Lefkandi-Xeropolis Excavation 2011-2013: Season 2013
Excavation: Research excavation
Irene Lemos reports on further work on the so-called ‘megaron’ in region I (now termed Building M), with some eight use-phases identified from LH IIIC Middle to Early Protogeometric. Study of Sub-Geometric and Late Geometric occupation in the area revealed two small Iron Age buildings which reused materials from earlier structures. One is associated with Walls 68 (in the north) and 69 (in the east), while the other probably reused the west wall of the second major phase of Building M. A third, Sub-Protogeometric or Late Geometric building located in the northwest is mostly lost to erosion. During this period, one pit was dug in the southwest part of Building M and another opened between Area M and the Late Geometric complex to the west (Area H). Study of coarse and cooking wares from well-dated Late Bronze and Early Iron Age contexts used polarised light optical microscopy to verify the range of fabrics identified in hand specimen and examine the use of raw materials and methods of vessel construction.
Active in 2013.
Lemos, Professor Irene S.