket tournament]. Also mentions that he had received collars, found his scarf, and hoped that she had his gloves.

Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope [PEN 1/3/1/3/55], Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope, 18 May 1919

Sent from Culver House [D], Winchester College. About arrangements for her visiting, telling her that he looked awful in [the house team photograph] and about his position at the school (in “Upper”, Second Table, Davidson’s division, in his old place in Chantry), other pupils with him and listing the prefects. John also lists his “sweats” [chores] and authors that they were reading, explains that they had not had “cuse” yet, discusses his sporting activity (cricket, that he had not played fives yet, and that Garner’s hole was not open for swimming), and tells her that he is going to tea with Canon Smith.

Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope [PEN 1/3/1/3/56], Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope, 22-25 May 1919

Sent from Culver House [D], Winchester College, and written over 3 days. About playing cricket against the Grenadier guards and some West Indian troops, and in the Toye Cup [at the school]; enclosing a letter from the headmaster about “leave out days”; telling her that he had less “sweats” [chores] now that all the pupils had returned, had been catching butterflies, his boots were too small, he was 16th in “cuse”, there was a trip to the New Forest on Ascension Day, air rifles had been confiscated in the school, and that he would write to Nanny. Also discusses his academic progress (he would not “raise books” [get the class prize] but might “raise a remove” [move up to the next higher form]), what he was studying, and asks for ‘Before Adam’ by Jack Landon [book].

Postcard to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/3/58], Postcard to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], 27 May 1919

Sent from Winchester College. Instructions on how to kill a moth (so that John could keep it for his collection).

Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope [PEN 1/3/1/3/59], Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope, [1 Jun 1919]

Sent from Culver House [D], Winchester College. Asking if she and Herbert Pendlebury would go to the first day of a [cricket] match between Winchester College and Eton with him when they visit; telling her he had enjoyed Ascension Day [in the New Forest] and had caught a lot of butterflies, and that he had been to visit Mr Sing and see his lawn mower and clocks; and apologising for being 19th in “cuse”. John also mentions that he has a new pair of shoes and a good lunch for his [Natural History Society] expedition.

Postcard to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/3/60], Postcard to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], [4] Jun 1919

Sent from Winchester College. About arrangements for John to bring [a friend] Hardy [on an outing with his parents], and about a Natural History Society expedition John was going on.

Postcard to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/3/61], Postcard to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], 6 Jun 1919

[Sent from Winchester College]. Informing her that he had received money, and would arrive around 6 on Wednesday, and asking who [Herbert Pendlebury] got in the hospital sweepstakes. John also writes “wasn’t it a sell about Panther” [race horse].

Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope [PEN 1/3/1/3/62], Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope, 8 Jun 1919

Sent from Culver House [D], Winchester College. Thanking her for money and telling her about a cricket match, that he and Hardy [a friend] would probably like to go to the theatre, arrangements for arriving [home], that he was 13th in weekly and 13th in combined [“cuse”] and the Mr Barwell’s treatment [?] hadn’t worked on John. John also asks when Nanny and abbot were going to visit as he would like to see them. Also includes a [list of John’s old books] which he had marked with books that could be given away.

Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope [PEN 1/3/1/3/63], Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope, 6 [Jul] 1919

Sent from Culver House [D], Winchester College. Thanking Lilian for money and a parcel she had left for him; telling her about a cricket match against Harrow school, that the school had won a rowing competition (Public School Challenge cup at Henley) and that he thought they would win a rifle shooting competition (Ashburton Shield at Bisley); telling her they did not have “cuse” that week and asking her to send his dress clothes.

Postcard to “Mother” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/3/64], Postcard to “Mother” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], 8 Jul 1919

[Sent from Winchester College], containing a note that there was to be “House Grub” on Friday and a concert on Saturday, and that he was to play in the Melhuish cup [cricket].

Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope [PEN 1/3/1/3/65], Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope, 13 Jul 1919

Sent from Culver House [D], Winchester College. About Hatch Thoke [founder’s commemoration day] including dancing in pyjamas and singing at Commoner Gate. Also mentions that there was no “cuse” that week, that they were going to the Cathedral (it was “Cathedral Sunday”) and he was going to tea with the Vaughan’s, and that there was a [Natural History Society] lecture on ‘Matrimony among the lower orders’.

Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope [PEN 1/3/1/3/66], Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope, 19 Jul 1919

Sent from Culver House [D], Winchester College. Asking her to send his pumps [trainers] and money; and telling her that he would only be 12th man for playing in the Melhuish cup [cricket], that there would be no “house grub” but there should still be refreshments in the garden, that it was a “whole rem” that day [holiday], and that [his house] had been beaten in the Melhuish cup by Toyes [another house] but had won all the games Hopper Pots [cricket tournament] so far.

Postcard to [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/3/67], Postcard to [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], 23 Jul 1919

[Sent from Winchester College]. Consists of a postcard with “time of train”, “box received”, “money” [written by Lilian] and answered by John who also writes about his success in exams, that he was 5th place in total without exams, and that Mr Sing had asked him to go out on Sunday.

Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/3/68], Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], [Jul 1919]

Sent from Culver House [D], Winchester College. About a concert at the school, John’s academic results for the year and the possibility of “a remove”; and telling Lilian he had ordered the House photo, his evening dress clothes had arrived, that he didn’t think they would be having [refreshments in the garden] instead of “house grub” and that [John’s cricket team] were in the final of Hopper Pot. The reverse of the letter contains some calculations (unknown meaning).

Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/3/69], Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], 22 Aug [1919]

[Sent from Devon, whilst John was staying with family there]. Telling Lilian about: a trip to the Valley of the Rocks, Lynton and Lynmouth in Uncle Herbert’s waggonette; celebrating [John’s cousin] Grace’s birthday; playing bagatelle; eating ice-cream; Duncan and Baby [John’s cousins?]; and that she shouldn’t bring the Firefly [boat] as there was nowhere to sail it. John also mentions that he is looking forward to seeing [Herbert Pendlebury], asks about her travel plans and for her to get either ‘Swallow’ or ‘People of the Mist’ [books by Henry Rider Haggard].

Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/3/70], Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], [Summer 1919]

[Sent from Devon, whilst John was staying with family there]. Telling Lilian about “Rosebud” [his cousin?] singing in church, going to the sands [beach] and swimming in the sea with Grace [his cousin]. John also writes that he hopes she got home alright last night and everyone misses her, asks after [Herbert Pendlebury] and says she should bring him [to Devon] by “Friday at the very latest”.

Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope [PEN 1/3/1/3/71], Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope, 28 Sep 1919

Sent from Culver House [D], Winchester College. About life at the school: prefects, his division and classes, that he was playing kick in [Westminster College football] and had scored a goal, his place in Chapel (underneath where the dons’ wives seats) and [the dining hall], the new men [pupils], where he was sleeping, books that he was studying, and his “sweats”[chores]. Also mentions that pictures [she had sent] were beautiful and she shouldn’t send polish because of [a postal] strike.

Postcard to [Herbert] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/3/72], Postcard to [Herbert] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], 2 Oct 1919

[Sent from Winchester College]. Containing questions written [by Herbert Pendlebury] about books, answered by John.

Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope [PEN 1/3/1/3/73], Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope, 5 Oct 1919

Sent from Culver House [D], Winchester College. Containing news of John’s activities at the school: playing football, going to Chapel and Chantry, joining the corps, and a task about the advantages of dictatorship. Also mentioning: a future visit by Lilian and Aunt Violet and asking her to think of something to do on “leave out day”; Cassell’s magazine; that she should send him any more “beautiful Eastern pictures” [like pictures she had sent of Cairo]; and that he liked “being up” to [being in the class of] Mr David [John’s Housemaster].

Postcard to [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/3/74], Postcard to [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], 11 Oct 1919

Sent from Winchester College. Thanking her for “Buddha” [book] and making arrangements to go home on a “leave out day”.

Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope [PEN 1/3/1/3/75], Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope, 12 Oct 1919

Sent from Culver House [D], Winchester College. Sending a letter to be forwarded to Aunt Helen; thanking Lilian for “Buddha” [book], a picture and money; asking her to answer quickly about him visiting [home on a “leave out day”]; and telling her his place in “cuse” (7th without Greek).