Mycenae Excavation 1920-1923: Season 1920
Excavation: Research excavation
The first season of excavation by the British School at Athens focused on the citadel of Mycenae. On the Acropolis itself the Royal Grave Circle has been carefully examined with a view to determining the period when the graves were enclosed in the ring-wall of slabs, and the relation of the latter to the Lion Gate. Various buildings have been completely or partially cleared, e.g. the Granary, the South House and the Palace, and two wells have been found and examined. Outside the Acropolis the 'Treasury of Atreus' has been re-examined, and trial trenches made near the Lion Gate.
Active in 1920.
Wace, Mr Alan John Bayard
Casson, Dr Stanley
Evans, Sir Arthur John
[Journal] The Annual of the British School at Athens, no. 24 Supplement (1919/1920-1920/1921).