Lefkandi-Xeropolis Geoarchaeological Survey 2005
A priority this year was to understand the ancient landscape of the area. To this end, a geoarchaeological project and a geophysical investigation were undertaken. The goal of the geoarchaeological project was to assess the nature of soil erosion from the tell and to investigate the shape of the ancient coastline around it. While there were findings to suggest water existed to the North and a lagoon to the North West, the landscape's history is complex and needs further work. However, two Late Geometric child burials were also found, the first from the site. This was a major discovery, and is rare evidence about Late Geometric funerals. One burial was an enchytrismos, buried in neck-handled amphora, and the other an inhumation. Interestingly, following the practice of burials at Eretria and Pithekoussai, the second burial was given a Near Eastern seal. From the area of the burials a large quantity of good quality Late Geometric pottery was found.
Active in 2005.
Lefkandi-Xeropolis Geoarchaeological Survey 2005 (Project)
Lefkandi-Xeropolis Geoarchaeological Survey 2005 (Survey)Lemos, Professor Irene S.