Kythera Kastri Excavation 1963-1965
The main purpose of the excavagion in 1963 was to excavate a site geographically close to where a series of tombs had been discovered when building a road. The walls and floor of a Minoan settlement were found an excavated. On the Asprogas Ridge north of Kastri, a large tomb was excavated; many pieces of pottery were found and one skeleton with a dupondius near its head (signifying the reuse of the tomb in the Roman period). Other trial trenches revealed quantaties of classical pottery. The second season focused on the remains of houses damaged in the fifteenth cen. BC. On the Asprogas Ridge four Minoan tombs were excavated; reused in Roman and Byzantine periods. The survey was extended to Paleocastro mountain where the Hellenistic fortifications and architecture were studied. The third season saw the completion of the excavation of the Minoan houses. Three trial trenches were dug. Byzantine; Roman; and LM IB remains were found.
Active from /08/1963 to 1965.
Kythera Kastri Excavation 1963-1965 (Fieldwork)
Kythera Kastri Excavation 1963-1965: Season 1963 (Excavation)Kythera Kastri Excavation 1963-1965: Season 1964 (Excavation)
Kythera Kastri Excavation 1963-1965: Season 1965 (Excavation)