Kythera Island Project (KIP) 2017: Geophysical survey 2017
Geophysical data are still being processed, but already confirm and develop previous suggestions of an area of large public buildings very close to the surface on the southern side of the hill. Gradiometer survey in Area 4 detected a substantial rectangular building or enclosure (at least 30m × 15m). On another large terrace (Area 6), 50m to the west, a series of substantial positive linear anomalies of substantial thickness was detected; it seems likely that these represent robbed-out wall footings. The scale and arrangement of the anomalies suggest a building complex on a different alignment from that of the present terraces. Survey also provided evidence complementing the architectural history of the churches in our survey area. Agios Georgios, on the summit, shows extensive evidence for the re-use of material and a doorway blocked and shifted to the side wall. Agios Kosmas, to the southeast, incorporates much earlier building material including 6th-century Doric capitals. The early 19th-century discovery nearby of a marble dedication stela of c. 300 BC showing the twins Castor and Pollux and the number of spolia, suggest a possible temple on the same site.
Active in 2017.
Kythera Island Project (KIP) 2017: Geophysical survey 2017 (Project)
Kythera Island Project (KIP) 2017: Geophysical survey 2017 (Survey)