Ayios Stephanos Excavation Project 1973-1977
Research programme:
Excavations took place discovering finds from across the Helladic period, including: a vast array of pottery, twenty human skeletons in 1960, and wall remains of varying dates. One Middle Helladic pot contained Minoan motifs and a vephaio pot with an unusual pattern decoration were found. None of the burials were accompanied by more than a few pots each. in 1963 more burials were unearthered, including children, many without goods but some displayed signs of wealth and importance.
Active from /06/1973 to 1977.
Ayios Stephanos Excavation Project 1973-1977 (Research programme)
Ayios Stephanos Excavation 1973-1977 (Project)Ayios Stephanos Excavation 1973-1977: Season 1973 (Excavation)
Ayios Stephanos Excavation 1973-1977: Season 1974 (Excavation)
Ayios Stephanos Excavation 1973-1977: Season 1977 (Excavation)
Ayios Stephanos study seasons (Project)
Ayios Stephanos study season 2001 (Assessment and Analysis)
Taylour, Lord William D.
Taylour, William D. & Janko, Richard C. 2008. Ayios Stephanos : Excavations at a Bronze Age and Medieval Settlement in Southern Laconia. 44. xxvii, 644 p. + 60 p. pls.