Pelion: Carnival Folklore 1907-1909
During the course of travel in Thessaly and Macedonia, A.J.B. Wace and M.S. Thompson, students of the British School at Athens, observed carnival customs in these regions, some of which were performed on New Year's, Epiphany, before Lent or May Day. They suggested that the customs were similar to the Tracian carnival studied, photographed and published by R.M. Dawkins. In is publication of the Thessalian and northern Greek carnival plays, Wace suggested that although the plays were performed at different times in the year, they had certain common features. He also suggested that it was a spring festival to promote vegetation, possibly a survival of Dionysiac worship.
Active from 1907 to 1909.
Pelion: Carnival Folklore 1907-1909 (Fieldwork)
Pelion: Carnival Folklore 1907-1909 (Assessment and Analysis)Wace, Mr Alan John Bayard
Wace, Alan J. 1910. North Greek Festivals and the Worship of Dionysos. BSA 16: 232-253. Direct link