Saliagos Excavation 1964-1965
The excavations at Saliagos lasted two years and the goal was to document the Neolithic of the Cyclades. The first excavations demonstrated that the settlement was that of a Neolithic community whose equipment contrasts sharply with that of the Early Cycladic people. The principal objectives were to extend to the west and south the central area opened in 1964, in order to elucidate the building remains uncovered and to obtain more material from the deeper layers. The conclusions from these excavations were that Saliagos was occupied in prehistoric times for only a few centuries by a single group of people with a very uniform cultural equipment. Radiocarbon determination began but the date for the site was hypothetically set early in the fourth millennium B.C.
Active from 1964 to 1965.
Saliagos Excavation 1964-1965 (Fieldwork)
Saliagos Excavation 1964-1965: Season 1964 (Excavation)Saliagos Excavation 1964-1965: Season 1965 (Excavation)
Evans, Professor John Davies
Renfrew, Professor Andrew Colin
Evans, John D. & Renfrew, Colin. 1968. Excavations at Saliagos near Antiparos. 5. 227 pp. + 64 plates (5 fold).