Kenchreai Quarry Landscapes 2013-2016: Fieldwalking survey 2016
Pick-up survey of a sherd concentration near the northern edge of the 2013 field area southwest of the so-called Ploughed Field . The pick-up survey located a discrete scatter of material c. 55 × 50 m, approximately aligned northeast southwest. All the pottery has been processed and preliminary reading reveals significant Early Middle Roman activity continuing (probably to a diminished extent) into Late Roman, but with no post-Roman evidence. Uniquely within the study area, significant quantities of chipped stone (including a large collection of debitage) are dominated by obsidian: nine obsidian blades were discovered, with flint present in lesser quantities. The obsidian blades and bladelets include examples of probable Early Helladic and potentially Neolithic date, and roughly coincide with the distribution of Early Helladic pottery. After the prehistoric period, activity resumed during the Classical period: apart from small quantities of possible Archaic material, the majority of fineware is securely Classical early Hellenistic, comprising small quantities of tableware. As in the Ploughed Field area, more substantial evidence of activity appears from later Hellenistic times onwards.
Active from 2015 to 2016.
Kenchreai Quarry Landscapes 2013-2016: Fieldwalking survey 2016 (Project)
Kenchreai Quarry Landscapes Fieldwalking survey 2016 (Survey)