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About the John Pendlebury Family Papers

The John Pendlebury Family Papers cover the period from 1913 to 1964 and document the life of archaeologist and WWII hero John Devitt Stringfellow Pendlebury, his wife Hilda and their family.

Postcard to “Mother” [Lilian Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/2/7], Postcard to “Mother” [Lilian Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], 7 Jun 1917

Written from Beaudesert Park, Henley-in-Arden. Asking Lilian to bring photography trays and caramels [when she visited].

Letter to “Mother” [Lilian Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope [PEN 1/3/1/2/8], Letter to “Mother” [Lilian Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope, 17 Jun 1917

Written from Beaudesert Park, Henley-in-Arden. Saying that time had gone quickly since her visit, that he had an illness that was affecting his throat, and that everyone wanted to borrow his books by [Henry] Rider Haggard. John also asks Lilian to get him another book by Rider Haggard, and to forward notes to Ponty [a friend from his previous school, St George’s] and to Mr Egerton [whose school John attended until he was 10]. He mentions that he is writing to Mr Bickersteth [headmaster from St George’s school] and Bunny [a friend from St George’s]. With “love to all” written in Latin, Greek, Egyptian, Assyrian and French.

Letter to “Mother” [Lilian Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope [PEN 1/3/1/2/9], Letter to “Mother” [Lilian Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope, 24 Jun 1917

Written from Beaudesert Park, Henley-in-Arden. Telling Lilian about a tennis tournament, a strawberry tea, and other news from the school, and asking if she had got him any cigarette cards.

Letter to “Mother” [Lilian Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope [PEN 1/3/1/2/10], Letter to “Mother” [Lilian Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope, 1 Jul 1917

Written from Beaudesert Park, Henley-in-Arden. About a cricket match, news of fellow students (Muir, Austin Colville, Ware, David Egerton, Pongo), their garden, Charlie Hill (a lieutenant of the Welsh fusiliers) visiting the school, and exams starting the next day.

Letter to “Mother” [Lilian Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope [PEN 1/3/1/2/11], Letter to “Mother” [Lilian Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope, 7 Jul 1917

Written from Beaudesert Park, Henley-in-Arden. Seems to be unfinished. News about a cricket match (in which John had hurt his hand), that Mrs Pilkington had visited and he had received a letter from Mr Egerton [whose school John had previously attended]. Asking Lilian if she had got him another book by [Henry] Rider Haggard, whether she had seen any [German aircraft] the previous day, how the birds were and where she had decided to go (possibly to Stratford). John also mentions that it is only 3 weeks [until the summer holidays].

Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope [PEN 1/3/1/2/12], Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope, 23 Sep 1917

Written from Beaudesert Park, Henley-in-Arden. Sent to the Foley Arms Hotel, Malvern. Telling Lilian about new boys at the school and a new teacher, a teacher who was still there and other boys still to return, about the garden and that he had got a photograph of the school. Asking if she had heard from [Herbert Pendlebury], whether anyone new had arrived and whether there was “anyone there who arranged their hair in the garden”.

Letter to “Mother” [Lilian Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope [PEN 1/3/1/2/13], Letter to “Mother” [Lilian Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope, 30 Sep 1917

Written from Beaudesert Park, Henley-in-Arden. Telling Lilian that he had been ill with a cold and so had a lot of the other boys, asking her to send ‘Chums’ [magazine] and saying that the new master (Mr Claxton) was nice and interesting.

Letter to “Mother” [Lilian Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope [PEN 1/3/1/2/14], Letter to “Mother” [Lilian Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope, 7 Oct 1917

Written from Beaudesert Park, Henley-in-Arden. Asking Lilian to write to Smith’s in Stratford (as they had asked him for her address), and to send his mittens and some golf balls. Telling her general news about the school, and asking her to visit to play football sometime after his birthday [17th Oct].

Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope [PEN 1/3/1/2/15], Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope, 14 Oct 1917

Written from Beaudesert Park, Henley-in-Arden. About his birthday celebrations at the school and presents from his parents, Mrs Boshington and Aunt Lily; books by [Henry Rider Haggard] and a planned [football] match against Packwood [school]. Also telling Lilian that he now sits next to Horace Martelli [in class] and that they had a harvest festival celebration.

