Megalopolis Survey 1981-1983
The surveys were conducted to investigate the Megalopolis and the surrounding area. Black-glaze pottery was found and sites reanging substantial nucleated centres, one with a monumental building, through isolated farm steads to tile kilns and, possibly, burials were discovered. All periods from pre-historic to modern were represented; but finds from the classical Greek and Hellenistic periods were most frequent, and were distributed in such a way as to suggest considerable dispersed rural settlement. The survey' s finds are now lodged in Megalopolis museum and work for the survey in Greece has now been concluded, and preparations are being made for the publication of the survey's findings.
Active from 1981 to 1983.
Megalopolis Survey 1981-1983 (Fieldwork)
Megalopolis Survey 1981-1983: Season 1981 (Survey)Megalopolis Survey 1981-1983: Season 1982 (Survey)
Megalopolis Survey 1981-1983: Season 1983 (Survey)