Lefkandi Excavations 1964-1970
Research programme:
The excavation revealed a major Bronze Age and Iron Age settlement, with a particularly large sample of finds from the LH IIIC period. Excavation focused on the North East side of the hill, with sevaral building foundations unearthed, pottery finds (including a LH IIIC decorated alabastron with animal motifs), and tombs at the 'Toumba' cemetery. These tombs from the 'Toumba' cemetery revealed rich furnishings from the Late Helladic through to Middle Geometric period, with 44 tombs and 45 pyres found.
Active from 1964 to 1970.
Lefkandi Excavations 1964-1970 (Research programme)
Lefkandi Toumba Excavation 1969-1970 (Project)Lefkandi Toumba Excavation 1969-1970: Season 1969 (Evaluation)
Lefkandi Toumba Excavation 1969-1970: Season 1970 (Excavation)
Lefkandi-Xeropolis Excavation 1964-1969 (Project)
Lefkandi-Xeropolis Excavation 1964-1969: Season 1964 (Evaluation)
Lefkandi-Xeropolis Excavation 1964-1969: Season 1965 (Excavation)
Lefkandi-Xeropolis Excavation 1964-1969: Summer Season 1966 (Excavation)
Lefkandi-Xeropolis Excavation 1964-1969: Autumn Season 1966 (Excavation)
Lefkandi-Xeropolis Excavation 1964-1969: Season 1968 (Excavation)
Lefkandi-Xeropolis Excavation 1964-1969: Season 1969 (Excavation)
Sackett, L. H. & Popham, Mervyn R. 1980. Lefkandi I: the Iron Age, text. 11.2. 464 pp.
Sackett, L. H. & Popham, Mervyn R. 1979. Lefkandi I: the Iron Age, plates. 11.1. pp. iii-x, 309-333.