Vardaroftsa Toumba Excavation 1925-1926
The large Toumba of Vardaroftsa, which dominates the whole of the lower Vardar valley, was excavated by W.A. Heurtley, Assistant Director of the British School at Athens. The site was tested extensively revealing a number of strata. The upper strata of mound was found to be quite undisturbed with settlements dating to the Hellenistic period (the lower of which contained numerous 'pithoi' in situ) Both the High and Low tables around the toumba were also explored whose finds implied it had not been occupied before the close of the Bronze Age and ceased in the Iron Age.
Active from 1925 to 1926.
Vardaroftsa Toumba Excavation 1925-1926 (Fieldwork)
Vardaroftsa Toumba Excavation 1925-1926: Season 1925 (Excavation)Vardaroftsa Toumba Excavation 1925-1926: Season 1926 (Excavation)
Heurtley, Mr Walter Abel
Heurtley, Walter A. & Hutchinson, Richard W. 1925. Report on Excavations at the Toumba and Tables of Vardadróftsa, Macedonia, 1925-1926. Part I-The Toumba. BSA 27: 1-66. Direct link
Heurtley, Walter A. & Davies, Oliver. 1926. Report on the Excavations at the Toumba and Tables of Vardaróftsa, Macedonia, 1925, 1926; Part I. (B.S.A. XXVII, pp. 1-66)- Corrigenda and Addenda. BSA 28: 195-200. Direct link