Thermi Excavation 1929-1932: Season 1932
Excavation: Research excavation
The limits of the early towns I-III have been defined as far as is possible, and the boundary of town IV examined. Though IVB may have had a narrow surrounding wall, the only real fortifica- tions at Thermi belong to town V (Troy IIa period : ca. 2400-2000 B.c.). These were studied in detail: they consist of a wide inner wall, two to four narrow outer walls reinforced with earth, and two well-protected gateways. t a later date-before 1400oo B.c.-the site was reinhabited by makers of a red pottery that can provisionally be called' Lesbian Red ware.' It includes shapes which survive from the Early Bronze Age, shapes which can be paralleled in Troy III-V and VI, and shapes which find no exact counterpart. The latest phase of the ware shows imitations of Mycenaean forms, and Mycenaean imports (1375-1200 B.C.) are included among the finds. The Red Wares are slipped, washed, polished, or plain, and recall Hittite Red Washed Ware; grey occasionally takes the place of red. The remains of a massive terrace wall seem to be contemporary with the earlier stages of the pottery: to the period of Mycenaean imports belong certain houses south of the terrace, in one of which was found a horned dagger of a type which was popular in L.M. II.
Active in 1932.
Lamb, Miss Winifred
Hutchinson, Mr Richard Wyatt
1932. Annual Meeting of Subscribers. BSA 32: 255-269. Direct link