Vardaroftsa Toumba Excavation 1925-1926: Season 1926
Excavation: Research excavation
Further excavations of the High Table of the tomba of Vardaroftsa by the British School at Athens continued in 1926. The pits on the table revealed evidence of habitation, houses constructed of mud brick, stone walls, etc. Material recovered from the 1925 season from the toumba were compared to the material from the tables and it was determined that the high table levels corresponded to only four (of the five) on the Toumba; analysis of the pottery from the low table which had been excavated the previous season implied it had not been occupied before the close of the Bronze Age and ceased in the Iron Age.
Active from 01/03/1926 to 31/03/1926.
Heurtley, Mr Walter Abel
Hutchinson, Mr Richard Wyatt
[Journal] The Annual of the British School at Athens, no. 27 (1925/1926).
Heurtley, Walter A. & Davies, Oliver. 1926. Report on the Excavations at the Toumba and Tables of Vardaróftsa, Macedonia, 1925, 1926; Part I. (B.S.A. XXVII, pp. 1-66)- Corrigenda and Addenda. BSA 28: 195-200. Direct link