Letter to “Mother” [Lilian Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope [PEN 1/3/1/2/16], Letter to “Mother” [Lilian Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope, 21 Oct 1917

Written from Beaudesert Park, Henley-in-Arden. Enclosing a letter for Nanny (as she would soon return from Rolvenden, Kent); thanking Lilian for golf balls, socks, ‘Child of Storm’ [book by Henry Rider Haggard] and an illumination on a letter; asking her to write a letter saying that she had knitted mittens as no one believed him; asking her to send his thanks to Mrs Boshington and Aunt Lily for chocolates [for his birthday]; telling her about the teams for football matches, and discussing German Zeppelins that were shot down [19-20 Oct].

Letter to “Mother” [Lilian Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope [PEN 1/3/1/2/17], Letter to “Mother” [Lilian Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope, 28 Oct 1917

Written from Beaudesert Park, Henley-in-Arden. Telling Lilian about a football match, that they had had an organ in church, and that he had a nice time with his aunts Winnie and Kate though it was a shame that Howson couldn’t come but he was ill. John send his love to [Herbert], says that he is looking forward to [Lilian] visiting and hopes that everyone including Dicky [dog?] and the lovebirds are alright.

Letter to “Mother” [Lilian Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope [PEN 1/3/1/2/18], Letter to “Mother” [Lilian Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope, 4 Nov 1917

Written from Beaudesert Park, Henley-in-Arden. Looking forward to his parents visiting, and asking for a cigarette card album and for [Herbert Pendlebury] to get cigarette cards from men in the hospitals. John also tells Lilian about students going to take an exam for the Navy, that John’s foot had been swollen after a football match, that Mrs Richardson had been caught in an air raid, that they had seen a dromedary [camel] being fed, and asks after Nanny and the birds.

Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope [PEN 1/3/1/2/19], Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope, 18 Nov 1917

Written from Beaudesert Park, Henley-in-Arden. Wishing Lilian a happy birthday and hoping that she likes her present; telling her about a football match against the scouts, [stamp collecting], and [swans] which had been given to the school; and telling her that a collar [she had given him] was very nice.

Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope [PEN 1/3/1/2/20], Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope, 25 Nov 1917

Written from Beaudesert Park, Henley-in-Arden. Telling Lilian about activities at the school (football, golf, dancing), that they would be having exams soon and when he would arrive by train for the Christmas holidays. Also thanking her for collars etc. and asking if [Herbert Pendlebury] had managed to get cigarette cards for him.

Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope [PEN 1/3/1/2/21], Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope, 2 Dec 1917

Written from Beaudesert Park, Henley-in-Arden. Telling Lilian about a football match against the scouts and that he was ill in bed with a sore throat.

Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope [PEN 1/3/1/2/22], Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope, 9 Dec 1917

Written from Beaudesert Park, Henley-in-Arden. Wishing Herbert a happy birthday; discussing the Christmas holidays (including having to study Latin verses and Greek, and going to gamages’ [department store in London]); telling him about exams at the school and that Simon and Venables [students] were going to take their exam [for the Navy] in London; and asking him to remind Lilian that he was arriving by train on the 17th of Dec.

Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope [PEN 1/3/1/2/23], Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope, 27 Jan 1918

Written from Beaudesert Park, Henley-in-Arden. Sending news of the other boys at the school, his journey back and the weather, and telling Herbert that they were going to play golf. Also mentions that Lilian must be having a good time with aunt Katie’s children and [didn’t want him to leave].

Letter to “Mother” [Lilian Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope [PEN 1/3/1/2/24], Letter to “Mother” [Lilian Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope, 3 Feb 1918

Written from Beaudesert Park, Henley-in-Arden. Thanking Lilian for a purse, giving her news about other boys’ at the school, asking for writing paper and to send his stamp album. John also tells Lilian about going to church, that Mrs Reynell had liked a calendar they had given her, and asks her to tell [Herbert Pendlebury] about his exam results and sorry for not writing “esquire” at the end of his letter.

Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope [PEN 1/3/1/2/25], Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope, 10 Feb 1918

Written from Beaudesert Park, Henley-in-Arden. About his stamp collection, the weather, the potato patch in the garden at the school, dates for the half-term and Easter holidays, news of other boys at the school, and asking her to tell [Herbert Pendlebury] that his exam marks were only for [Latin] versus.

Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope [PEN 1/3/1/2/26], Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope, 17 Feb 1918

Written from Beaudesert Park, Henley-in-Arden. About activities at the school (going to church, playing chariot races on roller skates, the potato patch), his stamp collection, the weather, [Lilian and Herbert Pendlebury] coming to visit soon, and that he was the only boy leaving that term. Also asking Lilian to tell Nanny that he hoped she would read that letter, as he didn’t have time to write separately.

Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope [PEN 1/3/1/2/27], Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope, 3 Mar 1918

Written from Beaudesert Park, Henley-in-Arden, shortly after Lilian had visited. Thanking Lilian for honey and ‘Nada the Lily’ [book by Henry Rider Haggard]; wondering if Bumpus’ [a shop] had managed to get ‘She’ [book by Henry Rider Haggard]; sending news of other boys at the school (a birthday and illnesses); discussing the weather, examinations and golf. John also asked after [Herbert Pendlebury], Nanny, the birds, cat and Dicky [dog]; mentions Uncle Powell; asks if she had heard anything about Bligh or Mr Webb (a friend of Sir Philip) who had “helped him to save us at Malvern the year before last”; and wondered if they would go to Bradford to see aunt Violet and Bella in the holidays.

Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope [PEN 1/3/1/2/28], Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope, 10 Mar 1918

Written from Beaudesert Park, Henley-in-Arden. About playing golf (and thanking her for golf balls), his upcoming examinations [for Winchester College], presents that another student received from his uncle, leaving the school, the weekly visit to church, and [books by Henry Rider Haggard]. John also asks Lilian if there have been any more air raids.

Letter to “Mother” [Lilian Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope [PEN 1/3/1/2/29], Letter to “Mother” [Lilian Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope, 17 Mar 1918

Written from Beaudesert Park, Henley-in-Arden. About upcoming exams [for Winchester College], holidays and church that morning (and the old man who brought round the collection plate). Also thanking Lilian for a mascot she had sent.

Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope [PEN 1/3/1/2/30], Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope, 24 Mar 1918

Written from Beaudesert Park, Henley-in-Arden. About his examinations [for Winchester College], the weather, playing golf, going for a picnic, and a starling nest. John also asks if Goodman [his friend from the school] could visit in the holidays after they had been to Bradford, and reminds [Herbert] about buying him a bat. Includes drawings of Theseus killing the Minotaur and Hannibal drinking poison.

Letter to “Mother” [Lilian Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope [PEN 1/3/1/2/31], Letter to “Mother” [Lilian Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope, 26 Mar 1918

Written from Beaudesert Park, Henley-in-Arden. About his examination results for Winchester College, a picnic at Bushwood [a school outing] and that he was glad that Goodman [a friend from school] would be able to visit in the holidays.

Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope [PEN 1/3/1/2/32], Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope, 31 Mar 1918

Written from Beaudesert Park, Henley-in-Arden on Easter Sunday. Thanking her for a box of caramels; discussing arrangements for Goodman [his friend] to visit in the holidays; telling her about going to church, news of his friends, play fights and shapes they had seen in the clouds. John finishes the letter by saying that will be his last Sunday at the school at writes that “in a little while I shall be a Winchester man!”.

Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope [PEN 1/3/1/3/1], Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope, 7 May 1918

Sent from D House [Culver], Winchester College. About life at the school and the other boys at the school, including that John was not the youngest and that there was “really no brocking” [teasing]. Also asks Lilian to send [a book by Henry Rider Haggard], photographs and stamps.

Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/3/2], Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian Pendlebury] from John [Pendlebury], Undated [May 1918]

Sent from D House [Culver], Winchester College. Returning proofs (and saying he didn’t know which version he preferred) and asking for drawing pins, a bottle of ink, [cricket] bat oil, trimming for his “toye”, books by Rider Haggard, some more small photographs and a hat pad. Also telling Lilian the timetable at the school, that he had played in “jun-jun crockets” [junior cricket, compulsory] and had received a parcel.

Letter to “Mother” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/3/3], Letter to “Mother” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], Undated [May 1918]

[Sent from Winchester College]. Telling her that [trimming for his “toye”] that she had sent was not the right kind and asking her to get green to match, also that he had played “crockets” [cricket], was able to get ink, and was amused to hear about their “friends (titular)”.

Postcard to “Mother” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/3/4], Postcard to “Mother” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], 15 May 1918

[Sent from Winchester College]. Including an illustration of the trimming he would like [for his “toye”]; asking for a pen and nibs; and telling Lilian that someone had brought a snake into the school, and that he was looking after a baby snipe [bird] until its broken leg was better.

Postcard to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/3/5], Postcard to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], 22 [May 1918]

[Sent from Winchester College]. Apologising for not writing but he had been busy, asking her to send his [tennis] racquet, and saying that he was a place higher than last week [in his division].

Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope [PEN 1/3/1/3/6], Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope, 22 May 1918

Sent from D House [Culver], Winchester College. About life at the school including his “sweats” (half water and half waking), going for afternoon tea with the Sings, playing cricket, and “Squish Pot” and “Toys Pot” [Toye Pop, a cup awarded for under-16 cricket]. Also asking Lilian to visit in a month, and asking after Nanny and the birds. Note that the “sweat” of “water” was to taking a jug of water to a senior (usually prefect) in the morning, for use in a (toe pan) footbath.

Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope [PEN 1/3/1/3/7], Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope, 26 May 1918

Sent from D House [Culver], Winchester College. Telling Lilian that [his tennis] racquet had arrived and that Mrs [Alice] Comber had sent him a notebook, a shilling and a 1913 sovereign coin; about life at the school including that he was being coached by his “Div Don” Mr Chambers [Division teacher], arrangements for [Lilian and Herbert] visiting, and that he would try to write to Mr Egerton and Mrs Comber.

Postcard to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/3/8], Postcard to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], [c.20-20] May [1918]

[Sent from Winchester College]. Containing a note that John would meet her at Butterscross (Winchester) at 1pm on Saturday, and he was sorry he could not see her on Friday night.

Postcard to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/3/9], Postcard to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], 30 May 1918

[Sent from Winchester College], containing a note about breakfast on Saturday and that they had beaten Toye’s [B. House, Moberly].

Postcard to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/3/10], Postcard to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], 1 Jun 1918

Sent from Winchester College, containing a note about arrangements for Lilian to go to a [football or cricket] match at Eton [College] with John.

Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope [PEN 1/3/1/3/11], Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope, [6] Jun [1918]

Sent from D House [Culver], Winchester College. Thanking her for a postal order and telling her about a lecture on ants, tea with Canon Smith and a huge thunderstorm which resulted in a leak in the roof. John also asks for a box to keep butterflies in [that he had caught].

Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope [PEN 1/3/1/3/12], Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope, 7 Jun 1918

Sent from D House [Culver], Winchester College. Asking for his net and a killing bottle [for butterflies] as he had joined the Natural History Society, and telling her that Marlborough [College] had won a match [football or cricket].

Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope [PEN 1/3/1/3/13], Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope, 9 Jun 1918

Sent from D House [Culver], Winchester College. Thanking Lilian for handkerchiefs and telling her about life at the school including a boat race, a “crockets” [cricket] match and that he had been to Gunner’s Hole [to swim]. Also telling her that he was going to have tea with Canon Vaughan and visit the Sings.

Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope [PEN 1/3/1/3/14], Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope, 18 [Jun 1918]

Sent from Winchester College. Reporting his place in the College (division, soccer team, dormitory, seat in Chapel, being Dicker’s clothes cad [assistant, part of his “sweats]) and the books that they would be studying. John also says that the eider-down [bed cover] arrived and he had paid the subscription to the school, and asks for Hutchinson’s magazine.

Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury] written on the back of a printed letter from Winchester College, with an envelope [PEN 1/3/1/3/15], Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury] written on the back of a printed letter from Winchester College, with an envelope, 22-23 Jun 1918

Sent from Winchester College. The letter from the College is about the summer holidays and an outbreak of fever in the school. John writes that the College lost a boat race to Westminster [College], that he had “put up the mugging” [trim decorating his toye in the mugging hall], had been chasing butterflies and liked a frame she gave him for a photograph of his grandfather. Also includes an invented short dialogue about the devil being everywhere.

Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope [PEN 1/3/1/3/16], Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope, 26 Jun 1918

Sent from D House [Culver], Winchester College. Asking for Lilian to change a sovereign coin into shillings and pence so he could have money for a day when they were allowed out of the school, and telling her he had played cricket and gone up 10 places in “cuse”, and that there was an exam the next day.

Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope [PEN 1/3/1/3/18], Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope, 7 Jul 1918

Sent from D House [Culver], Winchester College. About butterfly catching, looking forward to her visit, thanking her for £1, and hoping that [?] arrived back safely. John also asks Lilian to tell [Herbert] that he was 6th including viva voce [an oral exam].

Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope [PEN 1/3/1/3/19], Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope, 21 Jul 1918

Sent from D House [Culver], Winchester College. Thanking Lilian for a “baker” [seat] and a stand for [his writing ink], mentioning that a clock was working well and the mascots were just what he wanted, saying that he was looking forward to going to Stratford [in the holidays], asking her to make a cushion for him and to write to Northall [clothing shop] about his “footer things”. Also tells her about butterflies, carnations flowering, a [junior cricket match], and that they were to have an extra “half-rem” [half-day holiday] and Hatch Thoke [founder’s commemoration day].

Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope [PEN 1/3/1/3/20], Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope, 28 Jul 1918

Sent from D House [Culver], Winchester College. Asking Herbert to thank Lilian for a cushion [that she had made him] and telling him about a baseball match between Americans and Canadians [soldier’s that were based at Morn Hill Camp]. Also mentions that there had been a letter for him on a notice board, but it was gone when he went to get it.

Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope [PEN 1/3/1/3/21], Letter to “Daddy” [Herbert] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope, 4 Aug 1918

Sent from D House [Culver], Winchester College. Thanking Herbert for money and asking for money for the journey [home for the holidays] and a hat band; and telling him that he had been 8th and 10th in “cuse”, that they had been to chapel for the anniversary of the war and had Hatch Thoke [founder’s commemoration day]. Also mentions that examinations start on Monday, and he hoped that the weather would be good in Stratford [for the holidays].

Postcard to “Mother” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/3/22], Postcard to “Mother” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], 9 Aug 1918

[Sent from Winchester College], containing a note about his arrival time [by train for the holidays], asking what he should bring home, thanking her for money for the journey and telling her his place [in his division] (3rd without examinations, 2nd in 2 examinations and 6th in one).

Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope [PEN 1/3/1/3/23], Letter to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], with an envelope, 11 Aug 1918

[Sent from Winchester College]. Asking Lilian to tell [Herbert] that he was 1st place in Latin prose, 2nd in mathematics and 3rd in French; and telling her that there was a concert at the school, he had “raised” nearly 3 pounds of sugar since half-term, to remember the bicycle, and that he was looking forward to going to Stratford.

Postcard to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury] [PEN 1/3/1/3/24], Postcard to “Mummy” [Lilian] Pendlebury from John [Pendlebury], 10 Oct 1918

[Sent from Winchester College], containing a note that he would love for her to visit on the 18th [of October], he had a pound note stolen, that they had had hot food regularly and that Jerry’s cousin [was at Winchester College]. John also asks if he should send [Herbert] a list of books.